外教社对外汉语速成系列教材:乐学汉语 基础篇 第4册 教案U12.docx
Zdi jia kdo ftimti , chu m6n kdo p6ngyou12 在家靠父母,出门靠朋友探病visit a patient担心concern65196050热身准备Warmup 62909088O 401.2.3.4.他们在哪儿?他们是什么关系?病人收到了什么礼物?如果你生病了,你想做什么?你想要 什么礼物?对话 2 Dialogue 2一、根据对话 2 的内容回答问题 Answer the questions according to Dialogue林达上午去哪儿了?现在感觉怎么样?听说林达生病,保罗怎么了?林达担心什么?保罗有什么建议? 二、练习对话 2 Dialogue 2 practice三、活学活用 Creatively study and use1.林达感谢保罗的时候,保罗说什么了?不要跟我客气了。保罗怎么劝林达好好休息的?你专心养病,我可以。你有地方,随时。林达觉得不好意思,她说什么了?给你们添麻烦了。保罗怎么回答的?麻烦什么? “在家靠父母,出门靠朋友”嘛。对话练习:现在你和搭档在医院看那个喝酒后肚子疼的朋友练习 Exercises一、连字组词 Match the characters into words based on the pinyin givennandaoqingjiaoganjueguanxinyangbingkongpayilianqingkuangteyiguoran养感难果关恐请情特然道况心病觉连怕教二、听句子,并填空 Listen to the sentences and fill in the blanks1 .怎么 几天都没看到林达了 ?2 .你 她,以后少吹空调。3 . 还是你最关心她。4 .我一连几天都没上课,跟不上。5 .你专心,我可以把学习笔记借给你。6 .我也可以帮你啊,不过你还是 保罗吧。完成句子 Complete the sentences.他生病了还不去看医生,你 o (劝)1 .上课的时候要,不能玩手机。(专心).老师,这是我 o (特意)2 .来上海这么久了,?(难道). 真不好意思,o (添)3 .我妈妈不工作,全家。(靠)四、听后复述 Listen and retell一连几天没看到林达,我很担心。所以问了她的室友文丽。文丽说她得了空调病。我让 文丽劝劝林达,以后少吹空调。最后我还是决定去看看她,再顺路给她买点水果。我们是朋 友,互相关心是应该的。见到了林达,她说看了医生以后,感觉好多了。她一连几天没上课,担心自己跟不上。 我让她专心养病,还把学习笔记借给她,让她有不明白的地方,随时问我。五、活动:会话练习Activity: DialogueA.朋友告诉你,王老师生病了,你们商量去看她。B.你们来到王老师家,跟她谈话。1. A.爸爸给你打电话,说妈妈不舒服。B.你给妈妈打电话,问问妈妈身体怎么样。拓展 Advanced practice、练练嘴皮子Oral exercise37267172Chu jia men lu bian zou jiao tong fa gui yao zun shou 出家门,路边走,交通法规要遵守 。Guo ma lu zi xi qiao que ren an quan zai tong xing 过马路,仔细瞧,确认安全再通 行。H6ng deng ting 1U deng xing jiao tong xin hao yao kan qing 红 灯 停,绿灯 行,交通信号要看清 。Qi dan che kan biao zhi qie wu chuang ru qi che dao 骑单车,看标志,切勿 闯 入汽车道。二、口语惯用语 Oral Chinese idiom包在我身上8130044“包在我身上”的意思是自己有能力做好某事、请对方放心。比如:“包在我身上“ means the speaker is capable of doing certain thing, to ask listener relax. For example:A:学习包在我身上,不会让你跟不上。B:那太好了,麻烦你了。再比如:Another example:A:去北京的火车票特别难买。B:包在我身上,一定给你买到,放心吧。三、配音练习 Dubbing practice (31:45-33:00)(要求:观看纪录片片段,了解解说词的大概意思,练习解说词,然后试着做配音练习。)Zai Di shi ni Le yuan dan sheng de di ge nian tou zhe在迪士尼乐园 诞 生的第60个年头,这zud tong hua cheng bao zhong yu lai dao le Shang hai Yuan qti li座童话 城 堡 终于来到了上 海。园区里,song li zhe quan qiu zui gao de Di shi ni cheng bao Cheng bao ding耸立着全球最高的迪士尼城 堡。 城 堡顶duan an shang le Zhong guo ren zui xi huan de mti dan hua Cheng端,安上了 中 国人最喜欢的牡丹花。 城bao pang de gong yuan jie jian le Zhong guo chuan tong yuan lin de堡旁的公 园,借鉴了 中 国 传 统 园林的she ji Jin guan yi jing sheng mi ng yuan bo dan mei dao yi ge guo设计。尽管已经 声 名 远播,但每到一个国jia Di shi ni cong bu wang ru xiang sui su家,迪士尼从不忘入乡 随俗。