外教社对外汉语速成系列教材:乐学汉语 基础篇 第4册 教案U7.docx
Zenme hui zheyang7 怎么会这样抱怨投诉grumblecomplain17591898热身准备Warm-iip34956197There also can be two subjects using after “不是”、“就是” .For example:3 .今天不是他们赢,就是我们赢。4 .要是他还那样,不是他搬走,就是我们搬走。用 “不是就是” 造句 Write sentences with ”不是就是1 .他们不知道不想说2 .我没时间他没空儿3 .这些东西太贵质量不好会话实践 Dialogue practices对话 1 Dialogue 1一、根据对话 1 的内容回答问题 Answer the questions according to Dialogue 1.保罗是不是生病了?1 .保罗为什么生气?2 .楼上的人怎么了?3 .马丁觉得怎么样?4 .他们反映过吗?有用吗?二、练习对话1Dialogue 1 practice三、活学活用 Creatively study and use.看到保罗很累很不舒服的样子,老师说什么? 怎么这么?1 .遇到让人生气的事,保罗说什么?别提了,。2 .保罗说反映了也不管用,老师说什么?怎么会这样呢?3 .对话练习:同屋的手机被偷了,他/她很没精神,你问他/她发生什么了22996459对话 2 Dialogue 2一、根据对话 2 的内容回答问题 Answer the questions according to Dialogue 21 .老师给保罗什么建议?2 .保罗他们为什么找前台?3 .现在可以换房间吗?4 .楼上还是很吵的话,会怎么样?二、练习对话 2 Dialogue 2 practice三、活学活用 Creatively study and use 1.老师怎么给建议的?不是吗?我建议。 要不吧。2. 一个人不听别人的劝告,我们怎么说他?真不自觉!3. 一个人不用别人告诉,就自己做,我们这么说: 他/她很自觉。他/她自觉地V4. 对话练习:上课的时候,一个同学的手机常常响,你跟他/她反映一下吧练习 Exercises一、连字组词 Match the characters into words based on the pinyin givenjTngshenshuizhaozicongyingxiangxiaoguotousujianyizijue、 V qisiguanyong建自气精投管睡效影自神死用着从议诉觉果响二、听句子,并填空 Listen to the sentences and fill in the blanks1 .怎么这么没?是不是哪儿不舒服?2 . 楼上搬来一个人,我就没睡过好觉。3 .说了,不 o4 .我 你们向管理员投诉他。5 .真不! 你们换个房间吧。6 .楼上实在太吵了,我们休息。三、完成句子 Complete the sentences1 .你在这儿吸烟,o (影响)2 . ,我就天天去那家饭店。(自从)3 .你这么喜欢上海,o (要不)4 .昨天10点就睡觉了,但是晚上12点 o (睡着)5 .他一进图书馆就 o (自觉)6 .怎么弄学好汉语? o (建议)四、听后复述 Listen and retell自从楼上搬来一个人,保罗就没睡过好觉。这不,今天老师就问他为什么这么没精神, 还担心他是不是哪儿不舒服。保罗都快被气死了,楼上的人晚上又唱又跳、又玩又闹,是个 夜猫子,吵得他睡不着。反映了也不管用。保罗也向管理员投诉过,但是也是没什么效果。老师觉得楼上的太不自觉了,建议保罗 换个房间。可是前台说没有房间了。楼上实在太吵,影响保罗休息。要是还这样,不是他搬 走,就是保罗搬走了。五、活动:会话练习Activity: Dialogue1 .邻居家有一只狗,最近晚上常叫,吵得你睡不好。你怎么跟他反映?2 .同屋的东西很多,还喜欢乱放,房间里现在很乱,你怎么跟他说?3 .你去吃饭,菜里面有一只蜂螂(zhang lang cockroach),你怎么跟经理投诉?Niu lang牛郎liu niang nian刘娘 年nian nian niu lang年念牛郎72002549拓展 Advanced practice一、练练嘴皮子Oral exerciseNiu lang lian liil niangliu niang nian niu lang刘娘 念牛郎。nian nian lian liu niang年 年恋刘娘Lang lian niang lai niang nian lang郎 恋 娘来娘 念 郎,nian niang lian niang nian lang lian lang念 娘恋娘念 郎恋郎Nian lian niang lang念恋娘郎! 二、口语惯用语 Oral Chinese idiom不像话“不像话”的意思是言语或者行动不合情理。比如:“不像话 " means words or actions are not reasonable. For example:A:你跟他反映了没有?B:反映了,不管用。A:真不像话!再比如:Another example:A:林达太不像话了!B:怎么了?A:我在减肥,可是她一直在我面前吃好吃的。B:哈哈哈。三、配音练习 Dubbing practice (15:35-19:21)(要求:观看纪录片片段,了解解说词的大概意思,练习解说词,然后试着做配音练习。)3836136238361362Fei xing zai Shang hai de gao kong飞行在 上 海的高空shi chang neng时 常 能kan jian yi看见一dong dong hong se wu栋 栋 红色屋ding de fang zi zheng qi pai lie顶的房子整齐排歹U。Qi shi zhe shi其实这是Shang hai de lao fang zi上 海的老房子Xin Zhong guo cheng li qian新 中 国 成立前ta men rang它们容na le zhe zud cheng shi纳了这座 城 市de ren kou6 0 %的人 口Da men yi shi大门以石tou zud men头做门ku men 库门kuang mu tou zud men shan yin ci de mi ng Shi ku men Shi框,木头做门 扇,因此得名 石库门。石bu jin an fu le sheng hub ye jian zheng le li shi不仅安抚了 生 活,也见 证 了历史。