外教社对外汉语速成系列教材:乐学汉语 基础篇 第4册 教案U9.docx
Gongxi gongxi9 恭喜恭喜祝贺描述环境congratulatedescribe surroundings50268830热身准备Warmiip.你去过这种地方吗?1 .人们常常在这儿做什么?2 .在中国你去过吗?3 .这是什么?4 .上面是什么字?你觉得是什么 意思?对话 2 Dialogue 2一、根据对话 2 的内容回答问题 Answer the questions according to Dialogue中国人结婚的时候喜欢贴什么? 婚礼上的酒、糖叫什么? 新郎和新娘要做什么?白雪喝的是什么?马丁说了什么祝福的话?二、练习对话 2 Dialogue 2 practice三、活学活用 Creatively study and use1 .马丁为什么说“可不是嘛” ?2 .请说一说中国人的婚礼:中国人结婚喜欢。到处都。中国人把叫做。新郎新娘。3 .新郎新娘敬酒时,马丁说了什么?祝你们!4 .请用对话2学习的表达方式,介绍一下你们国家的婚礼练习 Exercises一、连字组词 Match the characters into words based on the pinyin givenqishidaochuxTnnianghongbaochuanghuzhengshizhiifugongxi Q VJingjiuhun 11祝新婚红到窗其正恭敬喜酒处户娘式包礼福实二、听句子,并填空 Listen to the sentences and fill in the blanks1 .穿得 点,不能太随便。2 .我们送,里面放些钱。3 .可不是嘛,门上、窗户上、车上,都贴着红双喜字。4 .中国人把婚礼上的酒 喜酒。5 .白雪 告诉我,杯子里装的是饮料。6 .祝你们早生, 到老!完成句子 Complete the sentences1.2.3.把书 O (装)别看大熊猫很胖,。(其实)上课时,他 O (偷偷)4 .人民广场。(到处)5 .手机不见了,o (原来)6 . ,会有办法的。(嘛)四、听后复述 Listen and retell中国人结婚,到处都贴着红双喜字。还把婚礼上的糖、烟、酒叫做喜糖、喜烟、喜酒。新郎新娘还会一桌一桌地敬酒。这时,客人常常会说一些祝福的话,比如恭喜恭喜、早 生贵子、白头到老等等。参加中国人的婚礼,要穿得正式一点儿,不能太随便。礼物我们一般送红包,里面放些钱。如果你去参加婚礼,不知道怎么做,那就入乡随俗吧。五、活动:会话练习Activity: Dialogue1 .你的朋友通过了一家大公司的面试,你怎么表示祝贺?2 .参加中国人的婚礼,你要说什么?3 .朋友过生日,你说什么?拓展 Advanced practice一、练练嘴皮子Oral exercise16183967喜系吉良笈彖Jin tian zhe li zhen re nao今天这里真热闹,nan nu lao shao kai kou xiao男女老少开 口笑。Huan tian xi di fang bian pao欢 天喜地放鞭炮tian di zao hua hao yin yuan天地造化好姻缘。Cai zi you xing qu jia ren才子有幸娶佳人,mei nu ru yuan jia shuai ge美女如愿嫁帅哥。Tian chang di jiu ai xiang sui天 长地久爱相 随ri ri hua hao you yue yuan日日花好又月 圆! 二、口语惯用语 Oral Chinese idiom有眼光VS没眼光“有眼光”的意思是观察、判断事物很有能力,“没眼光”的意思相反。比如:“有眼光 ” means a person have perspective, good at make judgments. “没眼光 " means the opposite. For example:A:白雪找对象真有眼光,她老公又高又帅、人又好。B:可不是嘛,还特别爱她。再比如:Another example:A:买了一部XX手机,没两天就坏了。B:你可真没眼光,那个牌子的质量特别差。三、配音练习 Dubbing practice (22:48-24:18)(要求:观看纪录片片段,了解解说词的大概意思,练习解说词,然后试着做配音练习。) 54987473Ye wan de Dong fang ming zhu夜晚的东 方 明 珠Ye wan de Dong fang ming zhu夜晚的东 方 明 珠bian huan bii tong de se cai变 幻不同的色彩Lan bai deng guang zui chang jian fen se yi ban chu xian zai jie jia蓝白灯 光 最 常 见,粉色一般出现在节假ri Ao yun hui qi jian Dong fang ming zhu liang qi guo qi hongnian2 0 15 年日。奥运会期间,东 方 明 珠亮起国旗红。Ba 11 zao yu kong bu xi ji ta ze huan shang Fa gu6Dong fang东 方Dong fang东 方巴黎遭遇恐怖袭击,它则换 上法国guo qi se wei Ba li mo ai Se cai zhuan huan zhl jian国旗色,为巴黎默哀。色彩转 换之间ming zhu cheng xian yi ge you tai du de Shang hai明 珠 呈 现一个有态度的上 海。The Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower: The Oriental Pearl changes its colors at night. Blue and white lights are commonly seen. Pink appears in holidays. During Beijing Olympic Games, Chinese Red was lit. 2015, Paris suffered a terrorist attack. The lights were replaced with French colors for moment of silence for Paris. Color conversion shows a Shanghai with an attitude.6 .他们俩是什么关系?7 .他们的衣服怎么样?8.她手里拿着什么?9.她在做什么?会话 Dialogue读对话,把自己不明白的地方标出来Read and mark对话 1 Dialogue 1人物:白雪、马丁、老师R6nwu: Bai Xu§, Moding, Laoshi白雪:马丁,下周六有空儿吗?Bai Xue: Madlng, xia zhouliu you kongr ma ?