天津市天津市 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识通关题年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识通关题库库(附答案附答案)单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、When we read,we construct a mental _ of the text in ourminds,much as we do when we took at an area of land and create amental map in our heads.A.representationB.imaginationC.interpretationD.identification【答案】A2、There is an increasing()to make movies describing violence.A.strengthB.directionC.traditionD.Trend【答案】D3、甲公司 2008 年度归属于普通股股东的净利润为 5000 万元。2008 年 1 月 1日,甲公司发行在外普通股股票数为 8500 万股;2008 年 7 月 1 日,新发行普通股股数 1500 万股。甲公司于 2009 年 5 月 1 日宣告分派股票股利,以 2008年 12 月 31 日总股本为基数每 10 股送 6 股。假定不考虑其他因素,甲公司2009 年比较利润表中列示的 2008 年基本每股收益为()元。A.0.267B.0.281C.0.338D.0.456【答案】C4、Passage 9A.conscious and unconscious levels of comprehensionB.the readers expectations and the meaning of a textC.lower and higher levels of comprehensionD.interpreting and criticizing a text【答案】C5、It is high time that the authorities()some inspection tothis phenomenon.A.doB.didC.should doD.would do【答案】B6、下列各项,不影响企业利润表中“营业利润”的项目有()。A.主营业务收入B.营业外收入C.投资收益D.资产减值损失【答案】B7、资料:Changing careers is becoming more popular.Not just becausethere are more career options available,but also out of necessity.As new industries arise,others die.Its up to you to figure out ifyour career is still going to be around in the next 5-10 years.Somestudies say we could have as many as nine careers in our professionallifetime.Which begs the question:do you know what it takes tosuccessfully change career lanes repeatedly?A.As new industries arise,the popularity of different careers alsochangeB.Nowadays people dont know what they really want to doC.Because changing careers is becoming more popularD.Because one could have as many as nine careers in his professionallifetime【答案】A8、某储户于 2001 年 1 月 18 日存人 5000 元定活两便储蓄存款,于 2003 年 8月 6 日支取,实付利息为()。(三年期活期存款利率 2001 年为 225,2003 年为 198)A.121.17 元B.121.28 元C.121.18 元D.124.18 元【答案】C9、The music aroused an()feeling of homesickness in him.A.intrinsicB.intentionalC.intermittentD.intense【答案】D10、2013 年 3 月 16 日,我国目前正在建设的最长高瓦斯隧道兰州至重庆铁路客运专线()隧道,经过中茵铁建十八局集团建设者三年多施工正式贯通,标志着制约兰渝铁路全线铺轨工期的难点按期突破。A.梅岭关B.南岭关C.上下关D.天涧关【答案】A11、Theyre not allowed contact with the outside world or anysubstances that havent been fully _.A.tidyB.packedC.infectedD.sanitized【答案】D12、资料:Placing the right type of workers in close proximity toeach other can generate up to a 15 percent increase in organizationalperformance,according to the study from Cornerstone On Demand,aprovider of cloud-based learning and talent-management software,andresearchers at Harvard Business School in Massachusetts.Forbusinesses with 2,000 employees,this translates into an additional$1 million in profit each year,the study said.A.Cornerstone On Demand is a provider of cloud-based learning andtalent-management softwareB.Placing the right type of workers together will generate 15%increase in performanceC.Smarter seating can affect companys performanceD.A study about how a firm get additional profit【答案】B13、资料:The