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    CHMS-020 汽汽车车术术语语I 整整车车名名称称/术术语语Name/Terms1 1 车车辆辆类类型型Vehicle type1.1 基本术语Basic terms 道路车辆Road vehicle 商用车辆Commercial vehicle 机动车辆 Motor vehicle 前驱动车辆Front drive vehicle 后驱动车辆Rear drive vehicle 全驱动车辆All wheel drive vehicle 发动机前置车辆Vehicle with front engine 发动机后置车辆Vehicle with rear engine 发动机中置车辆Vehicle with central engine 发动机下置车辆Vehicle with underfloor engine 内燃机汽车Internal combustion engine vehicle 电动汽车Electric vehicle 天然气汽车Natural gas vehicle(NGV)太阳能汽车Solar power vehicle 混合动力车Hybrid vehicle 汽车列车Automobile train 多用途乘用车Multipurpose passenger vehicle(MPV)运动型多功能车Sport utility vehicle(SUV)休闲旅游车Recreational vehicle(RV)1.2 载货汽车Truck 微型货车Mini-truck 轻型货车Light truck 中型货车Medium truck 重型货车Heavy truck 小型货车Pick-up1.3 越野汽车Off-road vehicle 轻型越野汽车Light off-road vehicle 中型越野汽车Medium off-road vehicle 重型越野汽车Heavy off-road vehicle 超重型越野汽车Extra heavy off-road vehicle1.4 自卸汽车Dump truck1.5 牵引汽车Towing vehicle 全挂牵引汽车Full-trailer towing vehicle1 CHMS-020 汽汽车车术术语语I 整整车车 半挂牵引汽车Semi-trailer towing vehicle1.6 专用汽车Special purpose vehicle1.6.1 厢式汽车Van 救护车Ambulance 保温车Insulated Van 冷藏车Refrigerated Van 电视转播车TV relaying vehicle 邮件运输车Mail carrier 囚车Prison van 运钞车Bill van1.6.2 罐式汽车Tanker 运油车Fuel tanker 酸罐车Acid tanker 混凝土搅拌车Concrete mixer 洒水车Street sprinkler 消防车Fire fighting vehicle1.6.3 专用自卸汽车Special tipper1.6.4 起重举升汽车Carne/Lift truck1.6.5 仓栅式汽车Storage truck1.6.6 特种结构汽车Special construction vehicle 车辆运输车Car transporter 集装箱运输车Container platform vehicle1.7 客车Bus 微型客车Minibus 轻型客车Light bus 中型客车Medium bus 中型城市客车Medium city bus 中型长途客车Medium intercity bus 中型旅游客车Medium sightseeing bus 中型团体客车Medium private bus 大型客车Large bus 特大型客车Extra bus 长途客车Long distance coach 铰接客车Articulated bus 双层客车Double-deck bus名名称称/术术语语Name/Terms2 CHMS-020 汽汽车车术术语语I 整整车车 游览客车Sightseeing bus1.8 轿车Passenger car 微型轿车Minicar 普通级轿车Subcompact car 中级轿车Compact car 中高级轿车Intermediate car 高级轿车Limousine 旅行轿车Station wagon 活顶轿车Convertible saloon 两厢式轿车Two compartments car 三厢式轿车Three compartments car 跑车Roadster 赛车Racer1.9 挂车Trailer 全挂车Full trailer 半挂车Semi-trailer2 2 汽汽车车尺尺寸寸参参数数Automobile dimension 车长Vehicle length 车宽Vehicle width 车高Vehicle height 轴距Wheelbase 轮距Track(Tread)前悬Front overhang 后悬Rear overhang 前悬角Incidence angle 后悬角Descent angle 接近角Approach angle 离去角Departure angle 转弯直径Turning diameter 最小离地间隙Minimum ground clearance 纵向通过角Ramp angle 车身长度Vehicle Body length 车厢内部最大尺寸Maximum internal dimensions of body 转弯通道圆Turning clearance circles名名称称/术术语语Name/Terms3 CHMS-020 汽汽车车术术语语I 整整车车 前座椅背到转向盘距离Front seat length 前座椅垫到转向盘距离Front seat height 前座后背到后坐距离Space between front seat back to rear seat 后座椅到车顶高度Rear seat height 前座乘客前移空间Forward space 乘客头顶至车顶距离Head room 后座乘客膝部与前座距离Knee room 后束Toe-out 最小转弯半径Minimum turning radius 车架高度Chassis frame height 车架自由长度Chassis frame free length 车架有效长度Chassis frame useful length3 3 汽汽车车质质量量参参数数Automobile mass 净底盘干质量Bare chassis dry mass 净底盘整备质量Bare chassis curb mass 整车干质量Complete vehicle dry mass 整车整备质量Complete vehicle curb mass 最大总质量Maximum total mass(Gross vehicle weight