磁学基础课程简介课程英文名Introduction to Magnetism课程代码05M0076学分2总学时32理论学时32实验/实践学时0先修课程普通物理、固体物理基础适用专业材料科学与工程内容简介 (中文)磁学基础是材料科学与工程专业一门同生产实际有密切联系的专业选 修课,教学目的是培养学生利用所学数学、物理及材料科学知识,理解和掌握 磁学的基础理论。通过课程学习,使学生理解磁性的起源、物质磁性的种类、 基本的磁性理论、常见的磁效应、几类常用的磁性材料和磁性材料磁特性的测 量方法等,为今后深入研究纳米磁性材料和功能材料及正确理解磁学理论奠定 基础。内容简介 (英文)"Introduction to Magnetism, is a professional elective course closely related to production practice for materials science and engineering. The purpose of teaching is to train students to use their knowledge of mathematics, physics and materials science to understand and master the basic theories of magnetism. Through course study, students will understand the origin of magnetism, the types of material magnetism, basic magnetic theory, common magnetic effects, several types of commonly used magnetic materials and the measurement methods of magnetic properties of magnetic materials, etc., in order to further study nano-magnetic materials and Lay the foundation for functional materials and a correct understanding of magnetic theory.执笔人审定人制定时间2010年11月