广东省高新技术技工学校2013-2014学年度第一学期期末考试国际商务单证实务试卷(B卷)2012级商务英语专业题号二三总分得分一、理论基础题(每题1。分,共4。分)1、根据以下信用证条款,回答相关问题。Applicant : Nissho 1 wai CorporationNo. 4-5 Akaasaka 2-Chome MiNatou Tokyo, JapanBneficiary : China National Mine Import and Export Corp. Beijing, P. R. ChinaPre-advice : Bank of China, Beijing BranchDocuments required :Full set of clean on board marine bills of lading made out to order and blank endorsed , marked "freight prepaid".(1)该提单的发货人、收货人、通知人如何填制?(2)提单上运费的支付方式如何填报?(3)该提单属于哪一种类?2、国际贸易中,标准运输标志由哪几部分构成?试举例说明。3、出口公司规定按发票金额110%投保,如发票金额是1500美元,投保金额是多少? 乂如投保一切险和战争险,保险费率合计为0.8%,应付保险费是多少?如果这批货 物在运输过程中全部都损失了,则投保人最多可以获得多少赔偿?4、试论作为一名合格的国际商务单证员,在缮制单据的时候要做到怎样的要求?二、业务操作题。(共60分)根据下述材料,缮制保险单、提单及原产地证书(1)销售合同SALES CONFIRMATIONNO.: ZHT081115DATE:NOV.15, 2008THE SELLER: SHANGHAI ZHENHUA IMP&EMPCO LTD THE BUYER: GR-TRAG Co., Ltd.ADRESS: Rm 501 Longju Building No. 87 Longju Rd.ADRESS: A904 Wealth Building.Pudong Shanghai 200136 P.R.ChinaKando Jinbocho Chiyodaku, Tokyo Japan'阳:0086-21 -58334388Tel.:+81 -3-5283-6765Fax:0086-21 -58334389Fax: +81-3-5283-6775THE UNDERSIGNED SELLERS AND BUYERS HAVE AGREED TO CLOSE THE FOLLOWINGTRANSACTIONS ACCORDING TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS STIPULATED BELOW:COMMODITY AND SPECIFICATIONQUANTITYUNIT PRICEAMOUNTWOMEN JEANW33OIW30012400 PCS1200 PCSCIF TOKYOUSD 5.30/PCUSD 4.50/PCUSD 12720.00USD 54OO.(X)TOTAL:36(X) PCSUSD 18120.00TOTAL AMOUNT IN WORDS: SAY U.S. DOLLARS EIGHTEEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED ANDTWENTY ONLYPACKING: ONE PIECE IN ONE POLY BAG, 30 POLY BAGS IN ONE CARTONSHIPMENT: NOT LATER THAN JAN.31.2009. FROM SHANGHAI TO TOKYO JAPAN, ALLOWING TRANSHIPMENT & PAK1IAL SHIPMENTS.PAYMENT: THE BUYER SHOULD OPEN THROUGH A BANK ACCEPTABLE TO THE SELLER AN 100% IRREVOCABLE L/C PAYABLE AT 30 DAYS AFTER SIGHT DRAFT TO REACH THE SELLERS BEFORE DEC. 1.2008 AND VALID FOR NEGOTIATION IN CHINA UNTIL THE 15th DAY AFTER THE DR'E Ol- SHIPMENT.INSURANCE: TO BE EFFECTED BY THE SELLER EOR 110% OF INVOICE VALUE AGAINST ERA. AS PER THE RELEV/XNT OCEAN MARINE C/XRGO OF P. I. C. C. DATED l/i/1981.THE BUYERS:GR-TRAG Co., Ltd.(SIGNATURE)THE SELLERSSHANGHAI ZHENHUA IMP&EMPCO ITD (SIGNATURE)PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY(2)信用证单据要求:DOCUMENTS REQUIRED 46A :SIGNED COMMERCIAL INVOICE IN 3 COPIES INDICATING CREDIT NO.FULL SET CLEAN ON BOARD MARINE BILL OF LADING MADE OUT TO ORDER OFSHIPPER AND BLANK ENDORSED NOTIFY APPLICANT MARKED FREIGHT PREPAIDPACKING LIST IN 3 COPIESCERTIFICATE OF ORIGINFULL SET INSURANCE POLICY OR CERTIFICATE COVERING F.P.A. FROM WAREHOUSETO WAREHOUSE WITH CLAIMS PAYABLE AT DESTINATION(3)补充资料:发票R期:2008.12.5发票号码:ZHT5743装船日:船名船次:Dingyuan V.352卖方负责人:张启东唆头:GR-TRAGTK0842TOKYOC/NO.1-UP提单号:B2233101Q保单签发日:DEC-14-2008H.S 编码:6204620099投保日期:保险单号:DEC-122X)8PYIE2006080产地证编号:3003112GW:20KG/CART0N N1V: 18KG/CART0X 体积:每箱 30cmX40cmX50cmPICC中国人民财产保险般份有限公司PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited 货物运输保险单 CAR(;() TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE POLICY 发票号码:保险单号次INVOICE NO.POLICY NO.被保险人:中国人民财产保险股份布限公司(以下简称本公司)要求,以被保险人向本公司缴付约定的保险贽为对价,按 照本保险单列明条款承保下述货物运输保险,特订立本保险单。