increasing amount of personal information that can becollected by computer programs that track how people use Facebook hasbeen revealed by an extensive academic study.A.The efficiency of computer programs in data analysisB.The result of a study can be predictable by computersC.Usefulness of some personal information in marketingD.Personal Information could be collected and analyzed online【答案】D14、It is requested that an applicant whose undergraduate work isdone at another institution()two copies of undergraduatetranscripts and degrees directly to the dean of the graduate school.A.must sendB.sendC.are to sendD.need send【答案】B15、()要求企业应当按照交易或者事项的经济实质进行会计确认、计量和报告,不仅仅以交易或者事项的法律形式为依据。A.实质重于形式B.可理解性C.重要性D.及时性【答案】A16、墓志铭是我国古代文献中数量庞大的一个类别,更是考古发现中数量最大的文献种类,为多种门类的学术研究提供了素材。正因如此,古代的墓志铭历来受到专家学者的重视。对于墓志铭的确切起源,史籍中未见有详细的记载,因此学术界一直众说纷纭,但基本上都是着眼于丧葬制度。A.作为可信素材,墓志铭不仅数量大,而且文化信息量巨大B.大多数学者从丧葬制度解释墓志铭的起源C.考古发现中,数量最多的是墓志铭,因此构成了最为基本的研究素材D.墓志铭备受学者重视是因为它详细地记载了不同时期的丧葬制度【答案】B17、资料:Think for a moment of your definition of persuasion.If youare like most business people I have encountered,you see persuasionas a relatively staightforward process.First,you strongly stateyour position.Second,you outline the supporting arguments,followedby a highly assertive,databased exposition.Finally,you enter thedeal-making stage and work toward a“close.”In other words,youuse logic,persistence,and personal enthusiasm to get others to buya good idea.The reality is that following this process is onesurefire way to fail at persuasion.A.Most businesspeople see persuasion as a straightforward processB.Unlike most businesspeople effective persuaders are willing toadjust their opinions and hear from othersC.Effective persuaders are open-mindedD.Most businesspeople are more assertive in their persuasion whileeffective persuaders are more friendly【答案】B18、The property will be shown by_only in an effort to separatethe fans from the serious buyers,because the current owners arelooking for buyers who want to keep the house intact。A.interestB.interviewC.applicationD.appointment【答案】C19、20 世纪 30 年代,美国经济危机产生的直接原因是生产和销售之间的矛盾加剧。加剧这 一矛盾的因素有()。A.B.C.D.【答案】A20、The()behind the yellow tape is prohibited to anyone withouta press pass.A.positingB.sceneryC.exteriorD.area【答案】D21、为深入落实 2021 年中央一号文件要求,巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔接,中国银行间市场交易商协会于近期推出首批乡村振兴票据。农业银行作为牵头主承销商和簿记管理人,成功为中粮集团有限公司发行 2021 年第一期中期票据(乡村振兴),发行期限()年,发行规模 20 亿元,募集资金主要用于支持中粮集团粮食收储工作。作为全国首批乡村振兴债,本次债券的成功发行对于保障粮食安全、促进农民增收、实现乡村振兴发展具有重要意义。A.2 年B.3 年C.4 年D.5 年【答案】A22、Think of a dance floor,which is designed to dampen vibrationsand limit the _dancers could do to their limbs.A.problemB.dilemmaC.troubleD.damage【答案】D23、Luo Jingyu,19,has four years of experience of running business.Heis also a freshman in the arts department of Hubei University.A.Talented but lazyB.Rich but meanC.Optimistic and generousD.Hard-working and plain-living【答案】D24、Prior()his departure,he addressed a letter to his daughter.A.toB.ofC.inD.from【答案】A25、Heating,ventilating,and air conditioning(HVAC)systemsare_in most of underground subway stations to providecomfortable and fresh air to underground subway stations。