公路施工新技术2004年12月1234施工过程5施工过程新技术自检碾压机移动式拌和楼红外线摄影机混合料传送机6789101112不均匀密度的影响同压密不够类似增加剥落与水损减少疲劳寿命增加空隙率1%将至少减少10%的寿命1314151617不均匀密度的位置18温差超过14C空隙率增加2%19材料传递机2021材料传递机拌和叶片摊铺之前的再拌和22施工工艺自动化计算机技术应用卫星和激光定位技术遥控技术图控技术机器眼技术动态反馈和传感技术人机对话技术23卫星定位技术24激光定位技术25遥控技术26遥控挖掘装载机27碾压自动化28多台碾压机碾压自动化2930机器眼探测裂缝31机器眼安装路面标记32自动封缝机33图控技术34人机对话35遥控管涵安装机36遥控挖掘装载机37桥梁除漆机器人38自动扫雪洒盐机39路面新技术超级性能路面玛蹄脂沥青碎石混凝土路面永久路面40混合料主要特点混合料主要特点混合料主要特点混合料主要特点严格的材料选择严格的材料选择旋转压密机和体积比设计旋转压密机和体积比设计 PGAGG%passingsieve size 0.45SGC41沥青性能分级以天气为基础PG 64-22PerformanceGradeAverage 7-daymax pavementdesign tempMin pavementdesign temp42The higher theThe higher theGrade,the stiffer Grade,the stiffer the binder.the binder.The more rut The more rut resistance.resistance.PG 82PG 82PG 76PG 76PG 70PG 70PG 64PG 64PG 58PG 5843The lower theThe lower thenumber,the morenumber,the moreresistant toresistant tothermal cracking.thermal cracking.PGPG-22-22-28-28-34-3444集料特性集料特性集料特性集料特性基本特性基本特性 要求要求coarse aggregate angularity(CAA)fine aggregate angularity(FAA)flat,elongated particles(F&E)clay content(SE)来源特性来源特性 选择选择 toughnesssoundnessdeleterious materialspolish values4510010000. 2.36 2.36 4.75 4.759.59.512.5 19.012.5 19.0Percent PassingPercent PassingSieve Size(mm)Raised to 0.45 PowerSieve Size(mm)Raised to 0.45 Power级配级配级配级配46控制点控制点控制点控制点10010000. 2.36 2.36 4.75 4.759.59.512.5 19.012.5 19.0Percent PassingPercent Passingcontrol pointcontrol pointrestricted zonerestricted zonemax density linemax density linemaxmaxsizesizenomnommaxmaxsizesizeSieve Size(mm)Raised to 0.45 PowerSieve Size(mm)Raised to 0.45 Power47Marshall MethodSFSCBFBCSR4819.0 mm25.0 mm37.5 mm9.5 mm4.75 mm12.5 mm49AGGREGATE GRADATIONNominal Size:19.0 mm SMA&19.0 mm SuperpavePercent Passing SMASuperpave5019.0 mm Superpave51Insert I-70I-70 Ndesign-96 19.0 mm SMAVTM-4.352AGGREGATE GRADATIONNominal Size:12.5 mm SMA&12.5 mm SuperpavePercent PassingSMASuperpave53I-8312.5 mmPG 70-22 Binder54First 12.5 mm SMAI-68Ndesign-100 3.9VTM55热压密和紧跟摊铺机热压密和紧跟摊铺机!56特性比较特性比较特性比较特性比较Rut ResistantRut ResistantDurableDurableSkid ResistantSkid ResistantReduced SprayReduced SprayReduced HydroplaningReduced HydroplaningReduced SoundReduced SoundSuperpaveSuperpaveSMASMA57Decision Points Decision Points for using SMA as the for using SMA as the Surface Layer Surface Layer 2000 ESALs per day 55 mph58永久路面路面设计概念59永久路面路面设计概念抗疲劳沥青基层:通过厚度使拉应变最小60永久路面路面设计概念抗车辙上面层集料颗粒摩擦互锁:轧制和粗颗粒沥青胶结料:高温性能和改性空隙率:现场4%-6%61永久路面路面设计概念抗车辙上面层车辙试验验证现场加速试验62上开裂63华盛顿州永久路面州际高速公路90号47%没有破坏27-33年;路面24公分;第一次罩面12年;第二次罩面13年。