厦大 规模经济、不完全竞争和国际贸易.ppt
CHAPTER 6ECONOMICS OF SCALE,IMPERFECT COMPETITION,AND INTERNATIONAL TRADEThe Imitation Lag HypothesisThe Imitation Lag HypothesisMichael V.Posner(1961)Imitation lag-demand lag=net lagThe Product Cycle TheoryMichael V.Posner(1966)A typical“new product”(F2)Dynamic comparative advantageTest:there should be a positive correlation between R&D expenditures and successful export performance by industry.Dinopoulos,Oehmker and Segerstrom(1993)The trade pattern in the Product Cycle TheorytimeProduction,consumption of productproductionconsumptionNew product stageMaturing product stageStandardized product stageExportsImportsThe Linder TheoryStaffan Burenstam Linder(1961)Demand-orientedOverlapping demandInternational trade in manufactured goods will be more intense between countries with similar per capita income levels than between countries with dissimilar per capita income levels.Tests:the greater the difference between the per capita incomes of country and its trading partner,the less intensely the two countries will trade with each other.Overlapping Demands in the Linder ModelIncome levelsGoodsABHGFEDCICountry 1s incomeCountry 1s demand and productionCountry 2s demand and productionCountry 2s incomeThe Kemp ModelMurray C.Kemp(1964)Economies of scale(external economies)and a convex PPFA multitude of trading possibilities XYA Convex-to-the-Origin PPFXYPX/PYEGNMThe Convex PPF and Different Possible TOTXYPX/PYEFMNTOT1TOT2TOT3The existence of economies of scale generates considerable uncertainty concerning the production and trade pattern.QP,CDACSWISSQSPSACCHINAQCQCExternal Economics and SpecializationThe Krugman ModelPaul Krugman(1979)Economies of scale(internal to the firm)and monopolistic competitionAverage Versus Marginal CostmonopolyQMPD=ARMRMCPMACMonopolistic competitionQPDToyotaDMRMCQMPMNP,CCCPPN1N0Equilibrium in a Monopolistically Competitive MarketNP,CCCPPN0Effects of a Larger MarketN1贸易前A国市场贸易前B国市场贸易后一体化市场汽车总销售量900 0001 600 0002 500 000厂商数6810每个厂商销售量150 000200 000250 000平均成本1 000875800市场价格1 000875800Equilibrium in the Automobile MarketTrade in a World Without Increasing ReturnsTrade With Increasing Returns and Monopolistic CompetitionOther Post-H-O theoriesReciprocal dumping modelBrander and Krugman(1983)Duopoly marketTrade in a homogeneous productPositive welfare aspect:pro-competitive effectNegative welfare aspect:wasteDumpingQPDDF=MRFMRMCQTQDQFPFPDIntra-Industry TradeReasons for IIT in Product CategoryProduct differentiationTransport costs and geographical locationDynamic economies of scale Degree of product aggregation Differing income distributions in countriesDiffering factor endowments and product varietyThe Level of a Countrys IITBela Balassa(1986)