校内写作实践课程简介课程英文名Internal Writing Practice课程代码Q0501Z64学分2总学时 2周 理论学时0实验/实践学时 2周先修课程无适用专业汉语言文学内容简介 (中文)我校的汉语言文学专业是一门力求在奠定汉语言文学“三基”(基础知识、基本 理论、基本技能)的基础上,突出学生写作能力的培养与训练,培养综合素质优良 人才的学科。本专业是以培养学生文学创作与评论的写作能力为重心,同时发展学 生在新闻写作、文秘写作等应用性写作方面的水平。校内写作实践在汉语言文学专 业学生的培养中具有重要意义,校内写作实践是该专业培养学生具有实际动手写作 技能的重要教学环节之一。它能够提供学校课堂教育所不能够给予的知识、经验和 技能,促进学生更好地理解围绕着各项写作实务操作的流程和技法,并为其毕业以 后走向工作岗位积累最初的经验,它是学生从学校走向社会并能更好更快地适应社 会的桥梁。课程目标如下:1.在奠定汉语言文学“三基”(基础知识、基本理论、 基本技能)的基础上,突出学生写作能力的培养与训练,培养综合素质。2.学生修 正和加深自己对理论理解,在业务能力方面快速成长。3.以培养学生文学创作与评 论的写作能力为重心,同时发展学生在新闻写作、文秘写作等应用性写作方面的水 平。内容简介 (英文)In Chinese language and literature major of our school is a lay the Chinese language and literature san ji (basic knowledge, basic theory, basic skills), on the basis of outstanding students writing ability cultivation and training, cultivating talents of comprehensive quality good discipline. This major focuses on cultivating the writing ability of students, literary creation and criticism, while developing the students, level of writing in journalism, writing and writing. School writing practice in the Chinese language and literature is of great significance in the cultivation of the students, the school writing practice is the professional students is one of the important teaching links of practical writing skills. It can provide the school classroom education is not to give the knowledge, experience and skills, promote students to better understand around each writing practice processes and techniques, and after graduation to work for its initial experience, it is the student from school to society and can better and faster to adapt to the society. Course objectives are as follows: 1. In establish the Chinese language and literature san ji (basic knowledge, basic theory, basic skills), on the basis of outstanding students writing ability cultivation and training, cultivating comprehensive quality. 2. Students revise and deepen their understanding of theory and grow rapidly in business ability. 3. Focusing on cultivating the writing ability of students,literary creation and criticism, and developing the students, level of writing in journalism, writing and writing, etc.执笔人审定人制定时间2022年4月