细胞全能性英文课件 植物生理.ppt
Cell totipotencyThe plant cell totipotencyDefinition:In appropriate conditions,the plant cells have a capacity that is spliting,breeding,and grow to be a whole plant.vEvery plant cells have all of this plant genetic information,under appropriate conditions,it can express all genetic information of the cells,and and divides all the types cells of plant organism,forming organs in different types even embryoids,so that could grow a whole regeneration of plant.From a cell into a plant:TotipotentDedifferentiationRedifferentiationCell divisionIndividual regenerationThis expression of totipotency is through cell division and differentiation of cell to reach the deal,in most instances,dedifferentiation is the premise of totipotency,and redifferentiation is the final embodiment of totipotency.Thank you!