A.assembledB.installingC.equippedD.installed【答案】D26、The orphanage is just one of her()causes.A.phoneticB.philanthropicC.prevalentD.lunatic【答案】B27、资料:We are pleased to invite you to attend the 14th CanadianCollaborative Mental Health Care Conference(14th CCMHCC)to be heldon Thursday,June 27th and Friday,June 28th,2013.Montreal has beenselected as the host city.This annual event will take place at theDelta Centre Vile Hotel,a downtown location within easy walkingdistance of the Old City.You will be charmed by the unique characterof the city of Montreal,the metropolis of the province of Quebec.For those of you who wish to extend your stay,you can combinebusiness and pleasure by attending the 34th International JazzFestival of Montreal that will begin on Friday,June 28th andcontinue for the next 10 days.A.Those who are unwilling to stay alone in their hotel roomsB.Those who would like to explorer more about MontrealC.Those who are fond of jazz musicD.Those who get tired of businesses and conferences【答案】B28、资料:Stress is a common factor in life.Children experiencestress from school,new social situations and simply growing up.Adults feel the stress of working,paying bills,raising kids andmaintaining households.Seniors also feel stress,even though somemay have retired,raised their children and paid off their homes.Certain amounts of stress are a part of life for people of all ages.A.AffectB.ImproveC.IntensifyD.Worsen【答案】D29、把下列句子组成语意连贯的语段,排序最恰当的一项是()。A.(4)(1)(5)(3)(2)B.(4)(3)(5)(1)(2)C.(5)(1)(2)(4)(3)D.(5)(3)(4)(1)(2)【答案】A30、财政收支对货币供应量的最终影响,取决于()。A.财政结余B.财政收支平衡C.财政支出D.财政收支状况及平衡方法【答案】D31、Many states have _,amended or repealed laws to improveschool nutrition.A.institutedB.organizedC.manufacturedD.enacted【答案】D32、资料:The business announced that revenues had grown by 10.2percent year-on-year to RMB 18.264 billion($2.748billion).However,profit fell to RMB 2.866 billion($431.3 billion),a 17.4 percentdecrease from the same period in 2015.A.SubjectiveB.CriticalC.UnbiasedD.Supportive【答案】C33、2020 年 4 月 6 日电,世界卫生组织 5 日发布第七十六期新冠肺炎疫情报告。报告认为,目前中国已从疫情遏制阶段进入(),中国经验正在帮助其他国家的抗疫行动。A.拉锯阶段B.缓解阶段C.攻坚阶段D.决胜阶段【答案】B34、资料:Theres a good chance that spicy crunchy tuna roll youordered for lunch doesnt actually contain any tuna at all.A.Many sushi restaurants refuse to serve some fish because of therisk of fake fishB.People have access to track the origins of fish sold in sushi shopsC.Most fish sold in sushi stores is mislabeled but new tech can helpto fix the problemD.Citizens in the US no longer trust the fish sold in sushi venues【答案】C35、Passage 5A.To make a transition to a new topicB.To work as a hook to the following paragraphsC.To provide a contrast to the preceding paragraphsD.To offer supporting evidence to the preceding paragraph【答案】D36、下列诗句描述的节日与其他三项不同的是()。A.两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮B.尘世难逢开口笑,菊花须插满头归C.不见穿针妇,空怀故国楼D.天阶夜色凉如水,卧看牵牛织女星【答案】B37、下列选项中属于同业拆借的是()。A.甲银行为弥补信贷资金缺口从乙银行拆入一笔资金B.甲银行融人资金投资房地产C.