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    他们进去了They're in.安多前情提要我们要离开这里去哪里-We're getting out of here. -To go where?想去哪里都行Anywhere we want.我走运了I got lucky.我的信用点足够我们去任何地方I've got enough credits to get us anywhere.我们把阿尔达尼事件仅仅当作一次抢劫We're treating what happened at Aldhani like a robbery.那您怎么看What would you call it?这是一次宣言An announcement.你明白这会导致什么后果吗You realize what you*ve set in motion?人 ♥民♥会受苦People will suffer.这是计划的一部分That's the plan.我希望她靠得住I hope she's worth it.只能走着瞧了对不对Well, well see, won't we?我们不能躲一辈子We can't hide forever.我能证明我们被盗的机密设备I can now prove a link between the theft of our most secret equipment 被分发给全银河系的叛军组织and its distribution to rebel groups across the galaxy.我决定暂时把莫拉纳星区重新分配给米罗监督官For the moment, I'm reassigning the Morlana Sector to Supervisor Meero.费里克斯是她重点关注的星球Ferrix is of great interest to her并且显然让你过度分心了and has clearly become a distraction for you.如果所有人都认为我只是讨人厌As long as everyone thinks I'm an irritation,说说你遇到的那个同伙Let's talk about the accomplice you encountered.你对布莱文中尉说安多身边有一个老年男性You told Lieutenant Blevin that Andor was in the company of an older man, 高个子穿着斗篷tall, wearing a cloak.有要补充的吗What*s not in here?灰色斗篷灰绿色Grey cloak, grey green.深色靴子Dark boots.我没太看清I didn*t get a good look.如果听到他的声音我能认出来I heard his voice, Td recognize it.接下来这样安排卡恩先生Here's what we'll do, Mr. Karn.请停止提交有关安多的申请You'll stop filing requests for Andor.如果你同意我将通知标准局Anticipating that, I will inform the Bureau of Standards你今天在为帝国效力that you were of service to the Empire today.我是个称职的副督察I was a good deputy inspector!我工作出色I was very good.两天内就锁定了双人谋杀案的凶手I solved a double murder and found the killer in two days.没错我过于雄心勃勃I was overly ambitious, yes,但当时情况紧急机会稍纵即逝but time was slipping away, and the opportunity was real.为帝国效力就像你刚才说的Service to the Empire, you just said it.为了维护秩序怎么激进都不为过Can one ever be too aggressive in preserving order?这样对我不公平I didn*t deserve what happened.祝你好运I wish you luck.我该走了I'm running late.你得找到安多才能查到他的同党It's clear you need Andor in order to find his partner.这比两名企业保安人员的死更重要This is more important than the death of two Corporate Security guards. 我可以成为你们的得力助手I could be a valuable asset going forward.再乱发警报审问你的就不是我了Raise the alarm one more time, and it won't be me you're speaking to.忘掉今天的事Forget this happened.站着别动Stop right there.规定姿势On program.双手抱头眼睛看前面两脚站好That means, hands on head, eyes front, feet on the floor.快点Do it.电击棒Zap rod.这个滋味可不好受If I have to use it, you'll remember it.懂吗Yes? Yes?怎么回事你的搭档呢What's goin* on? Where's your partner?一层出了点技术状况They had a tech problem on One.按时押送比技术问题重要明白吗Delivery takes priority over tech, you know that.他很快就来He'll be here any second.5-2-D新人准备就绪请优先安排New man ready on five-two-D, requesting units override.收到马上到Copy that. Coming up.这可不行日程表定好的That's not good. This was on the schedule.-他不能迟到他很快到-He can't just not turn up. -Hell be here.已重新安排5-2归你了Override engaged. Five-two, you have the floor.我们还有其他押送任务等着We've got deliveries' waiting.-眼睛看前面-快把他押到环廊去-Eyes front. -Let's just get him out on the Ring.向前一步快点走Step forward, letrs go, move.向前一步站好快走Step forward and stop, now, move.停Stop.我说了眼睛看前面Eyes front, I said.抱歉我只能等着Sorry, I had to wait.他们那边缺人手They were short-handed.他们不得不从四层拉个人我尽快赶过来了They had to pull a guy out from Four. I came as quick as I could.快站好我们迟到了Post up. We're already behind.-好了吗好了你们走吧-We good? -Yes, you can go.-楼层准备就绪-准备好了-Ready on the floor? -Looks good.准备开门Prep for door.规定姿势On program.走到升降台上站好Step on to the lift and stop.-往前走-新人来了-Move forward. -New man on the floor!-走-所有人原地站好-Move. -Hold your positions.站上去Step on there and stop.下去走Step off, move. 