机械设计课程设计C课程简介课程英文名Curriculum Design of Mechanical Design Basic C课程代码06P0009学分1总学时 1周理论学时实验/实践学时 1周先修课程工程图学、AUTOCAD技术、工程力学、机械设计基础等适用专业工业工程内容简介 (中文)机械设计课程设计是理论课程机械设计基础的延续,是工科专业一门 重要的基础课程。通过该课程学习,使学生把所学工程图学、AUTOCAD技术、 工程力学、机械设计基础等相关课程的理论知识,在课程设计中综合地加以 运用,在此过程中掌握查阅并综合运用各种设计手册、规范等设计技术资料的能力, 培养对机械设计独立分析问题、解决问题的能力和团队协作的能力。课程内容主要 包括设计说明书、装配图及关键零件图绘制、汇报答辩。内容简介 (英文)"Mechanical design curriculum design*' is the continuation of the theoretical course nmechanical design basis”, which is an important basic course for engineering majors. Through the study of this course, students can comprehensively use the theoretical knowledge of engineering graphics, AutoCAD Technology, engineering mechanics, mechanical design basis and other related courses in the course design. In this process, students should master the ability of consulting and comprehensively using various design manuals, specifications and other design technical data, and cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems independently and team work ability for mechanical design. The course content mainly includes design specification, assembly drawing and key parts drawing, report and reply.执笔人审定人制定时间2020年11月