常见的贸易术语有:贸易顺差、贸易逆差;询盘、发盘、还盘;贸易许可证;索赔、理赔;CIF,CFR,CPT等等。贸易是经济全球化环境下最常见的经济现象,几乎没有一个国家的经济是封闭式的。中国每年的贸易额都在持续增长。中国最主要的出口产品为纺织品、茶叶、农副产品等。主要进口产品为粮食、高附加值工业品和一些高新技术产品。英:C.W.O.Cash With Order, the cost of an item must accompany the order. 字串9C.O.D.Cash On Delivery, the cost of an item will be paid when the item is delivered.In stockGoods and materials that a company has available for immediate sale and delivery.InventoryThe quantity of goods and materials on hand (in stock). Also, a detailed,itemized list, report, or record of products in a companys possession, producedfrom a survey of all goods and materials in stock.BacklogA reserve supply or an accumulation of unfilled orders.WaybillA document giving details and instructions relating to a shipment of goods.Shipping dateThe date that an order actually starts moving toward a destination.Price quoteAn officially stated price for goods.List priceA basic published or advertised price.DiscountA reduction from the full or standard amount of a list price.ShipmentAct or instance of shipping goods, or a quantity of goods that are shipped together.Bill of ladingA document issued by a carrier to a shipper, listing and acknowledgingreceipt of goods for transport and specifying terms of delivery. 字串2InvoiceA detailed list of goods shipped or services rendered, with an account of allcosts; an itemized bill.ReceiptA written acknowledgment that a specified article, sum of money, or shipment of merchandise has been received.Irrevocable Letter of CreditMethod of payment most commonly used for imports. The exporter is assured payment when they ship the goods, and the importer is assured that the goods have been dispatched according to their instructions.Shipping documentsDocuments that an exporter receives from the shipping company.The following terms are often used for price quotes in foreign trade:FOBFree On Board - price includes all costs of goods on a ship or aircraft whosedestination is stated in the contract.CIFPrice includes Cost, Insurance, Freight to a named port of destination in thebuyers country.CIPPrice includes cost of goods, Carriage (freight), and Insurance Paid bycontainer to a named destination in the buyers country.Common carrierCommon means of shipping, can be transport truck, barge, ship , or train.中文翻译:订货付现货款与订单一起交付。货到付款货款在货物送达后支付。现货可以即时销售和交付的货物和材料。存货库存或手头拥有的货物和原料数量。也是公司拥有产品的细目表、报告、产品记录,这是通过对公司的货物库存和原料的调查而产生的。积压未交订货已经下了定单但未交付的订货。 字串5运货单关于货物运输详细情况和要求的说明文件。发货日所定货物启运的日期。 字串7报价对货物的正式报价。报价单价格基本上是对外公布的或对外宣传的价格。折扣对标准全价的部分减免。 字串2发货运装货物的行为或情况。提单承运人开给托运人的单证,证明运输合同成立和证明承运人已接管货物或已将货物装船,同时还明确规定了交货条件。发票运送货物和提供服务的细目单,详细列出了每项费用和总费用。收据收到某件货物、钱或发货通知书的书面确认。不可撤销信用证进口最常用的付款方式。这种方式能确保进出口双方的利益,确保出口商发货后能收到货款,也可以确保进口商货已按要求发出。货运单据出口商从货运公司收到的单据。在国际贸易中经常用到的报价术语FOB离岸价或船上交货价格,卖方承担的义务是在合同规定的装运港和规定的期限内,将货物装上买方指派的船只或飞机并及时通知买方,同时负责支付货物装上船之前的一切费用。CIF到岸价格。包括成本、保险费以及运费, 要求运到卖方指定港口。CIP包括货物费用、运费、承运商支付的保险费,运到买方指定的目的港的价格。公共承运人 卡车、驳船、船舶或火车等公共运输工具。