我说了下去快I said, step off, now! 走Move!这里是5-2-D单位This is Unit Five-Two-D.第五层第二间D指白班Level five, room two, the D is for Day shift.工厂一共七层每层七个车间Seven levels of factory, seven rooms per level, 每个车间七个操作台每个操作台有七个人 seven tables per room, seven men, each table. 我叫基诺洛伊My name is Kino Loy.我是5-2-D单位的主管I'm the Five-Two-D unit manager.这里的49个人都听我的The forty-nine men in this room answer to me.姓名Name.基夫 Keef.基夫格戈Keef Girgo.他不会回来了He won't be back.他们只会带走死人送来替补They only come to pick up the dead and bring their replacements. 你现在归我管You're mine now.解除姿势Off program! 继续工作Back to work!听好了Listen up.我们十二小时轮班Itrs a 12-hour shift.这里鼓励生产持续评估Productivity is encouraged, evaluation is constant.你被分配到五号♥台You have been assigned table five,现在已经落后了which is the pod that is behind因为你还没有开始工作because you're not on the line doing your job.-你识字吗-对-Can you read? -Yeah.你看这一栏中一到七You see in the main boxes, one through seven,是这个班次这个车间所有操作台的分数those are the scores for the tables in this room, on this shift.你是几号♥台What's your table number?五号♥Five.看吧五号♥台There you go, table five.看见了最底下See it? At the bottom?最后一名你的位置Last place. That's you.这七个分数是当前班次The seven tallies are the running shift本层其他车间的分数totals of all the other rooms on this floor.你和这个车间里的其他台子比赛You play against all the other tables in this room,我和所有其他车间比I play against all the other rooms.比赛-Play?随你怎么叫-Call it what you will,说了这么多是让你搞清楚一件事the point of this conversation is that you understand one thing most clearly. 我的刑期还剩249天I have 249 days left of my sentence.这个车间一切由我说了算I have a free hand in how I run this room.我一直在本层排前三名I'm used to being in the top three on the level.你最好帮我保持名次You will wanna keep that happening.你应该懂我的意思I'm sensing you understand me.生病受伤你跟我说Sick, injured, you talk to me.和别的犯人有冲突我会第一时间发现Problems with another inmate, Til know before you do.丧失希望丧失理智你自己消化Losing hope, your mind, keep it to yourself.永远不要拖我的后腿Don't ever slow up my line.五号♥台Table five.五号♥台Table five!五号♥台Table five?对我们等了好久了Yeah, we've been waiting.你叫什么名字What do we call you?基夫I'm Jemboc. Welcome.我叫杰姆博克I'm Jemboc.欢迎Welcome.扎乌尔Xaul.塔加Taga.乌拉夫Ulaf.哈姆Ham.还有梅尔希And this is Melshi.我们落后10分We're down ten.我们少个人他会给我们过的应该会We're a man short, he'll give us a pass. -He should.他不会他以前给过-He won't. -He's done it before.-那是几个月前了 我们落后10分别做梦了-That was months ago. -We're down ten. You're dreaming.-他以前给过-别浪费时间-He's done it before. -We're wasting time.马上就要落后12分了Down 12 before you know it.只剩一小时才给我们派个新手They give us a new man with only an hour left?42分钟加油孩子们加把劲Forty-two minutes, come on, boys, we can rally.他们在上面笑呢别说了-They're up there, laughing. -Don't.-梅尔希说得对-我们在浪费时间-Melshi's right. -We*re wasting time.杰姆觉得基诺说了算Jem thinks Kino's in charge.新来的准备被电吧Hey, new guy, prepare to fry.基夫什么-Keef. -What?他的名字对吧Its his name. Right?基夫Keef.干活Work!哈姆说得对快点吧-起-Ham's right, get to it. -Fly.退后Stand back.好好看我是怎么做的Watch what I do, exactly what I do.明天你就在我这个位置You*ll be where I am this time tomorrow.七个人里我是替补With seven men, I'm the Swing,我负责升起部件所以可能会有点不同Ell be feeding the table so it might be a little different.他去里面了 他们叫他了He's on the box. -They're callin1 him.不No.5-2-D班次的生产效率低下Five-Two-D shift productivity levels are unacceptable.我们将重新倒计时We're calling a new clock.都听好了Okay, listen up!接下来是冲刺阶段This will be a sprint segment.蜂鸣后还有39分钟39 minutes on the tone.按惯例效率最低的操作台将被惩罚As ever, the least productive table will be disciplined.-手拿开-安全-Hands away. -Clear.加油弟兄们Come on, boys.快点Let's go, lets go.加油Come on, come on, come on.不想被电就抓紧Get busy, or get fried!抓紧时间Keep it going!我不要Not for me.给我吧I'll have hers.你以前喜欢You used to like it.那是我演技好I was just better at pretending.是吗我可不信Well, that I find hard to believe.