By:Angela L0Maturity,Maturity,in general,is many things.Maturity in a love relationship is everything!First it is the ability to base a decision about a love relationship on the big picture-the long haul.In general,it means being able to pass up the fun for the moment and select the course of action which will pay off later.Love NoteTo be capable of real love means becoming mature,with realistic expectations of the other person.It means accepting responsibility for our own happiness or unhappiness,and neither expecting the other person to make us happy nor blaming that person for our bad moods and frustrations John A.Sanford In a love relationship,it means being able to enjoy the instant gratification that comes with the romance of the moment while knowing the best is yet to be and being patient while you watch your love grow.It is knowing that by working together,the state of unconditional love will presence itself in the relationship and will mature with time.It is knowing that you grow into a love relationship.It doesnt happen all at once.Mature love partners seek new ways to help each other grow.For a love relationship to mature,both partners must experience a deep feeling,a tacit belief,that there is something quite special about them which would never have happened had each not contributed to its creation.Larry A.Bugen Mature lovers-lovers who love unconditionally,develop a knack for side-stepping resentment and focusing on the good they see in one another.They have evolved to a higher level of understanding,one that transcends taking notice of the imperfections of the other.Mature love partners permit each other the freedom to pursue their individual interests and friends without restriction.This is when trust presents itself.Mature love allows this level of separateness to bring lovers closer together.In this scenario separateness is perceived as a bond,not a wedge.It encourages love partners to celebrate their own uniqueness.Love NoteMature love offers us our most profound opportunity for regaining wholeness-not because our partners will fill all of our emptiness,but because we can use the embrace of a loving relationship to nurture ourselves toward greater maturation and ripening.Larry A.Bugen Maturity is the ability to harness your abilities Maturity is the ability to harness your abilities and your energies and to do more than is and your energies and to do more than is expected in your relationships.The mature expected in your relationships.The mature person refuses to settle for mediocrity.They person refuses to settle for mediocrity.They would rather aim high and miss the mark would rather aim high and miss the mark than aim low and hit it.than aim low and hit it.到底什麼是愛情到底什麼是愛情?什麼是友情什麼是友情?不但每個人很難下不但每個人很難下定義定義,其實對一個學者在進行這議題的理論建構也其實對一個學者在進行這議題的理論建構也有相同的困難。每一個理論均有其差異性有相同的困難。每一個理論均有其差異性,例如例如,:社會學的平等理論認為社會學的平等理論認為,愛情的成熟發展愛情的成熟發展,必須建立必須建立在男女雙方互動平衡上才有可能在男女雙方互動平衡上才有可能,也就是愛與被愛也就是愛與被愛的歷程在付出與所得上彼此的平等的歷程在付出與所得上彼此的平等,進而發展出符進而發展出符合所謂的公平理論合所謂的公平理論若一個人的愛所付出的與所期待有衝突時若一個人的愛所付出的與所期待有衝突時,相互依相互依賴理論賴理論,就會將男女的主觀標準來影晌關係存在與就會將男女的主觀標準來影晌關係存在與否。而就心理學界將科學化實証研究的關點用在否。而就心理學界將科學化實証研究的關點用在定義愛情時有如此的論述定義愛情時有如此的論述,即兩性相互深入情感交即兩性相互深入情感交流流.