亲属法与继承法课程简介课程英文名Family and Inheritance law课程代码N0301ZG5学分2总学时32理论学时32实验/实践学时0先修课程适用专业法学内容简介 (中文)亲属法和继承法是民法组成部分,与民法学其他学科密不可分,同时又具有其特 殊性和相对独立性。法学专业本科生学习本课程能完善其专业知识结构。课程内容主要包括亲属法一般原理、结婚制度、离婚制度、婚姻效力、父母子女 关系、收养关系、继承权及遗产认定,法定继承与遗嘱继承、遗赠与遗赠扶养协议、 遗产处理。课程目标:理解并掌握亲属法、继承法领域基本概念与原理。理解和熟练掌握 婚姻法、收养法与继承法的主要具体规定,了解其相关修改动态。能将上述理论知 识综合运用于实际问题分析,初步具备解决一般婚姻继承法律问题的能力。内容简介 (英文)Family and Inheritance Law is a part of Civil Law. It has close connections with other parts of Civil Law but also has its own specialty. Learning Family and Inheritance Law could improve students, knowledge structure.The main content of this course includes general principles, marriage and its legal effects, divorce, parents and children's right and obligation, adoption, inheritance right and legacy, statutory succession, testate succession, bequest, legacy-support agreement and disposition of legacy.This course aims to help students understand basic concepts and principles of Family and Inheritance Law and important rules in those areas, to provide students the latest developments of those rules, and to help students to develop their ability to analyze cases and solve problems with knowledge they've learned in this course.执笔人审定人制定时间2018年5月