甲银行在停止营业时发现资金收支不平衡向其他银行融入长期资金D.甲银行内部分支机构之间的资金调度【答案】A38、Like no previous technology,mobile technology hasspread_an unprecedented pace in the last few years.A.atB.inC.onD.with【答案】A39、资料:Singapore Airlines plans to introduce inflight mobile phoneand internet access in May this year,beginning with its flagshipAirbus A380 fleet.A.the telecoms system employed by Singapore Airlines on board eachplane is the best of the breedB.Singapore Airlines has a self-contained telecoms system whichenables it to set high international roaming ratesC.the calls will be charged at international roaming rates which arenormally highD.it will be a privilege to a small【答案】B40、Passage 3A.adaptationB.applicationC.motivationD.competition【答案】A41、资料:The hop flower has been used in beer-making at least sincethe eighth century.Traditionally it was a preservative,but it alsoimparts flavor.To some,the taste is bitter and unpalatable,andthus many brewers use only minimal amounts.But,depending on variety,growing conditions,and other factors,hops can impart a range offlavors that connoisseurs say rivals that of wine grapes.Starting inthe nineteen-seventies,small brewers on the West Coast begandramatically upping the amount of hops in their brews.One of theirmost popular products was the India pale ale,or L.P.A.,a brew thathas been around since the late eighteenth century.The story goesthat necessity drove the British to add large quantities of hops inorder to preserve the beer they shipped to India,to quench thethirst of the Sahibs managing the Empire there.A.The British produced large quantities of beerB.The British found one of the most popular products called the Indiapale ale,or I.P.AC.The British made Hop flower a necessity and shipped it in largequantities to IndiaD.The British added more hop flower in beer【答案】D42、彼得德鲁克认为:“领导者的唯一定义就是其后面的追随者。一些人是思想家,一些人是预言家,这些人都很重要,而且也急需;但是没有追随者,就不会有领导者。”这句话说明()。A.领导的实质是组织成员的追随与服从B.领导者需要权力C.追随者比领导者更重要D.领导只有一个定义,其余的定义是错误的【答案】A43、2017 年 4 月份,某省规模以上食品工业增加值同比增长 15.0%,比全省规模工业平均水平高 9.4 个百分点。其中,农副食品加工业增长 14.0%,食品制造业增长 18.6%,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业增长 13.9%。14 月,规模以上食品工业产值累计增长 11.6%,增幅比全省规模工业平均水平高 4.5 个百分点。A.5.6%B.7.1%C.16.1%D.24.4%【答案】A44、下列各项中,哪一项是最能衡量股东利润最大化的指标?()A.资本利润率B.资产利润率C.销售利润率D.股权分红率【答案】D45、He was looking _ at the visiting salesman,who showed no signsof getting ready to leave.A.impatientlyB.impatienceC.patienceD.patient【答案】A46、资料:Western business visitors are often deadline-driven andunwilling to slow down to the Chinese pace when discussing business.But in China the pace can be fast and slow simultaneously.A.Chinese businessmen look for ways to combine different optionsB.Chinese businessmen have stronger sense of national prideC.Chinese businessmen have their own pace doing businessD.Chinese business treasure close relationship【答案】B47、On behalf of board of directors I appreciate you for providingthe_information.A.requestB.requesterC.requestingD.requested【答案】D48、Lawyers have questioned the_of the ban on political rallies,but officials continue to insist they are more interested in ensuringpublic safety than stifling political dissent.A.importanceB.qualificationC.legalityD.extension【答案】C49、下列反映国民经济发展的指标中,属于数量指标的是()。