64厚度比较656667性能试验68车辙仪69车辙仪试验结果70717273747576车辆噪音:engine,exhaust system,aerodynamic noise tire noise.For 90 kmph,pavement/tire noise dominates.Power train noiseCoast-by noise路面噪音77 FHWA -Noise Abatement Criteria 67 dB(A)“this is not an absolute value or design standard,only a level where noise mitigation must be considered”78The Decibel ScaleHearing ThresholdConversationPain ThresholdDiscomfort79The Decibel ScaleIncreasing the decibel level by10 doubles the noise intensity!ConversationTrainChain Saw80隔音墙和种树隔音墙和种树Erect Noise Walls or Plant Trees/Shrubs路面微观构造Control Surface TextureControl Surface Texture防止噪音措施81隔音墙隔音墙Effective only for those in line-of-sight.Do not reduce noise atsource.82Effectiveness must justify expense.Cases:I-40,Knoxville:$25,000/homeI-285,Atlanta:Requirements of 69 dB(A)and 67dB(A),5dB(A)Nationwide(FHWA,1998):$1M/mile隔音墙隔音墙83Conclusions,“In general,when dense-graded asphalt and PCC pavements are compared,the dense-graded is quieter by 2 to 3 dB(A)”路面微观构造8467 dB(A)15 mThe Decibel Scale85A reduction of 3 dB(A)is like doubling the distance from the noise.67 dB(A)30 m-3 dB(A)=64 dB(A)86Conclusions:“In general,when dense-graded asphalt and PCC pavements are compared,the dense-graded is quieter by 2 to 3 dB(A)”A 3dB(A)reduction corresponds to:-doubling the distance-reducing traffic volume by 50%-reducing traffic speed by 25%87Conclusions:“Open-graded asphalt shows the greatest potential for noise reduction for passby noise.Reduction when compared to dense-graded asphalt ranged from 1 to 9 dB(A).”A 9dB(A)reduction corresponds to:-a reduction in traffic noise by almost 50%!88OGFCsReduce Noise and Improve Visibility89Noise ReductionOpen vs Dense Graded MixesSource:NCHRP 28490DOTs indicate a strong need for pavement noise control strategies.Proper selection of pavement surface is the best method to reduce noise from pavement/tire interactions.What Can Be Done?91OGFC is the quietest surface type.(Wayson,NCHRP Synthesis 268)SMA has also proven to be a quiet surface.(Wisconsin DOT,1993)Dense graded HMA surfaces are quieter than PCC pavements.(Hibbs and Larson,Report FHWA-SA-96-068,May 1996)Effect of Pavement Surface92Noise Makes News!Families Near I-275 is lobbying the Michigan DOT forsound abatement.In 1999,MDOT rebuilt I-275 withconcrete.Residents contend the project has increasenoise levels.Levels have been registered upwards of90 decibels.Steve Phillips of Berkshire,England-based TRLLimited spoke about Englands 10-year plan to install quieter surfaces on 60%of main trunk roads.The surfaces will be SMA or OGFC.93SummaryHighway noise is important to the public.Small changes in dB level are noticeable.Decrease of 9 dB(A)reduces noise by 50%Decrease of 3 dB(A)is like doubling distance94SummaryNoise walls can work,but:They are expensive.They dont work in all types of terrain.Source of noise is still there.Asphalt pavements can reduce noise at the source by up to 9 dB(A).95Hot Mix AsphaltSummaryAsphalt pavements for noise reduction in order of effectiveness:OGFCSMADense-Graded HMAPCC96