马丁:有,什么事?Madlng: You, shenme shl ?白雪:下周六我结婚,欢迎你参加我的婚礼。Bai Xue: Xia zhouliu wo jiehun, huanylng ni canjia wo de hunli .马丁:啊,恭喜恭喜,我一定参加。 、Mdding: A, gongxi gongxi, wo yiding canjia .马丁 :老师,我要参加一个中国朋友的婚礼,您觉得我穿什么衣 服合适?Mading: Laoshi, wo yao canjia yi ge Zhongguo pengyou de hunli, nin juede wo chuan shenme ylfu heshi ?老师:穿得正式点,不能太随便。Laoshi: Chuande zhengshi dian, bu neng tai suibian.马丁:送什么礼物呢?Madlng: Song shenme II wu ne ?老师:我们送红包,里面放些钱。Laoshi: WSmen song hbngbao, limian fang xie qian.马丁:那我入乡随俗吧。Moding: Na wo ruxiangsuisu ba .Characters: Bai Xue, Martin, TeacherBai Xue: Martin, are you free next Saturday?Martin: Yes. What for?Bai Xue: I am getting married next Saturday. You are welcomed to my wedding ceremony.Martin: Oh. Congratulations! I will not miss it.Martin: Teacher, I am attending a Chinese friend's Wedding. What clothes should I wear? What do you think is appropriate?Teacher: You should wear formal clothes, shouldn't be too casual.Martin: What present should I bring with?Teacher: We send red envelope containing some money inside as a gift.Martin: Then, I will do as Romans do.1.婚礼hun li名(n.)Wedding ceremony2.恭喜gongxi动(v.)to congratulate3. 正式zhengshi形(adj.)formal4. 红包hongbao名(n.)red envelope5.入乡随俗ruxiangsuisuwhen in Rome, do as the Romans do对话 2 Dialogue 2【24503406】人物:马丁、保罗R6nwu: Moding, Baoluohtinli .贴喜字。jiehun xihuan tie xizi .上,到处都贴着红双喜字。htinli .贴喜字。jiehun xihuan tie xizi .上,到处都贴着红双喜字。马丁 :昨天我参加了 白雪的婚礼。 Madlng: Zuotian wo canjiale Bai Xue de 保罗:是吗?听说中国人结婚喜欢 Baolud: Shi ma ? Tlngshuo Zhongguoren 马丁:可不是嘛,门上、窗户上、车MadTng: Kebushi ma, men shang >chuanghu shang >che shang, daochu dou tiezhe h ongshuangxizi .保罗:你喝酒了吗?Baolud: Ni hejiu le ma ?马丁:那不叫酒,那叫喜酒。中国人把婚礼上的酒叫做喜酒。MadTng: Na bu jiao jiu, na jiao xijiu. Zhongguoren ba hunli shang de jiu jiaozuo xi V Jiu .保罗:把婚礼 上 吃的糖 叫做 喜糖。Baolud: Ba hunli shang chi de tang jiaozuo xitdng.马丁:对!来,你看我拍的照片。MadTng: Dui ! Lai, ni kan wo pai de zhaopian .保罗:啊,这么多好吃的!这是新郎新娘吧?Baoluo: A, zheme duo haochl de ! Zhe shi xlnlang xlnniang ba ?马丁:对,他们在敬酒。Mading: Dui, tamen zai jingjiu.保罗:那么多客人,他们没喝醉吗?Baoluo: Name duo keren, tamen mei hezui ma ?马丁:白雪偷偷告诉我,其实杯子里装的是饮料。MSdlng: Bai Xue toutou gaosu wo, qishi beizi II zhuang de shi yinliao. 保罗:原来不是酒啊。Baoluo: Yuanlai bu shi jiu a .马丁:给我敬酒的时候,我还说了一句祝福的话呢。Madlng: Gei wo jingjiu de shihou, wo hai shuole yi ju zhufu de hua ne. 保罗:什么话?Baoluo: Shenme hua ?马丁:祝 你们 早生贵子,白头到老!Madlng: Zhu nimen zaoshengguizi, baitoudaolao !Characters: Martin, PaulMartin: I attended Bai Xue's Wedding yesterday.Paul: Really? I heard that Chinese people prefer to paste the character "Xi" during the wedding.Martin: Indeed, "Xi" was pasted eveiywhere: doors, windows, carseverywhere.Paul: Did you drink any liquor?Martin: That was not common liquor. It was wedding feast. Chinese people called the liquor on the wedding as Xi-liquor.Paul: They called the candies