化工过程设计课程简介课程英文名Project Design of Unit Process课程代码05M0140学分3总学时 3周理论学时0实验/实践学时 3周先修课程无机化学、物理化学、化工原理1适用专业应用化学内容简介 (中文)化工过程课程设计是应用化学专业教学计划中十分重要的一项实践性教学 环节,它起到了承接理论知识和分析检验方法的融合的关键作用,培养了学生理论 联系实际、从实际出发分析研究问题的能力。为学生毕业设计打下良好的基础,同 时在今后的科研、生产和社会活动中,能够对具体的化学工艺问题进行分析,设计 出安全有效的化工单元,并在化工产业领域相关工作中制定出高质量的工艺标准。内容简介 (英文)'Project design of unit process' is an important practicing course of the applied chemistry, which links the comprehensive utilization of chemical engineering knowledge and practical analyzing techniques. Through this practical course, students are to further develop their strength of studying and analyzing real-world chemical engineering problems, and to acquire the ability to inspect and solve problems by designing and evaluating safe and effective chemical engineering units. Furthermore, students should be able to get involved in the develop of certain process standard in specified chemical engineering area, and eventually be well ready for graduation and entry to the industry.人审定人制定时间2020年12月