铜鼓中学2021年下学期高二开学考非实验班英语试卷总分值150分 时间120分钟第一部分听力共两节,总分值30分)第一节共5小题;每迤1.5分,总分值7.5分)听下面5段对话.每段对话后有一个小包,从题中所给的A. B. C三个选项中选出我正确选项,听完每段对话后,你都行10眇忡的时间来答亚有关小邀和阅读下一小题.每段 对话仅读一边,WTio K ill now?A. The man's wife. B. The u'onwn's mother. C. The num's inodtcr.1. Wha< doc< the mun think of hk job?A. He enjo) it very much. B. He di>e%n*l cart about itC. He hales working overtime.2. Whai will the man do a( 3:30 p in.?A. He will finish the report fbr the manugcr.B. He will come to the woman s bouse tor dinner.C. He will call the womanWhich of the (allowing backpacks will Lucy like beM?A. The yellow one.B. The blue one.C. The black one.3. Why doc< (be man think (he new student Io0kf» Mninjje?A. He always asks questions. B. He seldom speaks. C. He la few friend、.第二节.共15小整;每题1.5分,总分值22. 5分听卜面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题.从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最正确选项,听完每段对话或独白前.你都行时间来阅读各个小赵,每超5杪钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍,听第6段材料,答复第6, 7题.4. Whais lite Mxnan's room number?A. No. 204B No.205C. No.210What K the woman's group going to do next?A. Leave the (own.B. Go shopping.C. Visit their friends.听第7段材料,答复第8, 9题,Whal an: the speaker% nuinly talking abcxil?A. A plan for a irip. B. A preparation for a meeting. C. An arrangemcni for a candldihi dinner.5. Whac style of dccocafion docx (he man prefer?A. Bni的.B. Ameriom. C. Chinese.听第8段材料,答复第10至12题,What can*t a uiuirt speaker help people do?A. Look slier a baby. B. Check ibc w,caihcr. C. schedule things on the calendar.6. Where docs the uxxnan want to hnvc n smart speaker?A. Al honw B. Al du?office C. AiibelesiauiuniHow mudi did the man pay for the sman speaker?A. 400() yuan B. 45<)O vuan C. 5<XM)yuan听第9孩材料,答复第13至16逑When docs the convocation ukc place?A. In the itxxning.B. In (he afternoon.C. In the evening.7. Whai was (he woman oikc inccrcsted in?A. Traveling <xi her own. B. Imcn icwing different people. C- Collcctinj! ancient pkrlurcs.8. How docs liie woman usually icducc the picture of bci work?A. By walking her dog. B. By traveling to ocher cities. C. By wlking co her bosvWhat's (he pniboblc nrlalionship between the speaker*?A. Husband and wife. B. Manager and customer. C. Repouef aixl iniervieje. 听第10段材料,答复第17至20题,How many departnKnl% an: (here in the college txw?A. Four.B. Rve.C. Six.9. Wb<) is the shaker probably ukinj* to?A. New studenis in ihc collegeSenior Mudcnts in the college.B. People paying a vi%it ki the collegeWhere do the icachcn* of the English Deponmcni mainly come from?A. AusIfaIui B. Englund C. Canxln.19. Whal can know atx>ul (l»e main library?A. The main library is next to the french dqxanmcni building.B. The main library is open for 13 hourv a day.C. The main library is newly-built.第二部分阅谗理麻共两节,总分值40分 第一节共15小题;每题2分,总分值30分 阅读以卜短文,从毋题所给的A、B. C和D四个选项中,选出最正确送项,AIf you are a movie fan. here are Ilie laieM nx»viex highly rectimnumJed by viewers and cHltxThe Irishman (2021) Rate: 8.7/10 14.071R | 3h 29min | Biogruphy. Crime. Drama | 27 November 2021 (USA)Legendary director Marlin Scorwsc spent a long lime dcvcloptng crime qnc The Irishman; talk of (be dinxiof reuniting with hts old muse Robert De Niro for ihc pnjjcct was happening as far back as 2021.Director Manin Scoc%cscWnters: Charles Brandl (book>. Steven Zaillian (Henrenplay)Slant: Roben De Niro. Al Paciix*. Joe Pe«i| See full cast & crewFrozen /<2O21) Rale: 7.3.UO 13.162PG 11h43min| Aninution. Adscmurc. Comedy 122 Novenibcr 2021 (Qiina>Anrui. Elsa, Krisioff Oluf and Sven Icavc Anmdclk (o travel to an ancknt awumn-bound fbrcM of nn enchanted land They set om to find the origin of Elsa's powers in order to save ibcir kingdom Directors: Chris Buck. Jennifer LeeWriters: Jennifer Lee (screenplay by), Jennifer Loe (story b>')l4 more credits。