实用商务英语写作教程 Unit2 Certificates.ppt
Certificates实用商务英语写作教程实用商务英语写作教程Unit 2制作:钱 虹指导:董晓波Certificates General IntroductionSample ReadingUseful ExpressionsSample ReadingSample reading 1Sample reading 2Sample reading 3Writing PracticeWriting PracticeCommon Expressions Useful StructuresGeneral IntroductionWhat is a Certificate?证明是一种涉及面非常广的文书,凡是用证明是一种涉及面非常广的文书,凡是用来表明或证明一个人的身份、经历、学历,来表明或证明一个人的身份、经历、学历,或者某件事情的真实情况的文书,都可以或者某件事情的真实情况的文书,都可以称为证明。与其他文书信函相比,证明更称为证明。与其他文书信函相比,证明更加简单明了加简单明了,是单位或有关人士对其管辖范是单位或有关人士对其管辖范围内或了解范围内的人或事情的真实情况围内或了解范围内的人或事情的真实情况所开具的证明信件。所开具的证明信件。Types of Certificates证明可分为两大基本类别,一类是证明信,另一类是证书。证明可分为两大基本类别,一类是证明信,另一类是证书。证明信是国家机关、社会团体、企事业单位为证明有关人证明信是国家机关、社会团体、企事业单位为证明有关人员的身份、经历及其与某事件关系而出具的函件,用真实、员的身份、经历及其与某事件关系而出具的函件,用真实、可靠的材料表明或断定人或事物的真实性,证实和说明人可靠的材料表明或断定人或事物的真实性,证实和说明人和事物具体表现或特性的专用文书。有公文式、书信式、和事物具体表现或特性的专用文书。有公文式、书信式、便条式三种格式。有的是主动发往对方的;有的是对对方便条式三种格式。有的是主动发往对方的;有的是对对方来函询问的答复;有时用于差旅事项的证明,有时用于证来函询问的答复;有时用于差旅事项的证明,有时用于证明事实材料的真实性。明事实材料的真实性。证书是政府机关或有权单位出具的证明有关人员具有某种证书是政府机关或有权单位出具的证明有关人员具有某种资格的证明文件,一般均加有单位印章。资格的证明文件,一般均加有单位印章。证明可根据内容的不同主要包括:毕业证明、学历证明、证明可根据内容的不同主要包括:毕业证明、学历证明、工作经验证明、身份证明、病情证明、留学生经济担保书、工作经验证明、身份证明、病情证明、留学生经济担保书、学业成绩证明书、证书、等等。学业成绩证明书、证书、等等。Styles of a Certificate1.证明类证明类证明类文书通常体现为证明信的格式,其样式与普通英文书信证明类文书通常体现为证明信的格式,其样式与普通英文书信格式一样,同样由信头、日期、信内姓名与地址、称呼、正文、格式一样,同样由信头、日期、信内姓名与地址、称呼、正文、结束问候语、署名或印章等结束问候语、署名或印章等7个部分构成。除了正文的内容不个部分构成。除了正文的内容不同之外,其他部分的格式与普通英文信函基本完全一致。同之外,其他部分的格式与普通英文信函基本完全一致。证明信的样式也可以分为齐头型证明信的样式也可以分为齐头型(Blocked Style)、缩进型、缩进型(Indented Style)和综合型和综合型(Modified Style)。齐头型证明中的。齐头型证明中的每个部分都是顶格书写,段落的开头也不空格,方便编排。缩每个部分都是顶格书写,段落的开头也不空格,方便编排。缩进型证明的信头和日期位于右上方,各段开头空进型证明的信头和日期位于右上方,各段开头空5格,结束问格,结束问候语及署名位于右下方,其他部分顶格书写。综合型证明的信候语及署名位于右下方,其他部分顶格书写。综合型证明的信头和日期位于右上方,结束问候语及署名位于右下方,其他部头和日期位于右上方,结束问候语及署名位于右下方,其他部分均顶格书写。分均顶格书写。2.证书类证书通常非常简短,其格式一般由标题、正文、证书出具单位、署名、日期、印章、照片等部分构成。证书的样式通常均为缩进型,用一段文字说明。Layout of a Certificate由于证明文书类型多样,因而不同类型的证明书格式也不尽相同。如果是详细的书信式证明信,可参见下文证明信写作步骤部分(Procedures of Writing Certificate Letters),下面就常见的几种证明文书的简单格式作一简述.1.工作经历证明:工作经历证明:This is to certify that _(Name)Sex,Birth Date,was employed as _(Post)in_(Company)from _(Date)to _(Date).Samples of Experience CertificateCertificate of Experience To Whom It May Concern:This is to certify that Mr.Cheng Hong was employed in our Sales Department as chief salesman from January 1989 to the end of October 1995.During the time he faithfully attended to his duties.He left us of his own accord.From The Bell Co.Henry Sun(Manager)证明书敬启者:兹证明陈弘先生从1989年1月到处995年10月底在本经销部担任总经销一职。在此期间工作诚实可靠。陈弘离职,系出于自愿。贝尔公司 亨利孙(经理)2.学历、学业证明、毕业证书:This is to certify that _(Name),Sex,Birth Date,Birth Place,was a student of _(major)of _(Department)in _(School)from _(Date),and having completed _(Number of Year)Study,graduated in _(Date).Samples of Graduation CertificateGRADUATION CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that Zhao Hujun,male,born on May 2,1979,was a student of the computer application major of the Department of Computer Science&Engineering and,having completed the four years courses from September 1997 through July 2001 and fulfilled all the requirements prescribed by the Department,graduated from Jiao Tong University in July 2001.