on the wedding as Xi-candy?Martin: That's right! Come and have a look at the photos I took.Paul: Ah, there were so many delicious foods! .Are those two the bride and groom?Martin: Yes, they were toasting.Paul: There were so many guests. Weren't they drunk?Martin: Bai Xue told me secretly that the cups were filled with beverage as a matter of fact.Paul: Ah, that's not liquor!Martin: I said a blessing to them when they were toasting to me.Paul: What was that?Martin: May you have a baby soon, and grow old together.6.(红双)喜字(hongshuang)xizi名(n.)the character used in a Chinesestylewedding.7.嘛ma助 (auxiliary)indicates obvious fact8.窗户chuanghu名(n.)window9.到处daochu副(adv.)everywhere10.喜酒V VX1J1U名(n.)wedding liquor11.喜糖xitdng名(n.)wedding candy12.新郎xlnlang名(n.)groom13.新娘xmniang名(n.)bride14.敬酒Jingjiu动(v.)to toast15.醉ZUl动(v.)to drunk16.偷偷toutou副(adv.)secretly17.其实qishi副(adv.)the fact is, as a matter of fact18.装zhuang动(v.)to fill19.原来yuan lai副(adv.)original, former, turn out20.祝福zhiifu动(v.)to bless, to wish21.早生贵子zaoshenggulziconceive a baby soon22.白头到老baitoudaolaothe newly wedded grow old together语法讲练Grammar一、叫做“S把0叫做”,这里的宾语常常是对事物的描述,“叫做”后面常常加这个事物的 定义。例如:The object in “S 把 0 叫做” is commonly description. The definition is added after "叫做 ” .For example:1 .把婚礼上喝的酒叫做喜酒。2 .中国人把新郎和新娘叫做新人。3 .我们把教书的人叫做老师。被字句也可以用“叫做”。例如:被一sentence can also be used with “ 口U 做” .For example:4 .黄河被叫做母亲河。“叫做”也可以写成“叫作”。“叫做 " can also be written as " 叫作”.请用 “叫做” 写句子 Complete the sentences with “叫做”(1) 丈夫或者妻子爱人(2) 爸爸的弟弟叔叔(3) 非常了解自己的朋友知己(4) 十二月二十四号 平安夜二、其实“其实”是一个副词,表示所说的情况是真实的。后面加动词或主语,说与上文相反的 信息,例如:The adverb “其实” is used before verb or subject to say the following is the truth which is contrary information. For example:1 .以前觉得汉语很难,学了以后发现其实不太难。2 .其实他不知道这件事。也可以是对上文的补充说明或是修正,例如:The information can also be a supplementary, an explanation or a correction. For example:3 .第一次吃北京烤鸭,你会觉得很油腻,其实味道还是很好的。4 .他歌唱得好,其实舞跳得更好。请用“其实”写句子 Complete the sentences with “其实”1 .我们都觉得他是中国人,O (韩国人)2 .我以为上海夏天不太热,o (热极了)3 . 这个句子是什么意思。(明白)4 .他不是来学习的,o (旅游)三、原来“原来”是一个副词,表示发现以前不知道的情况,有恍然大悟的意思。可以用在主语 前或主语后。例如:The adverb “原来” has the meaning of suddenly be enlightened and it indicates the speaker discovers the situation that is not known before. It can be put before or after the subject. For example:1 .原来里面装的不是酒啊。2 .我说他怎么没来,原来他生病了。3 .原来你还没走啊。“原来”也可以表示以前,含有现在不是这样的意思。例如:“原来" also indicates before which contains the meaning that the situation now is different. For example:4 .我原来打算学习一个月,现在准备再学一个月。用 “原来” 完成句子 Complete the sentences with “原来”1 .我的手机怎么不见了? o2 . ,现在我可以放心了。3 . , 不是马丁o4 .教室里怎么这么安静? o会话实践 Dialogue practices对话 1 Dialogue 1一、根据对话 1 的内容回答问题 Answer the questions according to Dialogue 1.下周六白雪要做什么?1 .参加婚礼要穿什么衣服?2 .送什么礼物?二、练习对话 1 Dialogue 1 practiceuseuse三、活学活用 Creatively study and.听到白雪的好消息,马丁说什么了 ? 恭喜恭喜!1 .朋友通过了 HSK考试,你说什么?2 .中国人参加婚礼送红包,马丁说什么? 那我入乡随俗吧。3 .来中国以前你用什么吃饭?中国人用什么吃饭?你现在用什么吃饭?怎么说?4 .请你谈一谈在你的国家参加婚礼穿什么?送什么?说什么?做什么?48675734