公共管理经典选读课程简介课程英文名Public Administration Selected Classical Readings课程代码Q1103Z65学分2总学时32理论学时32实验/实践学时0先修课程公共关系原理适用专业公共事业管理内容简介 (中文)本课程为公共行政专业本科选修课程。简要介绍了公共行政领域的经典理论和 实例。我们提供以理论框架指导学生在公共管理实践中的实践,同时介绍了世界上 著名的公共行政案例。本课程目标:1 .通过学习和培训,使学生对公共关系的基本地位、立场、方法有深刻的理解, 树立正确的公共管理理念。2 .通过学习和培训,使学生认识和分析公共关系中的基本方法,具有分析公共 行政现实事务的基本能力。adjective形容词3 .通过学习和培训,使学生为从事公共行政工作和与实际工作理论系统化奠定 基础。4 .通过对双语者的学习和培训,提高公共管理专业学生的专业英语素质。内容简介 (英文)This course is a selected course to provide public administration profession undergraduate. It mailly introduces the classic theories and examples in the area of public administration. Wc provide the thcroctical frames to guide students in practice of public administration ,in the meanwhile ,we introduce the famous cases in public administration aroud the world.The mission of this curricular is:1 .Through the study and train, make student thoroughly comprehend with the basic position, standpoints, methods in public relations, and set up the right ideas about public administration.2 .Through the study and train, make student recognize and analyze the basic methods in the public relations, so having the basic ability of analyzing (he realistic affairs in public administration area.3 .Through the study and train, make student lay the foundation for engaged in the public administration and working with the actual prate ice to systematize the theories.4 .Through the bilinguals study and train, increase profession English character tor the students who's major is public administration.执笔人审定人制定时间2022年03月