Disneyland: in the sixtieth year after its birth, Disneyland, the fairytale castle finally came to Shanghai. Inside the park stands the world's tallest Disney castle. On the top of the castle there is a Chinese-favorite peony flower. The park next to castle borrowed the design of traditional Chinese gardens. Despite its reputation, in every country it has been to, Disney never forgets to blend in.会话 Dialogue读对话,把自己不明白的地方标出来Read and mark对话1 Dialogue 1【保罗和文丽聊天,浮框林达卧床休息】人物:保罗、文丽R6nwu: Baoluo, Wenli保罗:文丽,怎么一连几天都没看到林达了?Baoluo: Wenli, zenme yilian ji tian dou mei kandao Linda le ? 文丽:她病了。Wenli: Ta bi ng le .保罗:严重吗?现在情况怎么样?Baoluo: Yanzhong ma ? Xianzai qingkuang zenmeyang ?文丽:医生说是空调病,现在好多了,别担心。Wenli: Ylsheng shuo shl kongtiaobing, xianzai hfio duole, bie danxln. 保罗:那就好。你劝劝她,以后少吹空调。shao chui kongtiao.Baolud: Na jiu hao。Ni quanquan ta, yihou文丽:难道你Wenli: Nandao 保罗:当然要 Baolud: Dangran 文丽:果然还文丽:难道你Wenli: Nandao 保罗:当然要 Baolud: Dangran 文丽:果然还不去ni bu qu看看她?kankan ta ?去, yao 是qu, wo你最顺路给zai shiinlu关心她。她g§i头点儿水果。ta mai dianr shuiguo .Wenli: Guordn hai shi ni zui guanxln ta . 保罗:朋友嘛,应该的。Baoluo: Pengyou ma, ylnggai de .Paul: Wenli, why haven't seen Linda for a couple of days?Wenli: She's sick.Paul: Is it serious? How is she now?Wenli: The doctor said it was air conditioning disease. She is better now. Don't worry.Paul: All right. Please tell her not to stay in an air-conditioner room for a long time.Wenli: Aren't you coming to see her?Paul: Of course I am going. I will buy some fruits for her on the way.Wenli: You indeed are the person who care for her the most.Paul: I am her friend. I should be.1. 一连yilian副(adv.)in a row2.情况qingkuang名(n.)condition; situation3. 担心danxln动(v.)to worry4.劝quan动(v.)to advise; to persuade5.难道nandao副(adv.)(emphasisforrhetorical question)6.顺路shunlu副(adv.)by the way7.果然guoran副(adv.)Sure enough8.关心guanxTn动(v.)to care; to concern对话2 Dialogue 2【林达卧床,文丽、保罗在旁边,保罗嘴边浮框“在家靠父母,出门靠朋 友”】人物:保罗、林达、文丽Renwti: Baolud, Linda, Wenll保罗:林达,你怎么样?好点儿了吗?Baoluo: Linda, ni zenmeyang ? Hao 林达:上午去看了医生,感觉dianr le ma ?好多了。Linda: Shangwu qu kanle ylsheng, ganjue hao 文丽:保罗听说你生病,特别担心,还dudle.特意给你买了一些水果。Wenli: Baolub tingshuo ni shengbing, tebie shuiguo .林达:谢谢你,保罗。danxln, hai teyi gei ni maile yixieLinda: Xiexie ni, Baolud .保罗:不要跟我客气了。Baolud: Bu yao gen wo keqi le.林达:我一连几天都没上课,恐怕跟不上了。Linda: Wo yilidn ji tian dou mei shangke, kongpa genbushang le.保罗:你专心养病,我可以把学习笔记借给你。你有不明白的地 方,随时问我。Baolud: Ni zhuanxln yangbing, w6 k§yi ba xuexi biji jie g§i ni.Ni y6u bu mi ngbai de di fang, Suishi wen w6 .文丽:我也可以帮你啊,不过你还是请教保罗吧。Wenli: Wo ye key! bang ni a, bugud ni haishi qingjiao Baoluo ba.林达:给你们添麻烦了。Linda: G6i nimen tian mdfan le.保罗:麻烦什么? “在家靠父母,出门靠朋友”嘛。