(Signature)President Jiao Tong University毕业证书 学生赵虎君,男,上海市人,1979年5月2日生,1997年9月至2001年7月,在本校计算机科学工程系计算机应用专业4年制本科就读,修业期满,成绩合格,准予毕业。3.奖状 可以用Certificate、Certificate of Merit或者Certificate of Commendation作为标题 Samples of Certificate of MeritCertificate of Merit This is to certify that Ms.Xu Fang has won the title of Rising Star for her outstanding work in the Emulation Campaign of the year of 2007.Sales Section Nanjin Silk Import&Export Corporation StampDate:December 20,2007 奖状 徐芳同志在2007年度工作竞赛中成绩显著,荣获本公司“新星奖”,特此表彰。江苏丝绸进出口公司营销部 公章 二OO七年十二月二十日4.学习成绩证明This is to certify that _(Name)graduated from _(Name of School)on _(Date),and received the following results in examinations:Samples of Certificate of Academic Record School Record Certificate This is to certify that Zhu Xiaoguang,male,born in September,1960,studied the English Language in the Foreign Language Department of Southeast University from September,1979 to July,1983,and then he was enrolled in September,1985 to study in the Foreign Language Department of Nanjing University as a postgraduate in Linguistics.He had been studying there for three years and finished the courses in July,1988.the following is the report of results in his exams.Linguistics:Excellent English Literature:Good Applied Linguistics:Excellent Debate:Pass Graduation Thesis:Pass Nanjing University 学历证明 朱晓光,男,出生于1960年9月。1979年9月至1983年7月就读于东南大学外文系英语专业,1985年9月被南京大学外文系录取攻读语言学研究生,就读3年,1988年7月毕业。其学习成绩如下:语言学:优秀 英国文学:良好 应用语言学:优秀 答辩:合格 毕业论文:通过 南京大学 5.病假证明书:This is to certify that _(Name of Patient),Sex,Age,_(Symptom of Sickness).It is suggested that he need a rest for _(Number of Days).CERTIFICATE FOR SICK LEAVEMarch 15,2004 This is to certify that Gao Fengjia,male,30,has a high fever of 39C and a very bad pharyngolaryngitis.It is advised that he take a three-day rest,and if necessary,come back for a check by that time.Doctor Wu JiSamples of Doctors Certificate病假证明单 兹证明高丰嘉,男,30岁,发高热至39C,患严重咽喉炎。建议休息三天,如有必要,到时须来复诊。主治医生 吴极 2004年3月15日 6.其他证明信其他证明信的简单格式可依照上述证明信的格式,稍加改变即可。Samples:1)在职证明信 Certificate To whom it many concern:This is to certify that Ms.Li Bofang,(Born on Oct.23,1970,ID:326174685837264)has been employed as Assistant Manager in HL Company from Sep.2000.Yours truly,(Signature)(Stamp)Date证明信 敬启者:兹证明刘伯芳女士(1970年10月23日生,身份证号:326174685837264)自2000年9月至今,一直在我公司(HL公司)担任经理助理职务。特此证明!此致 (署名)(印章)(日期)进修证明Certificate This is to certify that Wang Xiaofeng,from our college,male,aged 26,has been selected to take a refresher course at Oxford University.Fudan UniversityAugust 28,2003 证明书 兹有我院王晓峰,男,26岁,现选送至牛津大学进修,特此证明。复旦大学2003年8月28日 7.公证书:是由国家专门机构签发的证明文件,以Notarial Certificate作为标题,无须称谓部分。Notarial Certificate This is to certify that Wu Yunxia(female)was born on March 28,1965 in Shanghai,China.Her father is Wu Guodong and her mother is Wang fang.Shanghai Notary Public Office Photo The Peoples Republic of China (Sealed)Notary Public:.Dated this 19th day of November 19公证书兹证明吴云霞(女),于己于1965年3月28日出生在中国上海市,其父吴国栋,其母王芳.