Shikumen: flying above Shanghai, neatly arranged houses with red roofs can be often seen. Actually, these are the old houses in Shanghai. Before People's Republic of China was founded, Shikumen provided house for 60% of the city*s population. Door frame is made by stone; door is made by woodhence the name of Shikumen. Shikumen not only appeases life also witnessesthe history.会话 Dialogue读对话,把自己不明白的地方标出来Read and mark对话1 Dialogue 11老师,一脸疲倦的保罗,马丁】 人物:老师、保罗、马丁R6nwu : LaoshI, Baoluo, Modi ng老师:保罗,怎么这么没精神?是不是哪儿不舒服?LaoshI: Baolud, zenme zheme mei jlngshen ? Shi bii shi nor bu shtifu ?保罗:哎,别提了。我都快被气死了。自从楼上搬来一个人,我 就没睡过好觉。Baolud: Ai, bi6 ti le .w6 dou kuai bei qisi le . Zic6ng Ibushang banlai yi ge r6 n, wo jiu mei shuigud hao jiao. 老师:怎么 了? laoshl: Zenme le ?保罗:那人是个夜猫子,晚上常常又唱又跳、又玩又闹,吵得我 睡不着。Baoluo: Na ren shi ge yemaozi wanshang chdngchang you chang you tiao、 yd u wan you nao, chaode wo shuibuzhao.老师:马丁,你怎么样?LaoshI: Mddlng, ni zSnmeyang ? 马丁:我还好,可保罗受不了。Moding: Wo hai hao, ke Baoluo shoubuliao .老师:你们没有跟他反映一下吗?LaoshI: Nimen mei you gen ta fanying yixia ma ? 保罗:说了,不管用。Baoluo: Shud le, bu guanyong . 老师:怎么会这样呢? LaoshI: Zenme hui zheyang ne ?Characters: Teacher, Paul, MartinTeacher: Paul, why are you so out of spirits? Do you feel uncomfortable?Paul: Do not bring it up. I was almost driven to crazy. Since someone has moved in upstairs, I had never slept well.Teacher: What happened?Paul: He is a night owl. He often sings jumps and plays noisily at night, which is too noisy for me to sleep.Teacher: Martin, how about you?Martin: I am Okay. But Paul can't stand that.Teacher: Did you tell to him about this?Paul: Yes, already did. But it doesn't work.Teacher: How could that be?1.精神jingshen名(n.) /形(adj.)spirit; spiritual2.气q1动(v.)mad; angry3.死SI动(v.) / 形(adj.)to die4.自从zicong介(prep.)since5.搬ban动(v.)to move in6.夜猫子yemaozi名(n.)night owl7.闹nao动(v.) / 形(adj.)to make noise; noisy8.吵chao动(v.) / 形(adj.)to make noise; loud9.睡着shuizhao动(v.)to fall asleep10.反映fanying动(V.)to reflect11.管用guanyong形(adj.)useful; effective对话 2 Dialogue 233546011 人物:老师、保罗、前台Renwu: LaoshI、Baoluo、Qiantai老师:你们宿舍不是有管理员吗?我建议你们向管理员投诉他。 laoshi : Nimen sushe bu shi y6u guanliyuan ma? W6 jianyi nimen xiang gudnli yuan t6usu ta .保罗:投诉过一次,但没什么效果。Baoluo: Tousugud yi ci, dan mei shcnme xiaoguo .老师:真不自觉!要不你们换个房间吧。Laoshi: Zhen bu zijue! Yaobu nimen huan ge fdngjian ba.保罗:好,我们去试试。Baoluo: Hao, women qu shi shi.(保罗和马丁找到前台)(Baolub he Moding zhaodao qiantai )保罗:你好,我们想换房间。Baoluo: Ni hao, women xiang huan fdngjian.前台:现在没有空房间了。Qiantai: Xianzai mei you kong fdngjian le.保罗:楼上实在太吵了,影响我们休息。麻烦你想想办法吧。Baolud: Lbushang shizai tai chao le, yi ngxiang wSmen xiuxi. Mdfan ni xiangxia ng banfa ba.前台:我再跟他说说吧。Qiantai: Wo zai gen ta shuoshuo ba .保罗:谢谢了。要是他还那样,不是他搬走,就是我们搬走。Baoluo: Xiexie le .Yaoshi ta hai nayang, bushi ta banzou, jiushi women banzou .Characters: Teacher, Paul, Receptionist Teacher: Don't you have a janitor in your building? I suggest you to make a complaint against him.Paul: We have complained once. But there's no effect.Teacher: That is so without self-discipline! How about you change a room?Paul: Okay. We will try.