THIS POLICY OF INSURANCE WITNESSES THAT PICC PROPERTY AND CASUALTY COMPANY LIM1TED(HEREINAFTER CALLED “THE COM PAN Y'') AT THE REQUEST OF THE INSURED AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE AGREED PREMIUM PAID TO THE COMPANY BY THE INSUREDUNDERTAKES TO INSURE THE UNDERMENTIONED GOODS IN TRANSPORATION SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF THIS POLICYAS PER THE CLAUSES PRINTED BELOW.标记MARKS & NO S包装及数量QUANTITY保险货物项目GOODS保险金额AMOUNT INSURED总保险金额:TOTAL AMOUNT INSURED:«启运H期PREMIUM : DATti OF COMMENCEMENT: 装载运输工真一PER CONVEYANCE:.白:至:FROM:TO:CONDITIONS:所保货物如发生保险单项下可能引起索赔的损失,应立即通知本公司或下述代理人查勘。如有索赔,应向本公 司提交正本保险单(本保险单共有 份正本)及有关证件。如一份正木已用于索赔,其余正本自动失效。IN THE EVENT OF LOSS OR DAMANGE WHICH MAY RESULT IN A CLAIM UNDER THIS POLICY. IMMEDIATE NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN TO THE COMPANY OR AGENT AS MENTIONED. CLAIMS. IF ANY. ONE OF THE ORIGINAL POLICY WHICH HAS BEEN ISSUED IN ORGINALS TOGETHER WITH THE RELEVANT DOCUMENTS SHALL BE SURRENDERED TO THE COMPANY. IF ONE OF THE ORIGINAL POLICY HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED. THE OTHERS TO BE VOID.赔款偿付地点:CLAIM PAYABLE AT日期:DATE: .Shipper Insert Name, Address and PhoneB/L No.Consignee Insert Name, Address and Phone正中远集装箱运输有限公司 COSCO CONTAINER LINESNotify Parly Insert Name. Address and PhonePort-to-Port or Combined TransportBILL OF LADINGRECEIVED In external apparent good order and condition except as otherwise n(Med. The lotal number of packages or unit% slulTed in the cunlainer. the description of the goods and the weigh” shown in (his Bill of Loading arc furnished by the Merchants, and which the carrier has no reasonable means of checking and is no< a pan of this Bill of Loading conuacc. The carrier has iMued llie number of Bills of Lading staled below, all of thix tenor and date. oik of the cxigirul Bilk of lading must be surrendered and endorsed or signed against the delivery of the shipment and whereupon any other original Bills of Lading shall be void. The Merchanis agree to be bound by the terms A ml conditions of this Bill of Lading M if each had personally signed this BillCombined Transport * Pre-carriage byCombined Transport * Place of ReceiptOcean Vessel Voy. No.Pori of Loading.Port of DischargeCombined Transport Place of DeliveryMarks & Nos.Container / Seal No.No. of Containers or PackagesDescription of Goods (If Dangerous Goods, See Clause 20)Gross Weight KgsMeasurementDescription of Contents for Shipper's Use Only (Not Part of This B/L Contract)Freight & ChargesPrepaid atRatePerPrepaidCollectEx Rate:Total PrepaidPayable atPlace and date of IssueTotal PrepaidNo. of Original B(s)/LSigned for the Carrier: COSCO CONTAINER LINESLADEN ON BOARD THE VESSELDATE:BY:Place and date, signature and stamp authorized signatoryPlace and date, signature and stamp of certifying authorityORIGINAL1.ExporterCertificate No.CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN OF THE PEOPLE S REPUBLIC OFCHINA2.Consignee3.Means of transport and route5.For certifying authority use only4.Country / region of destination6.Marks and numbers7.Number and kind of packages; description of goods9.Quantity10.Number and date of Invoices11.Declaration by the exporterThe undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statements are correct, that all the goods were produced in China and that they comply with the Rules of Origin of the People's Republic of China.12.CertificationIt is hereby certified that the declaration by the exporter is correct.