Stare KriMcn Bell, Idina Mcn/cl. Jo*h Gud | See full caM & crewFord v Ferraria02) Rate: g.3.'IO 35.096PG-1312h 32min | Action. Biography, Drnmu | 13 November 2021 (France)Ainerioin car deugner Canull Sbelby atxl dnver Ken Miks baltle c<xpora!e inlertcrciKxr. the laws of physick and Ibeir own pcnuiul denuiiix Id build a revulutiunary race cur for Ford and challenge Kenuri at the 24 Hours of Lc Mans in 1966.Director Jame% MangoldWniers: Jez Buiteiu-octh. John-Heniy Buuetuxxth 11 more credit *Stars: Mutt Dumon. Christian Bale* Jon Bcmthul | See full cum & crewJ«irr(2O21) Rale: 8N10 4MK6I9R | 2h 2min | Crime. Drama. Ihrilkr 14 October 2021 (USA>In G<xham City, menully trembled comodinn Arthur Fleck is disregarded And rented by society. He then embarks on n downward spiral of revolution and bloody crime. ThU p»(h brinjjx him facc*tofacc wi<h his alter-ego: the Joker.Director Todd PhillipsWriter%: T<kM Phillips. S<x*l Silver | 3 more credit% *Stars: Joaquin Phoenix. Robed De Niro. Zaz>c Bcciz I See full ct & crewWhich of the fnlkwing is di reeled by Martin Scootcw, A. Font r Ferrari. B. Jhe Irishman. C. Fnxzen II. D. Joker.20. Who «< om(o save their kingdom?B. Robert De Nim. RI Pacino. Joe Peuri.A.AnnxBl%a.KriMofT. CHaf and Sven.C.Anna. Elsa. Kfistoff. Uhm Menzel. D. Man Damon. Christian Bale. Jon BcmthaL 23. Whnt do (hesc films have in common?A.Tbey are all dninut.B. They an: released in 2021.C.Thcy were first shown in Europe. D. They are not popuhr with viewers and critics.BKobe Bryant, bom in Phikidclphia. Penrwylvnniu on AuguM 23, 1978. w" a professional boskctbnll player, nicknamed "Black Mnmbii" or 'Little Flying Man *. He played for the Angeles likcn; thmuboai his NBA career from 19%(o 2021.In 1996. Kobe Bryant cnicrcd the high school aikl iben began his kgendary NBA career. On behalf of his school. Kobe Br)an< won many basketball games and got a very high (oul score. He broke the record of tlK southwt of Penitsylvuniu thnl Chamberluin had creeled and muintuined for 38 whkh made Jerry West, the Lakers vice president, think highly of him. After Kobe Bryunl became (he dunk (1I1K) chumpion in the Ail-Star Game in 1997. his career (cok off. From 2000 (o 2002. he and his team won the NBA championships for three years in a row.Kobe Bryant mainuined a lot of NBA pennnal records. He once jot RI M:orc in a gAfne. the second hi£bcM xingic-gamc scoring in (he NBA history. In the 2(X)7-2021 season, he received the title nf Most ValiubU Player, which is the higher honor for NBA players. After that, he and his lein continued to acuin loucf reinatkable ach>eveii)en(s. including【wo NBA champioitihips tioin 2021 io 2021.Unfortumildy. on January 27th. 2021. this grcui man nnd other eight pcn»ons were killed in a helicopter crash in Calabasas. Kobe Bryant wns then only 41 years old. Those who loved him all mourned the death of him. Tlxjugh we have a supciar. his maniba spin! will live on. We will always remember his ininxHtal I 不朽的 J worth. *1 know the appearance of Los Angeles ai four o'clock in the morning evciy day., 24. Hw did Kobe Bryant catch Jerry West's ancntxxi?A. He was recommended to Jerry West.B He crcaicd a new burikciball total score record and maintained it for A8 yeais.C. He broke the txiskcibuH total score record of the wxiiheast of Pennsylvania.D. He became the dunk champion in (he 2007-2021 season.25. Hw many NBA championships did Kobe and his team win in alPA. Two.B. Throc.C. Four.D. Five.26. What can we infer from Kobe's immonnl s*wds in the last pAMgraph?A. Kobe deeply loved Los Angclc.B- Kobe enjoyed (he sunrise of Lim AngclcvC. Kobcpracticcd very turd every dny.D. Kobe didn't want to be