rated)整车装运质量Complete vehicle shipping mass 厂定最大总质量Maximum manufacturers total mass 允许最大总质量Maximum authorized total mass 最大装载质量Maximum laden mass 厂定最大装载质量Maximum manufacturers laden mass 最大允许装载质量Maximum authorized laden mass 最大轴载质量Maximum axle laden mass 厂定最大轴载质量Maximum manufacturers axle laden mass4 4 汽汽车车性性能能Characteristic of automobile4.1 动力性Dynamic characteristic 动力性指标Criteria for evaluation of dynamic characteristic 最高车速Maximum speed 加速时间Time of acceleration 最大爬坡度Maximum grade ability 驱动力Driving force名名称称/术术语语Name/Terms4 CHMS-020 汽汽车车术术语语I 整整车车 行驶阻力Resistance to motion 坡度阻力Grade resistance 空气阻力Aerodynamic drag force 空气阻力系数Aerodynamic drag coefficient 加速阻力Accelerating resistance 滚动阻力Rolling resistance 滚动阻力系数Rolling resistance coefficient 滚动阻力矩Rolling resistance moment 法向力Normal force 切向力Tangential force 侧向力Lateral force 轮胎变形系数Coefficient of tire deformation 道路阻力系数Coefficient of road resistance 附着力Adhesive force 附着系数Coefficient of adhesion 牵引力Tractive force 牵引平衡Tractional balance 动力因数Dynamic factor 比功率Power/Mass ratio 比转矩Torque/Maximum total mass ratio 功率平衡Power balance 后备功率Reserve power4.2 燃油经济性Fuel economy 燃油经济性的评价指标Criteria for evaluation of fuel economy 等速油耗 Constant-speed fuel economy 道路循环油耗Fuel economy of road test cycles 经济车速Economy speed4.3 制动性Braking performance 制动距离Stopping distance 制动减速度Braking deceleration 制动效率Braking efficiency 地面制动力Tire-ground braking force 制动时的方向稳定性Directional stability during braking 同步附着系数Synchronizing adhesion coefficient 轮胎-道路附着系数Tire-road adhesion coefficient名名称称/术术语语Name/Terms5 CHMS-020 汽汽车车术术语语I 整整车车4.4 通过性Trafficability 爬坡能力Grade ability 涉水能力Fading ability 间隙失效Hang-up failure 寄生功率Parasitic power4.5 操纵稳定性Handleability and stability4.5.1 转向系Steering system 转向角Steering angle 名义转向角Nominal steering angle 转向盘转角Steering wheel angle 转向系角传动比Steering system angle ratio 转向盘自由行程Free play of steering wheel 阿克曼转向角()Ackerman steering angle()转向几何学Steering geometry 操舵力(转向力)Steering force 转向系摩擦力Friction force of steering system 转向系阻尼Damping of steering system 保舵力Steering force for keeping a given control 操舵力矩(转向力矩)Steering moment 保舵力矩Steering moment for keeping a given control 正效率Forward efficiency 转向系刚度Steering system stiffness 转向系惯性力矩Moment of inertia of steering system4.5.2 悬架系Suspension system4.5.2.1 悬架几何学Suspension system geometry 车轮中心平面Central plane of the wheel 车轮中心 Wheel center 车轮定位Wheel alignment 前束Toe-in 前束角Toe-in angle 主销后倾角Kingpin caster angle 主销后倾距Caster 车轮外倾角Camber angle 主销内倾Kingpin inclination 主销偏置距Kingpin offset名名称称/术术语语Name/Terms6 CHMS-020 汽汽车车术术语语I 整整车车 横向滑移量Lateral slip 悬架系力学Suspension system mechanics 悬架垂直刚度Suspension vertical stiffness 悬架纵向刚度Suspension longitudinal stiffness 悬架横向刚度Suspension transverse stiffness 悬架有效刚度Ride rate 悬架侧倾Suspension roll 悬架侧倾角Suspension roll angle 悬架侧倾刚度Suspension roll stiffness 侧倾中心Roll center 侧倾轴Roll axis 悬架柔性Compliance in suspension 阻尼特性Damping force characteristic 翻倾力矩Overturning moment 翻倾力矩分配Overturning moment distribution4.5.3 轮胎和车轮Tire and wheel4.5.3.1 轮胎坐标系和变量Tire axis system and