中国人民共和国上海市公证处 照片 公证员:19.年11月19日Sample ReadingSample 1下面是一则工作经历证明下面是一则工作经历证明.这份证明值得肯定这份证明值得肯定的地方在于其行文简洁明了的地方在于其行文简洁明了,但是也存在不但是也存在不足。即其对被证明人的工作情况说明过于足。即其对被证明人的工作情况说明过于笼统含糊。如能略提及一下被证明人的工笼统含糊。如能略提及一下被证明人的工作表现作表现,会使证明更有说服力一些。会使证明更有说服力一些。CERTIFICATETo WHOM IT MAY CONCERN,This is to certify that Miss Yang Ling has been an accountant in our company for the past 2 years and has been working to our complete satisfaction.She is now leaving our company as we have no further need of her service.Any enquiries concerning her will be answered by.Yours Sincerely Wang JiaWie Director of the J&Z Company敬启者:兹证明杨玲小姐曾在我公司任会计两年之久,工作一直让我们很满意,现因我公司压缩人员而离职,如欲了解其他情况,乐于奉告。J&Z公司董事 王家卫 Sample 2下面这则工作经历证明信与推荐信有相通之处,对被证明人的优点、特长做了详细描述。UniVic Investment Company27 Dongan RoadShanghai 20001821 November 2000 Mr.Nigel FawkesManager,PersonnelGreaby Inc.288 Zhangyang RoadShanghai 200086Dear Mr.Fawkes,Ms.Dong Ya,about whom you requested confidential personnel information,is an excellent secretary.As she told you,she worked as my secretary form January 1997 to July 1999.She is an extremely competent secretary.Her shorthand and word processing skills are excellent.She took all of my telephone calls and made my appointments so that I was relieved of much of the burden of meeting the public.She handled all of my files discreetly and confidentially.Ms.Dong was also punctual,and I cannot recall any days that she was absent from the office.She was courteous in dealing with our customers and was well-liked by other employees.She left our firm because she was admitted to an advanced secretary training program.Ms.Dongs excellent secretary skills and her personal qualifications make her a fine choice for handling a secretarial position.It is a pleasure to recommend her as highly.Sincerely,Alexander AldingtonPresident 您请我提供董娅女士的情况,并说要对此保密,现予以提供。她是一个很不错的秘书。正如董娅女士告诉您的,她从1997年1月到1999年7月任本人秘书。她是一个相当称职的秘书,速记和文字处理技能都很不错。她接听电话,为我安排会晤,减轻了我的负担,她处理档案材料相当谨慎,对其中的内容能严格保密。另外,董娅女士很守时,从不旷工。她对客户有礼有节,也深受同事欢迎。她之所以辞去本公司职务,是因为她被录取入一个高级秘书培训班学习。董娅女士优秀的专业技能和个人素质,是理想的秘书人选,我在此予以积极推荐。Sample 3以下是某学校出具的某教授的收入证明 Business College of Beijing Union UniversityLetter of Certificate 9 April 2003Visa SectionBritish Embassy Beijing,P.R.ChinaDear Sir/Madam,We would like to draw your attention to this fact that Professor Li Xiang is the Director of Students Union at Business College of Beijing Union University.His annual income is about 40,000 RMB.Your kind attention to this matter will be highly appreciated.Yours faithfullyWang WeiHuman Resources DepartmentBusiness College,Beijing Union University收收 入入 证证 明明李响收入证明教授是我院教师,担任学生处处长职务。其年收入约为40000元人民币。特此证明。