ixxiced.27. In which 3km of n magazine muy this text nppeaf*A. Sport.B. Sckncc.C. Educacion.D. Hakh.cYawning is something we all do - maybe because we're bored carrying out challenging tasks or because wc tired. Sometime工 Jum seeing ocher people yawn can sei you otY. Bui is this biological function really conuginux. And why do 讳十 do it in (he fiwt place?Many of us think ”亡 open uur mouilis when we yawn lc> lake in inure oxygen, bui in tael ii appear,ihecv i* ik> clear biologicul teaMXi. Aoxxding io BBC BiieMze. new research il might be because yarning cools (he brain down aixl preven帕 it from ovethenting. much like the fan in your bp(op. This might be why we're more likely to feel dmwsy and yawn in warni tcfnpcra(urc$.What i、clear is that we yawn more when we're exhauMed aixi ready few a nap. and we can't control when we do it gikc we KUrt、there's no stopping us! But it's also true that yawning is a very contaglousbcha iour. Jolin Dmry. a researcher from Sussex Univer3y. (old the BBC ihM "il's meant to be auionwuc. ifs something that you can't slop. Dogs原“力 when their owners yawiL animals yawn to och other h happens whd you want to <x mil."Hix research into thi cognitive bchavimir found lha< there is n coanoclion with our social group amd how cRmc we arc lo (he pcopk in k. If we identify with the person who exhibits the behaviour, we urc likely to copy il too.Other research by the Univeniity of Nottingham in 2021 found similar results. They asked voluniccn» to watch other people yawn. They found their ability(o resist yawning when <Mbcrs around them yawned was limited. And the urge to yawn was increased when people were told they couldn't. They iilso found, when using elcclrical xtimuUitxxi. that they were able to increaNe people's desire to yawn. These Hndings, they *ay. could be useful because i( could liclp trcai other conditioitt like Tburcitc's. stuch involve the same area of the brain.Wh;u is ccruin is that a yawn cjrn creep up on us at any lime even when we think we're ikk tired but, I hope, not when you*re rrnding this article?28. Which of (be following b (he elosesi in meaning to the underlined“cuntagious" ?A. Infeciioux B. xictive C. dangerous D. effkrienlAccording(o a new researeh. we yawn becauseA.we arc Umi exhausted.B. our hrain need% tncxv oxygen.C.wc are bored with difYictili (asks. D. our brain needs(o be cookd down.29. Whnt is (he similarity between John Drury X findings and thwc of the univer5y of N<xtinghiim?A. Hununs can't ilep yawning as il iis benefkial.B. When (old not to yawn, we will yawn less frequently.C. Using electrical xhmula【沁心 can sinnulaie people to yawn.D. Wc arc more likely (o yaw力 when someone M<xind us yawns.31. Whai h ihe text mainly about?A.Tbc reasons for yarning. B. The bcocfiis of studying yawning.C.The newsity of yawning. D. The Mmilnrily of (he Mudies <xi yawninj.Hie Wurtd Health Orgiiizalion sa* ihal alxiut 2.2 billion(xx>ple in die wuUd still have (rouble every day gelling fresh drmkii喀 waler especially in umie aniiMrie,in sub*Sahatun Afnca.Now, the GivcPhuvr IxKindatinn has dcvclnpeti wtuil could be a uHan to thi% problem. Since Augua 2021. the orsanizAtkwi has been running a solar-piwcred dcsalinalion plant(太阳能海水淡化厂)in Kenya. The Solar W«tcr Fami brings clean. drinkable water to ab(Mii35.000 people every &y,Gi、cPow" ays that iU pcxijecl is able k> pcx»% i(k 20 year,of uccex% k» clean waler at a co»4 of only $20 per pcrum -bringing not only huge heulth bencHu to <bc people of (he area, but bcvWhing life into p<x)r Icxral cconomi网经济ABefore setting up (M plant, people in (he area often had io travel for over an hour just io gel clean water for ihcmsclvcs and tlieir families. Mosi of the lime, they