算法设计与分析课程简介课程英文名Algorithm Design and Analysis课程代码J0701Z35学分3总学时48理论学时32实验/实践学时16先修课程数据结构C+程序设计适用专业信息与计算科学内容简介 (中文)本课程是信息与计算科学的专业选修课。计算机科学是一种创造性思维活动, 其教育必须面向设计。算法设计与分析正是一门面向设计,且处于计算机学科核心 地位的教育课程。通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握常用的算法设计技术与算法分析 的初步能力,掌握解决实际问题的算法设计方法,为独立设计算法奠定坚实的理论 基础。本课程内容包括分治法、贪心法、动态规划、回溯法、分支限界法等算法的 基本思想及经典算例。内容简介 (英文)This course is a professional elective course in information and computing science. Computer science is a creative thinking activity, and its education must be oriented toward design. Algorithm design and analysis is just a design course, which is in the core position of computer science. Through the study of this course, the students can grasp the primary ability of common algorithm design technology and algorithm analysis, grasp the algorithm design method to solve practical problems, and lay a solid theoretical foundation for the independent design algorithm. This course includes the basic ideas and classic examples of algorithms such as divide and conquer, greedy, dynamic programming, backtracking, branch and bound algorithm.执笔人审定人制定时间2018年5月