variables 轮胎接地中心Center of tire contact 轮胎坐标系Tire axis system 轮胎侧倾角(偏离角)Slip angle of tire 滑移率Slip rate 自由半径Free radius 静负荷半径Static loaded radius 动负荷半径Dynamic loaded radius 滚动周长Rolling circumference 滚动半径Rolling radius 自由滚动车轮Braking stiffness4.5.3.2 轮胎上的力Tire force 轮胎垂直力Vertical force of tire 轮胎横向力Lateral force of tire 轮胎纵向力Longitudinal force of tire 轮胎侧向力Side force of tire 驱动力Driving force 制动力Braking force 滚动阻力Rolling resistance名名称称/术术语语Name/Terms7 CHMS-020 汽汽车车术术语语I 整整车车 外倾推力Camber thrust 转弯力Cornering force 侧偏阻力Cornering drag 拖曳阻力Resistance force of drag 牵引力Tractive force 牵引阻力Drag force 径向刚度Radial stiffness 横向刚度Lateral stiffness 轮胎力矩Tire moments 轮胎翻转力矩Overturning moment of tire 滚动阻力矩Rolling resistance moment 回正力矩Aligning torque 车轮扭矩Wheel torque 驱动力矩Driving torque 制动力矩Braking torque4.5.3.4 力和力矩系数Coefficients of force and moment 横向力系数Lateral force coefficient 驱动力系数Driving force coefficient 制动力系数Braking force coefficient 滚动阻力系数Rolling force coefficient 回正力矩系数Aligning torque coefficient 侧偏刚度Cornering stiffness 外倾刚度Camber stiffness 制动(驱动)刚度Braking(Driving)stiffness 回正(力矩)刚度Aligning stiffness(Aligning torque stiffness)侧偏刚度系数Cornering stiffness coefficient 外倾刚度系数Camber stiffness coefficient 制动(驱动)刚度系数Braking(Driving)stiffness coefficient 回正刚度系数Aligning stiffness coefficient 轮胎附着系数Tire adhesion coefficient 横向附着系数Lateral adhesion 驱动附着系数driving adhesion coefficient 制动附着系数Braking adhesion coefficient 制动滑移附着系数Slipping braking adhesion coefficient4.5.4 坐标系和运动学Axis system and kinematics名名称称/术术语语Name/Terms8 CHMS-020 汽汽车车术术语语I 整整车车4.5.4.1 坐标系Coordination system(axis system)地面固定坐标系Earth-fixed axis system 运动坐标系Moving axis system 汽车坐标系Vehicle axis system 簧上惯性主轴坐标系Inertia principal axis system 车轮固定坐标系Wheel-fixed axis system 车辆纵向对称平面Longitudinal plane of symmetry of vehicle 侧倾Roll 纵倾Pitch 横摆Yaw 纵倾轴Pitch axis4.5.4.2 质量和质心Mass and center of mass 汽车质量Mass of vehicle 簧上质量Sprung mass 簧下质量Unsprung mass 质量分配比Mass distribution ratio 质心高度Height of center of mass 重心高度Height of gravity center4.5.4.3 汽车惯性矩Moment of inertia of vehicle 侧倾力臂Rolling moment arm 簧上质量侧倾惯性矩Rolling moment of inertia of sprung mass 簧上质量纵倾惯性矩Pitching moment of inertia of sprung mass 簧上质量横摆惯性矩Yawing moment of inertia of sprung mass 簧上质量对x轴和z轴的惯性矩Product of inertia of sprung mass about x and z-axis 汽车质量横摆惯性矩Yawing moment of inertia of vehicle4.5.4.4 运动变量Kinematic variables 质心速度矢量Velocity vector of center of mass 质心加速度矢量Acceleration vector of center of mass 车速Vehicle speed 纵向速度Longitudinal velocity 侧向速度Side velocity 垂直速度Vertical velocity 前进速度Forward velocity 横向速度Lateral velocity名名称称/术术语语Name/Terms9 CHMS-020 汽汽车车术术语语I 整整车车 侧倾角速度Roll velocity 纵倾角速度Pitch velocity 横摆角速度Yaw velocity 纵向加速度Longitudinal acceleration 垂直加速度Vertical acceleration 前进加速度Forward acceleration 横向加速度Lateral acceleration 指示横向加速度Indicated lateral acceleration 向心加速度Centripetal acceleration 离心加速度Centrifugal acceleration 切向加速度Tangential acceleration 角加速度Angular acceleration 减速度Deceleration 车身侧倾角Vehicle roll angle 车身纵倾角Vehicle pitch angle 汽车方位角Heading angle 汽车侧偏角Sideslip