第一部分:专家基本情况调查表条目选项(请填写相应信息)姓名年龄学历职务职称工作年限工作单位E-mai1联系电话工作领域what languages are they produced?小结2从下面的数字中选择最能代表该国情况的数字:糖尿病临床诊疗指南糖尿病视网膜病变临床诊疗指南关键1没有卫生部推荐的指南。2卫生部已制定了指南,但卫生专业人员不知晓这些指南,因此没有得到广泛使用3-P.生部的指南可供部分受众使用和了解,但没有被广泛遵循使用4-卫生部已制定了指南,并被普遍遵循使用Select the number 1 below that best represents the situation in the country:Guidelines for clinical management of DMGuidelines for clinical management of DRKey123412341 - There are no ministry of health-recommended guidelines.2 - Ministry of health guidelines have been formulated but health professionals are unaware of their availability and thus they are not widely used.3 - Ministry of health guidelines are available and known to the appropriate audience but they are not widely followed.4 - Ministry of health guidelines have been formulated and are commonly followed.Section!: service delivery序号条目内容内容相关性翻译等同性修改意见14新诊断的糠尿病患者是如何确诊的?a.这些医院/机构位于哪里(乡镇/社区、市、省、三级医疗机构)? b.这些医院/机构是Describe how people with newly diagnosed diabetes are identified.a. Where are the services located (village, district, regional, provincial, tertiary levels of care)?b. The facilities are1 2341 23 415糖尿病患者如何得到延续性的医疗服务?a.这些医院/机构位于哪里(乡镇/社区、市、省、三级医疗机构)?b.这些医院/机构是Describe how ongoing care of people with diabetes is performed.1 2341 23 4a. Where are the facilities located (village, district, regional, provincial, tertiary levels of care)?b. The facilities are:16糖尿病患者如何得到延续性的医疗服务?a.这些医院/机构位于哪里(乡镇/社区、市、省、三级医疗机构)? b.这些医院/机构是Describe how ongoing care of people with diabetes is performed.a. Where are the facilities located (village, district, regional, provincial, tertiary levels of care)?b. The facilities are:1234123417糖尿病患者在社区可以享有哪些服务?a.临床医疗服务疾病诊断与风险评估b.患者健康教育和支持服务12341234糖尿病糖尿病视网膜病变What services are available at the community level for people with diabetes?a. Clinical services for patient identification and risk assessmentb. Patient education and support services for diabetes for diabetic retinopathy18是否有专门的糖尿病专科?a.如果有,该专科提供哪些医疗服务? b.能享受到这些医疗服务的人口占比? Is there a specialist diabetes centre?a. If yes, what services does it provide?12341234b. What proportion of the population has access to these services?小结3从下面的数字中选择最能代表该国情况的数字DM服务的地点和向有需要的人提供医疗服务的可能性关键1 仅在少数地方向少数人提供医疗服务。并不是所有地方都提供医疗服务;只有在大型医院有这些医疗服务, 而且只有那些能承担得起费用的人才能获得。2 部分人口可获得部分医疗服务。地区医院或保健中心提供医疗服务,部分贽用由患者支付。农村地 区的人口难以获得医疗服务;前往医疗卫生机构的交通费用和服务 费用是主要障碍。3-医疗服务各地均有,但仍有部分人口尚不能覆盖。大多数农村和城市地区都有乡镇/社区、市、省、三级医疗机构提 供服务:然而,成本和交通对部分患者来说仍是障碍。123412344.医疗服务各地均有,可覆盖全体人口。所有地方都提供医疗服务,费用由医疗保险支付、由国家补贴或免费 提供Select (he number below thai best represents the situation in the country:Location of DM services and accessibility to population in need:Key1 - Services available in few places and to few people.Services arc not available everywhere; they can be found only in large hospitals and arc accessible only to those who can pay.2 - Some services arc available to part of the population.Services arc available in regional hospitals or health centres and are partly paid by the patients. Populations in rural areas cannot reach services easily; transport to the health facilities and the cost of service arc the main barriers.3 - Services are available everywhere but do not reach some of the population.Services are available in most rural and urban areas providing care a( district, regional, provincial and tertiary levels: however, costs and transport are barriers for some patients.4 - Services are available everywhere for the whole population.Services arc available in all locations and costs arc paid by insurance schemes, arc subsidized by the state, or arc available free of charge.19糖尿病患者是否定期接受眼科检查?a.