宪法学课程简介课程英文名Constitutional Law课程代码N0301Z09学分32总学时32理论学时32实验/实践学时0先修课程无适用专业法学;知识产权内容简介 (中文)本课程在人才培养体系中居于基础性和先导性的地位,是学生学行政法与行政 诉讼法等相邻课程的基础,是引导学生养成法学思维习惯的重要载体。本课程致力于帮助学生掌握宪法的基本概念与原理,掌握我国双轨制宪法实施 制度的构造、特色及演进方向,在知识获取过程中,积累理论思维能力、个案分析 能力、自学能力、研究能力、有一定专业水准的表达能力、团队协作精神,能站在 时代语境理解法治中国的宪法意蕴,成为宪法精神的维护者和践行者。内容简介 (英文)This Course has the introductory and basic status among the culture system of law talents, which can be defined as the basis of the learning of administrative law and administrative procedure law and important carrier to help students develop the ability of law thinking like a lawyer. Therefore, the target of this course should be inducted as committed to help students master the basic concepts and principles of the constitution, as well as the important aspects of dual tracks constitution implementation of china. And then, this course can help students obtain the abilities of theoretical thinking, case analysis, self-learning, academic research, as well as professional expression and team collaboration during the procedure of system learning.Last but more importantly, this course can help students understanding the constitutional implication of rule of law from the perspective of current context, and grow into the maintainer and practitioner of constitutionalism.执笔人审定人制定时间2022年5月