angle of vehicle 行进方向角Course angle4.5.4.5 力矩Moment 侧倾力矩Rolling moment 纵倾力矩Pitching moment 横摆力矩Yawing moment4.5.5 运动特性Kinematics characteristic4.5.5.1 控制方式Control modes 位置控制Position control 固定控制Fixed control 力控制Force control 自由控制Free control 人为控制Manual control“开环”控制Open loop control“闭环”控制Close loop control4.5.5.2 响应Response 转向响应Steering response 扰动响应Disturbance response 稳态响应 Steady state response名名称称/术术语语Name/Terms10 CHMS-020 汽汽车车术术语语I 整整车车 瞬态响应Transient state response 横摆响应Yaw response 侧倾响应Roll response 转向敏感性(转向增益)Steering sensitivity(Steering gain)路面不平敏感性Pavement irregularity sensitivity 侧风敏感性Crosswind sensitivity 频率响应Frequency response 频率特性Frequency characteristic4.5.5.3 转向特性Steering characteristic 中性转向Neutral steer 不足转向Understeer 过度转向Oversteer 横向力中性点Neutral point of lateral force 横向力中性线Neutral line of lateral force 静态裕度Static margin 稳定性因数Stability factor 侧倾转向Roll steer 侧倾不足转向Roll understeer 侧倾过度转向Roll oversteer 侧倾转向系数Roll steer coefficient 柔性转向Compliance steer 柔性不足转向Compliance understeer 柔性过度转向Compliance oversteer 柔性转向系数Compliance steer coefficient4.5.5.4 一般评价General Evaluation 直线行驶稳定性Straight motion stability 回正性Returnability 发散不稳定性Divergent instability 振荡不稳定性Oscillatory instability 渐进不稳定性Asymptotic instability 中性稳定性Neutral stability 驾驶员目视距离Driver viewing distance4.5.6 界限特性和异常运动Characteristic of limit maneuver and abnormal motion4.5.6.1 界限特性 Characteristic of limit maneuver名名称称/术术语语Name/Terms11 CHMS-020 汽汽车车术术语语I 整整车车 最大向心加速度Maximum centripetal acceleration 最大横向加速度Maximum lateral acceleration 最大指示横向加速度Maximum indicated lateral acceleration 特征车速Characteristic speed 临界车速Critical speed 倾斜极限角Overturning limit angle4.5.6.2 异常运动Abnormal motion 侧滑Side slip 卷入Tuck in 车轮抬起Wheel lift 举起Jack up 折叠Jack-knifing 滑水效应Hydroplaning 驻波Standing wave 跳动Hop 踏步Tramp 摆振Shimmy 转向盘反冲Kick-back4.6 行驶平顺性Ride comfort4.6.1 基本术语Basic term 平顺性Ride comfort 舒适性Comfort4.6.2 人体振动类型Vibration type of human body 全身振动Whole body vibration 人体纵向振动Longitudinal vibration applied to human body 人体横向振动Transverse vibration applied to human body 人体左右振动Side-to-side vibration applied to human body 人体前后振动Back-to-chest vibration applied to human body 人体局部振动Vibration applied to particular parts of human body4.6.3 汽车振动类型Vibration type of automobile 垂直振动Vertical vibration 纵向振动Longitudinal vibration 横向振动Transverse vibration 俯仰振动Pitch vibration 侧倾振动Roll vibration名名称称/术术语语Name/Terms12 CHMS-020 汽汽车车术术语语I 整整车车 横摆振动Yaw vibration4.6.4 特殊振动Special vibration 晕车Motion sickness 摇振Shake5 5 整整车车试试验验Test of automobile 5.1 整车基本参数测量Complete vehicle dimension measurement 主要尺寸测量 Basic dimensions measurement 最小转弯直径测量Minimum turning diameter measurement 重心高度测定Height of gravity center measurement 质量参数测定Weight parameter measurement5.2 动力性试验Dynamic characteristic test 加速性能验Acceleration performance test 最高车速试验Maximum speed test 最低稳定车速试验Minimum stable speed test 滑行试验Coasting test 爬陡坡试验Steep hill climbing test 爬长坡试验Grade ability test 牵引性能试验Towing performance test 起动性能试验Starting performance test5.3 经济性试验Fuel economy test 燃料消耗量试验Fuel consumption