A.国内生产总值B.人均国内生产总值C.国内生产总值增长速度D.国家财政收人占国内生产总值的比重【答案】A50、使用伪造、变造的银行存单骗取公私财物的行为属于()。A.金融票据诈骗B.有价证券诈骗C.信用证诈骗D.金融凭证诈骗【答案】D多选题(共多选题(共 2020 题)题)1、下面有关公文的说法中,不正确的是()。A.公文的结构就是指公文的组织构造B.公文形成的具体时间.通常以会议通过的时间或印发时间为准C.公文就是指本机关制成发往外部的文件D.公文是一种特殊的应用文【答案】BC2、我国的利润表一般为多步式报表,分别为()。A.主营业务利润B.利润总额C.营业利润D.净利润【答案】BCD3、人民币汇率形成机制改革坚持主动性、可控性、渐进性的原则,2005 年 7月 21 日,人民币 汇率形成机制改革启动,开始实行以市场供求为基础、参考一篮子货币政策进行调节、有管理 的浮动汇率制度。自汇率形成机制改革以来,人民币汇率弹性逐步扩大,并形成双向波动的格 局,呈现稳中有升的态势。A.国际收支持续双顺差B.我国的通货膨胀率高于美国C.预期本国利率水平相对下跌D.外汇储备下降【答案】AC4、近年来,在合并农村信用社的基础上组建而成的农村金融机构有()。A.农村信用社B.农村商业银行C.农村合作银行D.村镇银行【答案】BC5、贷款业务的创新主要反映在()。A.农业贷款B.消费者信贷C.住宅贷款D.一次性偿还贷款E.科技贷款【答案】BC6、下列各项中,()不属于马克思主义新世界观创立需要确立的关键。A.剩余价值论B.阶级斗争理论C.无产阶级历史使命说D.科学的实践观【答案】ABC7、金融抑制的主要危害有()。A.传递各种错误信息,引导错误决策B.造成生产和投资结构不合理C.导致资源的错误配置D.压低利率、汇率E.可贷资金的非价格配给【答案】ABC8、账页包括的内容有()。A.账户名称B.记账凭证的种类和号数C.摘要栏D.总页次和分户页次【答案】ABCD9、以下属于商业银行代理类中间业务种类的有()。A.代理中国人民银行业务B.代理商业银行业务C.代收代付业务D.代理证券业务【答案】ABCD10、2003 年,我国在经济快速发展的同时,也出现了投资增长加速(尤其一些地区房地投资过 大),货币信贷增长过快现象,形成煤、电、油、运等供应紧张,物价增长加快的趋势。对此,中国 人民银行采取了一系列货币政策措施加以调控,并已取得良好成效。根据上述材料,回答下列问题:A.证券市场信用控制B.消费者信用控制C.不动产信用控制D.优惠利率【答案】ABCD11、下列情况中,可以用红色墨水记账的有()。A.按照红字冲账的记账凭证,冲销错误记录B.在不设借贷等栏的多栏式账页中,登记减少数C.在三栏式账簿的余额栏前,如未印明余额方向的,在余额栏内登记负数余额D.根据国家统一会计制度的规定可以用红字登记的其他会计记录【答案】ABCD12、建国后第一次全国农村金融工作会议上,明确提出了农村金融工作方针是()。A.深入农村B.帮助农民C.解决困难D.发展生产【答案】ABCD13、转移风险的方式有()。A.购买保险B.签订远期合同C.开展期货交易D.转包【答案】ABCD14、下列选项中,属于地方固定收入的是()。A.中央企业所得税B.非银行金融企业所得税C.房产税D.契税【答案】CD15、以下关于无差异曲线的特征,正确的有()。A.无差异曲线是凸向原点的B.在同一坐标平面上的任何两条无差异曲线不会相交C.在同一坐标平面上的任何两条无差异曲线有可能相交D.无差异曲线是凹向原点的【答案】AB16、中央银行增加货币供应量时,采取的下列政策中正确的有()。A.公开市场买人证券B.降低法定存款准备金率C.提高再贴现率D.降低再贷款利率【答案】ABD17、借贷记账法的记账原则包括()。A.收入账户本期发生额合计=费用账户本期发生额合计B.资产账户余额合计=负债账户余额合计C.全部账户期末借方余额合计=全部账户期末贷方余额合计D.全部账户本期借方发生额合计=全部账户本期贷方发生额合计E.有借必有贷,借贷必相等【答案】CD18、在人事管理发展史上,曾经出现过以下不同的人性假说:()。A.人天生是懒惰的B.人是“经济人”C.人具有“动物性”D.人是“社会人”【答案】ABD19、根据巴塞尔协议,银行资本划分为()两类。A.核心资本B.附属资本C.注册资本D.实缴资本【答案】AB20、对于一个烟草企业来讲,以下哪些因素代表的是该企业的机会?()A.邻国吸烟人数成上升态势B.该企业改进技术,降低了生产成本C.公共场合禁止吸烟D.烟叶大丰收.市场价格下降【答案】AD大题(共大题(共 1010 题)题)一、关于你校设立新材料研究中心的请示克格县职业学校:你校克格职发20039 号克格县职业学校关于设立新材料研究中心的请示以及克职发:200315 号文收悉,经研究讨论,兹批复如下:(一)不同意在你校设立新材料研究中心,其理由恕不详述。(二)目前可在你校先行设立新材料研究室。(三)拟原则同意在你校修建材料检测实验楼,有关具体事宜待专门批复。专此函复。克格县教育局二零年月日【答案】(1)标题应居中。(2)标题内容叙述不清。(3)标题使用了没有检索价值的代称“你校”字样。(4)发文字号书写不正确,应为职发20039 号,职发200315 号。(5)文稿在引述对方来文时不规范。(6)一文数事。(7)没有回答对方的全部问题。(8)“拟原则同意”语意含混,“经研究讨论”中“讨论”二字多余,“专此函复”不能用做本文的结语。(9)成文日期书写不正确,应为二0年月日。二、甲、乙两国有企业与另外 9 家国有企业拟联合组建设立“光中有限责任公司”(以下简称光中公司),公司章程的部分内容为:公司股东会除召开定期会议外,还可以召开临时会议临时会议须经代表 12 以上表决权的股东,12以上的董事或 12 以上的监事提议召开。在申请公司设立登记时,工商行政管理机关指出了公司章程中规定的关于召开临时股东会议方面的不合法之处。经全体股东协商后,予以纠正。1996 年 3 月,光中公司依法登记成立,注册资本为 1 亿元,其中甲以工业产权出资,协议作价金额 1200 万元;乙出资 1400 万元,是出资最多的股东。公司成立后,由甲召集和主持了首次股东会会议,设立了董事会。1996 年 5 月,光中公司董事会发现,甲作为出资的工业产权的实际价额显著低于公司章程所定的价额,为了使公司股东出资总额仍达到 1 亿元,董事会提出了如下解决方案:由甲补足差额,如果甲不能补足差额,其他股东不承担任何责任1997 年 5 月,公司经过一段时间的运作后,经济效益较好,董事会制定了一个增加注册资本的方案,方案提出将公司现有的注册资本由 l 亿元增加到 15 亿元。增资方案提交股东会讨论表决时,有 7 家股东赞成增资,7 家股东出资总和为 5830 万元,占表决权总数的 417。股东会通过增资决议,并授权董事会执行