中国古代文学1课程简介课程英文名Ancient Chinese Literature Works课程代码R0501Z45学分2总学时32理论学时32实验/实践学时0先修课程古代汉语适用专业汉语国际教育内容简介 (中文)中国古代文学是汉语国际教育的学科专业课,属于限选课。这是一门基础学科, 传统学科。学习中国古代文学,有利于学生掌握我国古代文学的发展,提高对古代 文学作品的阅读鉴赏能力,提高文学素养,具有重要的现实意义。本课程通过对先秦至五代部分的文学史与作品选的学习,学生应熟读并记诵一 定数量的作品,系统地掌握此期间文学发展的基本轮廓,了解并掌握唐代的代表性 作家、代表性作品,具备对这一时期文学作品独立阅读鉴赏、分析评论能力,能较 准确地把握其思想内容及艺术特征。内容简介 (英文)Ancient Chinese Literature is one of the very important courses in International Education in Chinese Department. Learning this course will be good for the students grasping the history of ancient Chinese literature, improving their appreciation, it has important enlightenment and reference significance.This course study both the history and the works from Pre-Qin Period to Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. Students should perusal or recite some classical works,know about the typical writers and their typical works, have the independent reading and analysis capability, could seize the main contents and artistic characteristics.执笔人审定人制定时间2022年3月