Baoluo: Ma fan shenme ? aZai jia kaofumu, chu men kao pengyouPaul: Linda, how are you? Do you feel better?Linda: I went to see the doctor in the morning. I feel better now.Wenli: Paul is so worried hearing you are sick. He even bought you some fruits.Linda: Thank you Paul.Paul: You are welcome.Linda: I wasn't in class for a couple of days. I am afraid I cannot catch up with the class.Paul: Take care of yourself. I can lend you my note book. If you have any questions, ask me anytime.Wenli: I can help you too. But you better ask Paul.Linda: Tm sorry for the inconvenience.Paul: No trouble at all. Chinese say a man depends on his parents at home and depend on his friends outside.9.感觉ganjue名(11.)/动(丫.) feel; to feel10.特意teyi副(adv.)specially11.恐怕k6ngpa动(v.) /副(adv.)to afraid12.专心zhuanxln形(adj.)attentive13.养病yangblng动(v.)to recuperate14.笔记biJi名(n.)note15.随时suishi副(adv.)anytime16 .请教qingjiao动(v.)to consult; ask for advice17.添tian动(v.)to add18.靠kao动(V.)to depend on语法讲练Grammar一、一连“一连”是一个副词,表示同一动作或情况接连发生,后面常常有表示次数的数量。例 如:“一连" means the continuation of an act or the continuous emergence of a circumstance. Numeral is always followed. For example:1 . 一连下了三天雨,衣服都湿湿的。2 .听说女朋友要来上海看他,他高兴得一连儿天没睡好觉。“一连”后也常常加“都。例如:“者B ” is often used after " 一连".For example:3 .怎么一连几天都没看到林达了?4 .因为生病,我一连几天都没上课。连词组句 Sentence construction1 .我这本书好几个跑了 书店才买到一连2 .几个月 他 没一连 都 工作3 .这个一连问题 讨论了 四五次 了二、难道“难道”是一个副词,用来加强反问语气。可以用在主语前面或后面,例如:Adverb “难道” is used before or after subject to emphasis for rhetorical question. For example:1 .你难道不知道这件事?(你应该知道这件事。)2 .难道你不去看看她?(你应该去看看她。)句末可以有“吗”或“不成”。例如:“吗" or “不成" can be used in the end of a ”难道" sentence. For example:3 .难道他没去吗?(他去了。)4 .走,咱们跟他说清楚,难道怕他不成?(我们不怕他。)用 “难道” 完成句子 Complete the sentences with “难道”1 .明天考试,?2 . ?教室里不能吸烟。3 .这本中文书太难了,?4 .这个生词我们学过了,?三、果然“果然”是一个副词,表示事实与所想、所说相符。“果然+v./adj./S.",例如:Adverb “ 果然 " means the fact is just as thought or expected or said. “ 果然+v./adj./S.”, for example:1 .认真学习以后,他的成绩果然提高了。2 .保罗的自行车果然是被小偷骑走了。3 .果然还是你最关心她。4 . 这个电影果然像朋友说的一样难看。用“果然”完成句子 Complete the sentences with "果然"1 .他天天迟到,o (又)2 .今天的语法。(比)3 .汉语 o (越越)4 . 上海 o (北京)四、还是“还是”是一个副词,表示经过比较、考虑,有所选择。“还是”后是选择的,可以用 在主语或动词前。例如:Adverb “ 还是 " is used before subject or verb to indicate after comparison or consideration the decision or choice is made. The decision or choice is added after ”还是" .For example:1 .果然还是你最关心她。2 .雨这么大,我们还是别去了。3 .你都发烧了,还是在房间休息吧,别去上课了。4 .这个问题我也不知道,你还是问老师吧。用 “还是" 完成句子 Complete the sentences with “还是”1 .明天就要考试了,o2 .这个面包好像坏了,o3 .你喜欢在你的国家学汉语还是在中国学汉语? o4 . 已经12点了,o会话实践 Dialogue practices对话 1 Dialoque 1一、根据对话 1 的内容回答问题 Answer the questions according to Dialogue 1.保罗一连几天没看到谁?那个人现在怎么样?1 .保罗想让文丽做什么?2 .文丽为什么说“难道你不去看看她”?3 .保罗现在要做什么?二、练习对话 1 Dialogue 1 practice三、活学活用 Creatively study and use1 .保罗怎么给建议的?你劝劝她, 。2 .文丽觉得保罗应该去看林达,她怎么说的?难道你?3 .保罗怎么回答的?当然要,我再。4 .文丽觉得谁最关心林达?果然还是。5 .保罗觉得做朋友,应该怎么样?朋友嘛,应该。6 .对话练习:一个朋友昨晚喝了很多酒,肚子疼,现在在医院。你听说了,准备和你的搭 档一起去看他/她。