无症状糖尿病患者是否有接受定期眼科检查?b.患者是否在出现视力下降症状后才接受眼科检查?C.糖尿病患者是否每年接受眼科检查?Are people with diabetes routinely refened for eye examinations?a. Does this include referral of people who are asymptomatic?12341234b. Are people referred only if they report symptoms of vision loss?C. Is an eye examination incorporated into the annual cycle of care for people with diabetes?20是否有糖尿病视网膜病变的社区筛杳计划?a.如何招募糖尿病患者进行筛杳?(糖尿病患者如何被纳入筛查)b.筛杳会涉及到哪些人员?C.是否提供外展服务?(是否为筛杳人群在医疗机构以外的场所提医疗服务?)d.筛查覆盖率?e.筛杳费用承担方?【s there a community screening programme for diabetic retinopathy?a. How are people with diabetes recruited for screening?b. What personnel are involved?c. Is any outreach screening provided?12341234第二部分:问卷内容效度及翻译效度专家咨询表d. Coverage of screening?e. Who pays for the screening?21糖尿病视网膜病变患者最常见的眼科检杳场所(乡镇/社区、市、省、 三级医疗机构)?a.使用这项服务的人口占比?b.人们获得服务上的障碍是什么?C.这些医院/机构是:Where are eye examinations for diabetic retinopathy performed most commonly in villages, at district, regional, provincial, tertiary levels of care)?a. What proportion of the population can access this serviceb. What are the barriers that prevent access to services?C. The services are:12341234小从下面的数字中选择最能代表该国情况的数字:12341234本轮专家咨询表共包括7个维度,43个条目,9个小结,每个条目或者小结中的英文为问卷原文,中文为译文。请您 对各表中列出的每个条目的内容相关性和诩译一致性进行评定,在相应的地方打“V”即可,其中内容相关性评分:1= 不相关,2:弱相关,3=一般相关,4=很相关,翻译等同性评分:不等同,2=不太等同,3二基本等同,4=完全等同。如 果您认为某条目翻译不准确或者描述需要修改,请在修改意见栏内补充。请勿空项不填或者漏填,感谢您的支持与配合!Section 1: Priorities, policies and programmes序号条目内容内容相关性翻译等同性修改意见1糖尿病是否被列为国家健康重点专项?Is diabetes listed as a national health priority?123412342糖尿病视网腴病变(DR)是否被列为国家防盲计划的优先事项?Is diabetic retinopathy (DR) listed as a priority in the national prevention of blindness plan?12341234结4DM服务的地点和向有需要的人提供服务的可能性关键1-在少数地方向少数人提供服务。并不是所有地方都提供服务:只有在大型医院有这些服务,而且只 有那些有能力付费的人才能获得。2-部分人口可获得部分服务。地区医院或保健中心提供服务,部分费用由患者支付。农村地区的 人口难以获得服务:前往医疗卫生机构的交通和服务费用是主要障 碍。3-服务各地均有,但仍有部分人口不能覆盖。大多数农村和城市地区都有乡镇/社区、市、省、三级医疗机构提供 服务:然而,成本和交通对部分患者来说仍是障碍。4.服务各地均有,面向全体人口。所有地方都提供服务,费用由医疗保险支付、由国家补贴或免费提供Select (he number below thai best represents the situaiion in the country:Location of DM services and accessibility to population in needKey1 - Services available in few places and to few people.Services are not available everywhere; they can be found only in large hospitals and arc accessible only to those who can pay.2 - Some services arc available to part of the population.Services arc available in regional hospitals or health centres and arc partly paid by the patients. Populations in rural areas cannot reach services easily; transport to the health facilities and the cost of service arc the main barriers.3 - Services arc available everywhere but do not reach some of the population.Services are available in most rural and urban areas providing care at district, regional, provincial and tertiary levels: however, costs and transport are barriers for some patients.4 - Services are available everywhere for the whole population.Services arc available in all locations and costs arc paid by insurance schemes, are subsidized by the state, or are available free of charge.22描述糖尿病医疗保健服务和眼科医疗保健服务之间的合作网络a.