萨格罗纳Sagrona.敬什么-What are we toasting?今晚早点结束-A quick night.值得干一杯-Hmm. I'll drink to that.今晚的议程是什么So, the evening's agenda?我需要投票阻止皇帝最近的越权行为I need votes to stall the Emperor's latest overreach. 你好泰Hello, Tay.泰.科尔马你来得正好Tay Kolma, how prompt you are.佩林Perrin.你没走还是两边跑Still in town, or commuting?两者都有喝点什么-Bit of both. -Something to drink?有什么What are we having?家乡风味我来一杯Taste of home, eh? Irll have one.来三杯Make it three.我不用谢谢I'm fine, thank you.-蒙还要工作-她确实日理万机-Mon is working. -Well, there's much to be done. 你今晚不在她的名单里泰I don't think you're on the menu tonight, Tay. 议员今晚要搞政♥治♥不是慈善 The Senator is pitching politics, not charity. 从皇帝手中拯救帝国-Saving the Empire from the Emperor.你还记得15岁的佩林吗Do you remember Perrin at 15?别说了Oh, let's not.学院的革命派The academy firebrand.一再来两杯斯桂格先生-好的-Two squigs again, sir? -Please.变化太大了对吗How things change, eh?新立法肯定会产生影响The new legislation is definitely having an effect.叛军在炸阿尔达尼之前就该考虑到这一点The rebels might have thought that over before blowing up Aldhani. 谢谢Thank you.萨格罗纳Sagrona.萨格罗纳蒂玛Sagrona teema.祝你好运你哺育银河系我要去喂饱自己Well, good luck, feeding the galaxy. Fm off to feed myself.慈善始于家庭Charity begins at home.我期待你能来I was hoping you'd come.我带来的消息不太好I wish I had better news.我没有太多时间I'm about to get very busy.新的银行法规让事情变难办了The new banking regulations are making life difficult.-难办还是做不到我不知道-Difficult or impossible? -I don*t know.他们在增加帝国审计员要看他们审计的项目They're staffing up Imperial auditors, we1! see where they are placed.我们能进行什么操作吗Is there anything we can do?那样反而有风险That has its own risks.莉达Leida.-我们见过-没错-Uh, we*ve met. -Indeed.您现在一直待在这里You're here all the time now.他们就会忽视我真正在做的事they might miss what I'm really doing.你到底在做什么What are you really doing?筹集资金Raising money.筹钱干什么Raising money for what?我不走了I'm not going.你在说什么What are you talking about?你不能留下我也不能离开You can't stay, and I can't go.莫拉纳一号♥Morlana One.我希望恢复名誉消除履历污点I fully intend to clear my name and have my record expunged. 为什么不从现在开始呢Why don't we start that process now?有一个叛军凶手逍遥法外There*s a rebel murderer running free 因为企业当局腐♥败♥松懈 because of corruption and laxity in the authority. 帮我盯住这个家伙Hang onto this one for me.六年Six years.六年Six years?不等等No, no, wait!规则变了Change of guidelines.我什么都没做I didn't do anything!等等我只是个游客Wait. Fm just a tourist!安多第一季第八集排好队试着爱上科洛桑Learning to love Coruscant.你父亲在找你Your father's looking for you.你在喝斯桂格You're drinking squigs?不我不喜欢喝了No, I've lost my taste for it.味道很恶心It's disgusting.那就对了That's the point.我去找爸爸I should find Dad.很高兴再见到您Nice to see you again.我已经转移的钱怎么办What about the money I've moved already?账目上可能有迹可查Not everything's tucked away.我们会想出办法解释的We'll find a way to explain it.那我们没必要隐瞒了So, we've given up on hiding it?这些钱总额有多少How much are we worrying about?40万Four hundred thousand.议员Senator.你好我正准备去接你Hi! I was just coming to get you.佩林说你藏了不少斯桂格酒Perrin said you were hoarding the squigs.我总是忘记你骨子里也是钱德里拉人I always forget you're Chandrilan at heart.我也经常忘记你拉票时有多讨人喜欢And I always forget how sweet you are when you're looking for votes. 都小点声Keep it down!小点声Keep it down!排好队Line up!往前走Let's go!帕尔帕廷很恼火对没错Palpatine's frustrating, yes, we agree.太容易动怒对Too easily provoked? Yes.反应过度了但是Overreactive, but.太轻描淡写了Understatement.他也是由衷而发Says what he means.我们讨论的是立法不是演讲We're discussing legislation, not speeches.他什么意思What does he mean?什么是公共秩序What is public order?这未免也太宽泛了吧It's an awfully big box, isn't it?皇帝的首要目的是保护大家不是吗The Emperor's primary charge is to protect us, is it not?这就是公序重判令的目的And that's what the P.O.R.D. legislation will do.这种保护的边界在哪里How much protection is enough?保护不力的结果你已经看到了We know what too little looks like.无限制的监视和起诉Surveillance and prosecution without limit.