处长(署名)北京联合大学商务学院 人事处 Useful Expressionsa c a d e m i c p e r f o r m a n c e 学业be awarded 被 评 为chancellor/president 大 学 校 长complete all the courses 修 业 期 满c o n t e s t 竞赛c u p 奖杯d e c o r a t i o n 奖章diploma 文 凭,证 书e m u l a t i o n 竞争excellent student 优 秀 学 生e x c e p t i o n a l 优秀的fe stiva l 节日first/second/third prize winner 一/二/三等奖fulfill all the requirements prescribed 成绩合格labor emulation 劳 动 竞 赛m e d a l 奖章outstanding 优 秀 的principal 中 学 校 长qualification 资格the first/second/third place 一/二/三等奖t r o p h y 奖品Common Expressions 1.Certified that 此证明2.This is to certify that 兹证明3.To whom it may concern:敬启者:4.I hereby certify that 兹证明Useful Structures1.Admission to the university is restricted to the top 1%of middle school graduates throughout China and the fact that Miss Xie was admitted to one of the most competitive program is in itself evidence of sound academic ability.Her performance at this university testifies to her management competence.全国的中学毕业生中,只有名列前1%的学生才能考进本校,而谢小姐却考上了一个竞争最激烈的专业,这就足以证明她成绩优秀。她在本校的表现证明她能胜任管理方面的工作。2.At college,he was the best student;at the company,he is the most excellent technician.他是校是最好的学生,在公司是最出色的技师。3.At your request,I take pleasure to provide you with some information regarding Mr.Yuan Lekais employment at this company as an executive secretary.应您的请求,我很高兴地向您提供袁乐凯先生在本公司担任秘书的情况。4.I have known Miss Liu for four years and found her to be the most active and energetic member in our Marketing Department.Last year her sales volume doubled that of the other employees.She is an unmatchable asset to this company.我认识刘小姐已有4年之久,她是我们营销部最活跃最有朝气的。去年,她完成的销售额是其他人的两倍。她是本公司最有用的人才。5.I think Ms.Lius education and character doubtlessly qualify her to serve as an administrator in your company.I recommend her without reservation and believe you will find her a helpful and responsible staff member.毫无疑问,刘女士受过良好的教育,具有良好的素质,完全能胜任贵公司的管理工作。我毫无保留地推荐她,相信她一定会成为一名有用、负责的员工。6.Miss Shen Qian,the most excellent graduate of our university in 2000,is applying to your company for an accounting position.I write this letter in support of her application on my own initiative.我们2000届最优秀的毕业生沈倩小姐向贵公司申请会计职位,我主动致函推荐。7.Mr.Tian has been engaged in research and discovery for 10 years and has published several outstanding papers in leading journals.His paper entitled“A Study of Product Discrimination”won the top prize from Management Science and Engineering in 2000 田先生从事研究与开发已有10年之久,在一流刊物上发表过数篇优秀论文。其中,题为“产品区别研究”的论文在2000年的管理科学与工程杂志上获得一等奖。Writing PracticeI.Translate the following certificate from Chinese into English according to the given information.1.上海市国际商务英语等级考试中心于2002年9月签发证书,证明 蔡明辉先生已通过上海市国际商务英语等级考试(中级)。2.宋佳卫同学被共青团江苏对外贸易学院委员会于2004年12月被评为2004年江苏对外贸易学院大学生社会实践活动个人先进,特予颁发荣誉证书。3.苏州市易进进修学院于2003年5月20日给唐芳慧(女,27岁),完成了为期4个月的中级电脑培训,成绩合格,准予结业,发给证书。II.Translate the following certificate letters from Chinese into English according to the given information.1.旧金山州立大学海外学生定向培训部主任裘安旧金山州立大学海外学生定向培训部主任裘安克雷格于克雷格于2003年年10月月23日授予上海日授予上海-旧金山姐妹旧金山姐妹城市委员会主办的商务管理课程班访问经理王晓峰城市委员会主办的商务管理课程班访问经理王晓峰圆满结束中美跨文化培训计划的结业证书。圆满结束中美跨文化培训计划的结业证书。2.喜天游公司总经理证明持证者的王应京先生是我喜天游公司总经理证明持证者的王应京先生是我的一位熟人,我知道他完全可以信赖。的一位熟人,我知道他完全可以信赖。3.证明大卫证明大卫布朗先生在本公司担任推销员布朗先生在本公司担任推销员4年。年。期间,勤勉努力并在履行自己的职责方面显示出他期间,勤勉努力并在履行自己的职责方面显示出他的才能和智慧,获得同事和上司的敬重。的才能和智慧,获得同事和上司的敬重。