(Paul and Martin find the receptionist)Paul: Hello, we want to change a room.Reception: There is no empty room now.Paul: It's too noisy upstairs, which affects our rest. Could you come up with some solutions?Reception: I will talk to him again.Paul: Thanks. If he keeps doing the same, either he or we will move out.12.管理员gudnliyuan名(n.)janitor13.建议jianyi动(v.) /名(n.)to suggest; suggestion14.向xiang介(prep.)to; towards15.投诉tousu动(v.)to complain16.效果xiaoguo名(n.)effect17.自觉zijue动(v.) / 形(adj.)self-discipline18.要不yaobu连(conj.)otherwise, how about19.空kong形(adj.)empty20.影响yingxiang动(v.) / 名(n.)to influent; influence21.办法banfa名(n.)solution; idea; method语法讲练Grammar一、都了“都了”表示“已经了”,中间可以是n./v./adj.。例如:“者B了" indicates ” 已经了 " and it can be added n./v./adj. in the middle. Forexample:1 .都九点了,她还没来上课。2 .我们都准备走了,他才来。3 .天都黑了,我们快回去吧。看图,用 “都了” 写句子 Look at the picture and write sentences with ”都了1132092211320922二、隐现句“隐现句”表示出现或消失,表示出现较多。“LP(+时间)+V+N(出现或消失的事物) 动词常常是趋向补语、结果补语等。例如:“隐现句 ” (Fugitive Sentence) indicates appear or disappear. The former is more used. Ifs form is “LP(+time) +V+N (things that appear or disappear). Verb always is used with Directional Complement. For example:1 .楼上搬来一个人。2 .天空飞过一只鸟。3 .前边开过来一辆空车。看图写句子 Look at the picture and write sentences三、快了“快了 ”表示即将发生,中间可以是n./v./adj.。例如:“快了 " indicates things that is going to happen and it can be added n./v./adj. in themiddle. For example:1 .快下雨了,咱们快走吧。2 .现在几点了?快九点了。3 .我的手机快坏了,得买新的了。表示即将发生,还可以用“要”、“就要”、“快要”等。有具体时间的词语作状语,不能 用含有“快”的结构。例如:“要”、“就要快要"also indicate things that is going to happen. Do not use "快”structure if there is specific time. For example:4 .明天我爸爸就要来上海了。( V)5 .明天我爸爸快来上海了。(X)完成句子 Complete the sentences1 .今天十二月二十三号了,。2 .11:50 下课,现在 11:48 了。o3 .这本小说一共200页,我看到第192页了。o4 .这个星期六是她的生日,今天星期四了。o四、不是吗?“不是吗? ”是一个反问句。说肯定,表达否定的意思;说否定,表达肯定的意思。 不要求对方回答,常表达惊讶、不满等语气。例如:The rhetorical question ”彳:是吗? “ indicates surprise, dissatisfied tone. When it isaffirmative expressed, it indicates negative. When it is negative expressed, it indicates affirmative. And the listener is not required to answer. For example:1 .他不是说不去吗?(他说不去,但是他去了。)2 .我们不是学过了吗?(我们学过了,可能别人忘了,然后问你了。)3 .今天不是星期六吗?(今天星期六,可能朋友忘了,准备去上课。)请用 ”不是吗? “改写句子,并编对话 Rewrite sentences with ”不是吗? “andmake short dialogues(1) 我早就告诉过你了。(2) 他去过那个地方。(3) 他没有钱。(4) 外面下雨了。五、要不“要不”是一个连词,“不”要轻读,引出另一个选择或可能性,表示一种建议或判断, 是“要不然”的意思,口语里常用。例如:The conjunction “要不 " brings up another option or possibility, indicates a suggestion or estimation and it means ”要不然” .In this form, “不" is spoken with light tone. For example:1 .要不你们换个房间吧。2 .他们不在家?可能出去吃饭了,要不就是去散步了。3 .你去找马丁,要不去找保罗,他们一定会帮你。“要不”也可以连用,意思是“要么: 例如:“要不" can be collocated means ”要么 ” .For example:4 .唱歌比赛,要不你参加,要不他参加,必须去一个人。完成句子 Complete the sentences1 .想学好汉语,可以多读多写,要不 O2 . 要不,要不,快点儿决定。3 .这件事他知道了可能会生气,要不 o六、不是就是“不是就是”是一个选择复句,说明两种情况,强调是主观的猜测。可以是一 个主语,放在“不是”前。例如:The selective complex sentence"不是就是“explains two situations, and focuses onthe subjective speculation. If there is one subject, put in front of " 不是”.For example:1 .他不是在旅游,就是在去旅游的路上。2 .周末的时候,她不是学习,就是睡觉。也可以有两个主语,放在“不是”、“就是”后。例如: