中国古代文学(四)课程简介课程英文名Chinese classic literature课程代码学分3总学时48理论学时48实验/实践学时0先修课程无适用专业汉语言文学内容简介 (中文)中国古代文学是汉语言文学专业最重要的主干课之一,是一门基础学术卜,传统 学科,在中文专业乃至整个社会科学领域都占有重要位置。学好中国古代文学,对 于掌握我国古代文学的发展概况和光辉成就,提高古代文学作品的阅读鉴赏、分析 评论能力,全面提高文学素养,都有重要作用;学好中国古代文学,对于弘扬民族 文化,提高民族自信心和自豪感,加强爱国主义教育有重要意义。本课程的历史跨度为先秦到近代。本学期所涉及的范围为辽金元、明代、清代 和近代文学部分。其基本内容包括文学史和作品选两大部分。本课程知识与能力兼 顾,注重能力与素质的培养。通过本课程学习,学生应比较系统地掌握中国古代文 学发展的基本轮廓,各种文学现象的变化和联系,了解并掌握各历史时期的代表作 家的代表作品,具备对中国古代文学作品独立阅读鉴赏,分析评论能力,能较准确 地把握其思想内容及艺术特征。内容简介 (英文)Chinese ancient literature is one of the most important main courses in Chinese language and literature. It is a basic subject, traditional subject, and occupies an important position in Chinese major and whole social science field. Learn the ancient Chinese literature, to grasp the general situation of the development of Chinese ancient literature and glorious achievements, improve reading of ancient literature appreciation and analysis ability, comprehensive improve the literature accomplishment, have important role; It is of great significance to learn Chinese ancient literature, to promote national culture, enhance national self-confidence and pride, and strengthen patriotism education.The history of this course is pre-qin to modern times. The scope of this semester is the liao jin yuan, Ming dynasty, qing dynasty and modern literature. The basic content includes two parts: literature history and selection. The knowledge and ability of this course are balanced, with emphasis on the cultivation of ability and quality. Through the study of this course, students should systematically master the basic outline of the development of Chinese ancient literature, the change of various literary phenomena and contact, understand and grasp the historical period of the representative writers of representative works, have independent reading appreciation of ancient Chinese literary works, analysis ability, can accurately grasp the ideological content and artistic features.执笔人审定人制定时间2019年3月