专业实习课程简介课程英文名Professional Practice课程代码J0701Z56学分3总学时3周 理论学时0实验/实践学时 3周先修课程适用专业数学与应用数学、信息与计算科学内容简介 (中文)专业实习是本科教学计划的重要组成部分,是本科生培养与教育中的一个主 要实践环节,是培养学生综合运用本专业所学的基础理论、基本技能和专业技能 解决实际问题的重要教学过程,是本专业学生走向社会、与企业工作衔接适用的 过度与前奏。课程主要通过专业实践,提高学生运用数学基本理论和知识,独立分析和解 决实际问题的能力;提高学生的综合素质,为毕业后走向社会岗位或进一步深造 打下基础;使学生熟悉本专业特点,了解与专业相关的岗位工作特点。实习主要学习规范要求,熟悉实习环境;根据实习单位要求进行学习实践;根 据实习要求,独立或者分组完成作品;最后由实习单位或者学院组织实习成果评定, 鉴定实习效果。内容简介 (英文)Professional practice is an important part of undergraduate teaching plan, is a major practice part of graduation training and education, is an important process to cultivate students9 basic theory, basic skill and professional skills to solve practical problem. Professional practice is the prelude of students enter the society, and the link of school and working.Through the professional practice to cultivate students' ability to analyze and solve practical problems independently based on mathematical theory and knowledge, to improve the comprehensive quality, to lay the foundation for social post or further education after graduation, to familiarize myself with the specialty and job characteristics.The main content of professional practice including: learning specification requirement, familiar with internship environment, practicing according the requirement of the internship unit, finishing the work independently or in groups with the requirement, evaluating the work under the internship or college.执笔人审定人制定时间2018年5月