如果你没做错事有什么好怕的If you're doing nothing wrong, what is there to fear?我怕的是怎样界定错事”I'm fearing your definition of wrong.现在是动荡时期These are dangerous times.动荡时期-不是吗-Dangerous times? -Are they not?你觉得受到威胁了Do you feel under threat?我自己在首都对Personally? Here, yes.我怕自己吃太饱消化不了钱德里拉的待客之道I'm at great risk of ingesting too much of this nourishing Chandrilan hospitality.这是我们的区域This is our block.看到白灯了吗地板指示灯You see the white lights? That's the floor.白色冷红色热White is cold, red is hot.白灯一旦开始闪烁七秒内必须回到自己牢房♥The white lights start flashing, you got seven seconds to get to your cell.地板有传感器如果两人一间房♥就会立刻释放电击Sensors in the floor, two men in one celt it's an instant fry.解散Fall out!解散Fall out, fall out, fall out.杰姆带带新人-好-Jem, walk the new man. -Yeah.好吧基诺Okay, Kino.来吧Come on.这是你的This is you.你的床铺Your rack.所有的东西都在墙上Everything you need here is on the wall.水夜灯下翻马桶盘子勺子剃须刀Water, night light, toilet flips down, got a plate, spoon, and shaver.吃的呢-And food?这根管The tube.想吃多少就吃多少You can get as much as you want.他们希望我们健康精力充沛They like us healthy and fueled.别担心你会适应这么吃的Don't worry, youll learn to eat it.今天不容易一天被电两次Tough way to start, getting fried twice in one day.也许再轮几次班我们能赢一次But perhaps in a few shifts, we can pull a winner.获胜者的食物是有味道的Winner gets taste with their food.第一名有滋有味Top table wins flavor.最后一名要挨电击Last place gets fried.每天都要清理干净这上面是你的刑期Right, this will be cleaned every day, and that is your tab.你做了什么What did you do?什么也没做Nothing.最近这种不少Lot of that lately.至少你一开始就知道自己的处境不会觉得奇怪At least you know where you stand from the start, no surprises. 快问问他Ask him already.上个月每个人的刑期都加倍了They doubled everyone's number last month.公序重判P-O-R-D.人们肯定都在议论议论什么-People must be talkin* about it. -About what?公共秩序重新判决令The Public Order Resentencing Directive.一个月来我们苦等外面的消息It's been a tough month here waiting for news.不知道人们对此怎么看Can't help but wonder what people are saying.他从来没听说过He's never heard of it.他从没听说过-我就知道-He never heard of it. -Told you.公共秩序法令The Public Order Decree.重新量刑The resentencings.抱歉-那些叛乱活动-fm sorry. -All the rebel activity.-叛军在胡闹-我什么也不知道-It's rebel nonsense. -I don't know anything about it.他们杀光了一支驻军他不是这么说的-They slaughtered a garrison. -That*s not what he said.他们炸了基地-这重要吗-They burned it down. -Does it matter?我们反而因此遭殃了We're the ones getting punished.这家伙从没听说过But this guy never heard of it.别管那些数字了Don't ever look at the number.一两倍三倍都没关系嘿-Double, triple, it doesnrt matter. -Hey!别想出去他们会把你榨干明白吗You're here 'til they don't want you. Understand?够了梅尔希Enough! Melshi!现在想出去就是做梦Getting out now is just a dream.那些日子早就过去了Those days are over.我说够了I said, that's enough.所有人立刻返回牢房♥Return to your cells immediately.30秒后地板变红Thirty seconds on red floor.你不会梦游吧You don*t walk in your sleep, do you?什么What?你会知道的You'll find out.全体注意Tighten up!高温地板Hot floor!这得问我夫人我从不看窗外Oh, you should ask my wife. I never look out the window.她来了-Ah! Here she is.大使♥馆♥的女主人Your embassy hostess.他们问我The question was,我们每天在这里站几个小时欣赏美景how many hours a day do we stand here admiring the view?是该看看我知道We should. I know.看不够-Not enough!我都不想走了I think I'd never leave.人都是这样不是吗Well, that's always the way, isn't it?总是忽视熟悉的东西One forgets to savor the familiar.没错So true.我们小时候就来这里了We came here as children.-旅行吗不蒙16岁就当上议员了-To visit? -No, Mon became a Senator at 16.你们在这认识的So this is where you met?不那时候我们都结婚一年了No, we'd already been married a year.太浪漫了Thats so romantic.也很传统And traditional.钱德里拉的老传统The old ways of Chandrila.是我们的习俗As was the custom.每个地方都有自己的习俗To each people its own.话说你见到泰了吗Speaking of, have you seen Tay?没他走了No, he left.他说明天要早起He said he had an


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