相关从业人员b.转诊路径(单向、双向)C.从业人员之间共享哪些信息?Describe the networks between services for diabetes care and eye care.a. Stakeholdersb. Refenal pathways (one-way, reciprocal)C. What information is shared between practitioners?1234123423是否有非政府组织(NGOs)参与糖尿病和糖尿病视网膜病变患者的 医疗保健服务?如果有的话,它们在糖尿病和植尿病患者的眼科检查(健康促进、筛查、激光、玻璃体视网膜手术)中起到哪些作用?如 果有的话,它们在糖尿病和糖尿病患者的眼科检查(健康促进、筛查、 激光、玻璃体视网膜手术)中起到哪些作用?Are any nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) involved in (he care of people with diabetes and diabetic rctinopathy?If so, what roles do they perform in diabetes and in eye examination for people with diabetes (health promotion, screening, laser, vitrcorctinal surgery)?12341234小结5从下面的数字中选择最能代表该国情况的数字DM和DR医务人员之间的美系网关键1-在单独的DM和DR医务人员之间没有已知的合作2-很少有专科提供以病人为中心的医疗保健服务123412343-有一些专科通过DM和DR之间的转诊提供以病人为中心的医疗 保健服务4-大多数专科基于DM和DR之间的转诊提供以患者为中心的医疗保 健服务Select the number below that best represents the situation in the country:Networks between the care providers for DM and DRKey1 - There is no known collaboration between separate providers of care for DM and DR.2 - Few centres provide patient-centred care.3 - Some centres provide paticnt-ccntrcd care by means of collaboration between DM and DR services.4 - Most centres provide patient-centred care based on collaboration between DM and DR services.Section3: health work force序号条目内容内容相关性翻译等同性修改意见24哪类卫生专业人员(内分泌科医生、眼科医生、初级保健医生、普通 护士、糖尿病护士或眼科培训护士、营养师等)可以照顾糖尿病患者? 各级卫生系统的医患比和护患比?What categories of health professionals (endocrinologist; ophthalmologist; primaiy care physician; general, diabetes or ophthalmic-trained nurse; dieti- cian; etc.) are available to care for people with diabetes?What is the ratio of providers to patients at each level of the health system?1 23 41 23 425基层医务人员(护士和初级卫生保健医师)的教学课程中包括糖尿病诊疗的哪些方面?1 23 41 23 4 对糖尿病并发症的认识一尤其是糖尿病视网膜病变引起的视 力下降 患者健康教育眼科检查的必要性与转诊时机 糖尿病视网膜病变的诊疗What aspects of diabetes management are included in the teaching curriculum for primary health care workers (nurses and primary care physicians)? Awareness of complications of diabetes - specifically, vision loss from diabetic retinopathy Health education for patients Need for and timing of referral tor eye examination Management of diabetic retinopathy26如何向基层医务人员提供继续医学教育?政府、大学、专业组织的正式培训12341234 定期的非正式更新 研讨会 指南更新How is continuing medical education provided to primary health care workers? Fonnal training by government, university, professional organizations Regular informal updates Workshops Updates on guidelines小结6从下面的数字中选择最能代表该国情况的数字:DM和DR的医务人员的培训机会和质量关键1-很大程度上是缺乏的123412342-培训机会很少,因此医务人员供不应求3-仅在大城市和医院提供培训4-DM和DR的培训充足且质量良好Select (he number below thai best represents the situation in the country:Training opportunities and quality for DM and DR care providersKey1 - Largely inadequate.2 - Few training opportunities; consequently fewer human resources than needed.3 - Training available only in large cities and hospitals.4 - Training for DM and DR is appropriate and of good quality.Section4: health technology序号条目内容内容相关性翻译等同性修改意见27有以下检验技术/检查设备? 糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)、血脂、肌酊、尿蛋白的生化实验室检 杳 血糖仪(由糖尿病患者或医疗机构持有/保存) 裂隙灯 直接检眼镜Are the following investigations/equipment available? Biochemical laboratory tests for HbAlc (glycated haemoglobin), lipids, creatinine, urinary protein Blood glucose meter (owned/kept by patients with diabetes or by the12 3 412 3 43贵国是否有全国性的糖尿病防治计划?Does your country have a national diabetes plan?123412344如果有的话,这项国家计划包括哪些内容?