had(o baihe in dirty water, which krd to ooumlcw health pmbkm、including deadly disease and watcrtximc illncs«c$.The world faces an incrcusing danger of ''water wars* because of increasing world lempcraiurcs and population growth as wll as the inequiubk disthbuiion of world resources. Hayes Bumard. the prcsideni of GiveK>u'cr. hopes ihai ihe Solar Water Farm can hdp kad to a solution tor ihe 844 mi!people arouixi the wudd simply huve lifde accctt to clean dniiktng waler-aikl especially(Ik>sc300.0(KI ctiildren w!k» d»c every ycur dg to wuterbome discosev The orinizution has already given over 2.650 wtar-po*七red energy systerm to medical clinks, villages, and schools in 17 countries, urxi they arc also now researching four additional places where they can %cl up ixrw solar water farm%.32. What can 达c learn about ihe Solar Water Farm?B.h 5Urte<i cn wxwk “bout five ycarN ago.D.li was gi up by ihe GivePo*vr Foundation.B.How the Sohr Water Farm helped people.D.How people's life was affected by water problems.A.It beneGu about K44mi1l><xi people.C.h is cosily but lasis as Jo«g as 20 years.33. Whm is Paragraph 4 muinly About?A.Why tbe Solar Water Fann wax xcl up.C.What people did to deal with waler problems.34. What is Hnyc,Barnard hope for the fucurc A.Solar power will be umxI in inure fields.B.GivePower will sa* more pcopk's lives.C.Solar-powenxJ dcsahiutton plants will help co stop *watcr wan*D.CivcPbwcrA pcxijecl% will vpnrad l<> countries <Xhcr than Kenya.35. How is ihe text mainly developed?A. By listing facts.B. By nuking coniparuoiu.C. By presenting a problem and then offering a wlulionI). Bv showing the effect and then explaining the causes.第二节共5小题;每般2分,总分值10分根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能域入空白处的蚊正确选项.选项中的两项为妥余选项.What is your gvoriie color? Do >xxi like yellow, orange. rcd?3fe_. Do >xxi prefer grays and blues? Then you arc probably quiet, shy. and you would nuher follow than lead. You tcixi to be pessimist. At least, this is what pqychologk" tell uk. And they should know. becai«e they have been 5eriiwxly Uixlying the meaning of color preference, as well ax the cfleet that colors have on human beings._J7_. If you happen tn love brown, you did so. as soon as you opened your eyes, or 或 IcaM as soon as you could see clearly.38 A ydlow room makes most people fed more chccrfiil 8nd more relaxed (han a duit green one; und u red dress brings warmth and ebeer to (he saddest winter day. 39 . A black bridge over the Thames River, near Loodon. used to be the scene of nxxv suicides(白 (han any other bridge in the arva until i( was rc|>aintcd grwn. The number of suicide ancinpts immcduitely fell sturply. Perhaps i( would have fallen even nuire if the bridge had been ikxw in pink or baby Nue.40 .1( ts an established fact (hat factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer aevidents whE their machines arc painted orange rather tlwn Nack or gray.A. On the other hand, bluck k dcprcxMng.B. They cell u. anxmg ocher facu. that <k> not chocMe cor favorite color as grow up we are bom with our ptvfcrcncc.C. The rooms urc puinced in diflcrcm colon* as >xxi like.1 ). If you do. yeti nuiM be an optimixl. a leader, an active pcr%tMi who enjoys life, people and excitenkml.E Light aixl bright colors make people no( only happier but nwcc active.E Life k like a picture er a poem, full of diHerent cokxvG Colors do influence our moodsthen? is no doubt alxRil i(第三部分语言知识运用共两节,总分值45分)第一节共20小题;每题1.5分,总分值30分)阅读下面何.文,从短文后各理所给的A、B.(:和D四个选项中,选出可以埴入空白处的我正确选项。Kung Qibo. u deliveryman from Kunming, wns mimed as a national advanced indivklunl in the irAnsporUlioci indiwiry, because be m»dc4Lcffortx during the COVID-19 oulbrrnk. rvganilc% of ihe 42 to hi