test5.4 视野性能试验Visibility performance test 驾驶员前方视野试验Forward visibility for driver test 风窗玻璃除霜系统试验Windshield demister test 风窗玻璃除雾系统试验Windshield defroster test 风窗玻璃刮水器试验Windshield wiper test 风窗玻璃洗涤器试验Windshield washer test5.5 操纵稳定性、行驶平顺性试验Handleability and stability,ride comfort test 频率响应试验Frequency response test 瞬态响应试验Transient response test 阶跃响应试验Step response test 脉冲响应试验Pulse response test 转向回正性试验Steering returnability test 转向轻便性试验Steering efforts test名名称称/术术语语Name/Terms13 CHMS-020 汽汽车车术术语语I 整整车车 稳态回转试验Steady state cornering test 功率突然变化影响试验Test of effect of sudden power change 收油门后控制试验Test of control at breakaway 横风稳定性试验 Test of crosswind stability 撒手稳定性试验Test of stability steer-off motion on a straight-ahead driving 反冲试验Kick-back test 轮胎爆破响应试验Test of burst response of tire 绕过障碍物试验Obstacle avoidance test 移线试验Lane change test 蛇行试验Pylon course slalom test 8 字形试验8 from driving test J 型转弯试验Test of J turn 悬架举升试验Jack-up test of suspension 耐翻倾试验Test of overturning immunity 轮辋错动试验Rim slip test 路面不平敏感性试验Test of pavement irregularity sensitivity 平顺性随机输入行驶试验Ride random input running test 平顺性脉冲输入行驶试验Ride pulse input running test 风洞试验Wind tunnel test5.6 舒适性、通过性试验Comfort,trafficability test 采暖性能试验Heating performance test 隔热通风试验Ventilation and heat insulation test 供油系气阻试验Vapor lock for fuel system test 发动机冷却系冷却能力试验Cooling capacity for engine cooling system test 防尘密封性试验Dust proof performance test 防雨密封性试验Rain proof performance test 地形通过性试验Passing topography capacity test 涉水性能试验Fording performance test 砂地通过性试验Sanding test5.7 可靠性、耐久性试验Reliability and durability test 可靠性行驶试验Reliability running test 耐久性行驶试验Durability running test5.8 污染控制试验Pollution control test 噪声试验Noise test名名称称/术术语语Name/Terms14 CHMS-020 汽汽车车术术语语I 整整车车 无线电干扰特性试验Radio interference characteristic test 排气污染物测量Exhaust pollutants measurement 燃油蒸发污染物测量Evaporative pollutants measurement 曲轴箱污染物测量Crankcase pollutants measurement 怠速污染物测量Pollutants at idle speed measurement 自由加速烟度测量Smoke at free acceleration measurement 全负荷烟度测量Smoke at full load measurement5.9 制动性能试验Braking performance test 制动距离试验Stopping distance test 制动效能试验Braking effectiveness test 制动稳定性试验Test of braking stability 热衰退与恢复试验Fade test 涉水恢复试验Water fade test 行车制动器结构完整性试验Service brake structural integrity test 制动系统扭矩平衡试验Braking system torque balance test 防抱制动系统性能试验Antilock braking system test 弯道制动试验Test of braking on curve 应急制动试验Emergency braking test 驻车制动试验Parking braking test6 6 安安全全性性Safety6.1 碰撞Collision(crash,impact)正碰撞Frontal collision 侧碰撞Side collision 后碰撞Rear collision 碰撞角度Collision angle 受撞角度Impact angle 受撞位置Impact location 主要力Principal force 碰撞轴线排列Collision axis alignment 偏置Offset 重叠Overlap 对中Centered6.2 试验Safety test 试验场Proving ground名名称称/术术语语Name/Terms15 CHMS-020 汽汽车车术术语语I 整整车车 试验场地Testing site 撞车模拟装置Crash simulation test set-up 汽车模拟碰撞滑车试验装置Auto crash simulation test sled 壁障Barrier 胶合板Plywood 多普勒效应法Doppler effect method 运动波Wave in motion 视在频率Apparent frequency 发射波频率Emitted frequency 环境介质Ambien


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