糖尿病的一级预防并发症(包括视力损害)社区监控和患者健康教育临床医疗保健服务与用品f so, what does this national plan cover?Primaiy prevention of diabetesComplications (including vision impairment) Community awareness and patient education Clinical care, services, and supplies123412345是否有关于膳食和/或营养的国家政策?Is there a national policy on food and/or nutrition?12341234health service) Slit lamp Direct ophthalmoscope28是否有以卜.技术运用于糖尿病视网膜病变的视网膜检杳? 由眼科医生进行的散瞳后的眼底检查 由屈光师/验光师进行的散瞳后的验光 视网膜眼底照相散瞳后 视网膜眼底照相-小孔What technologies are used to perform retinal examination for diabetic retinopathy? Dilated eye examination by ophthalmologist Dilated eye examination by refractionist/optometrist Retinal imaging - mydriatic camera Retinal imaging - non-mydriatic camera1234123429这些技术的普及性?(乡镇/社区、市、省、三级医疗机构) Where are these technologies available (villages, district, regional, provincial, tertiary levels of care)?12341234小结7从下面的数字中选择最能代表该国情况的数字卫生技术的可获得性关键1 缺乏现代检查技术与设备2现代检查技术仅在大医院和私人诊所可用。3.大多数省级医院和诊所都有现代检查技术。4-所有患者都能用上现代检查技术与设备Select the number below that best represents the situation in the country:Accessibility of health technologyKey1 - Modern examination technology not available to the majority of12341234patients.2 - Modern examination technology available only in major hospitals and private clinics.3 - Modern examination technology available in most provincial hospitals and clinics.4 - Modern examination technology available to all patients.Sections: health information management system序号条目内容内容相关性翻译等同性修改意见30哪些是国家认可的糖尿病人群健康状况监测指标?口患病率发病率未测量测量频率What nationally agreed health population indicators of diabetes are monitored? Prevalence Incidence Not measured12 3 412 3 4How often are they measured?31哪些是国家认可的糖尿病视网膜病变的人群健康状况监测指标?视力损害和失明的患病率未测量测量频率?What nationally agreed health population indicators of diabetic retinopathy are monitored? Prevalence of vision impairment and blindness Not measuredHow often are they measured?1234123432收集这些信息所使用的方法(调查、医院数据、医疗保险数据)。Describe the methods used (surveys, hospital data, health insurancestatistics) to collect this information.1234123433如何整理和汇报信息(数据标准化)?12341234Describe how the information is collated and reported (standardized data set).34在医院的患者病历中记录了糖尿病患者的哪些信息? 危险因素 并发症一包括糖尿病视网膜病变 糖尿病视网膜病变患者的既往眼科检杳 治疗过程 随访记录What information about individual patients with diabetes is recorded in their patient medical records in hospitals? Risk factors Complications - including diabetic retinopathy Previous eye examination for diabetic retinopathy Treatments12341234 Follow-up35是否有适用于糖尿病患者的眼科检查回访系统?Is there a recall system for people with diabetes to have follow-up eye examination?12341234小结8从下而的数字中选择最能代表该国情况的数字疾病负担知识关键1-糖尿病和糖尿病视网膜病变的患病率未知也未经估算:患者信息 不完整2-糖尿病的患病率已知,但DR的患病率未知,或者DR的患病率已知,但DM的患病率未知,并且未利用患者的记录。3-已知或已估算了糖尿病和糖尿病的患病率:患者的病历会用于国 家级的数据分析。123412344-已知或已估算了糖尿病和糖尿病的患病率:对患者的病历进行整 理、分析并定期发布Select the number below that best represents the situation in the couniry Knowledge of disease burdenKey1 一 Prevalence of DM and DR is neither known nor estimated;information about patients is inadequate.2 - Prevalence of DM is known but not the prevalence of DR.orPrevalence of DR is known but not the prevalence of DM, and paticnts, records arc not utilized.3 - Pr