中国文化通论课程简介课程英文名Introduction to Chinese Culture课程代码R0501Z50学分2总学时32理论学时32实验/实践学时0先修课程文化学导论适用专业汉语国际教育内容简介 (中文)本课程专门研究中国传统文化基础知识,是汉语国际教育本科专业所必修的专 业基础课,采用多元视角,对中国文化进行多学科*、全方位的介绍与探讨。主要目 标是:1.熟悉中国文化的基本发展历程,全面系统地了解中国传统文化的主要内容, 掌握传统文化的基本特征、主流精神等,从而增强民族自豪感;2全面地了解中国文化的产生、发展脉络和成果,较为深入地掌握各种主要文 化现象的特点,提高对文化现象的综合分析能力;3.培养学生进行中外文化比较研究的主体意识,为将来从事对外汉语教学工作 打好基础,为建设新时期文化服务。内容简介 (英文)This course specializes in basic knowledge of traditional Chinese culture and is a compulsory specialty course for undergraduates from Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCSL). It introduces and explores Chinese culture in a multi-disciplinary and omni-directional manner from multiple perspectives. The main goals are:1. To become familiar with basic development history of Chinese culture, to comprehensively and systematically understand main contents of traditional Chinese culture, to master basic characteristics and mainstream spirit, etc. of traditional culture, thereby to enhance students' sense of national pride;2. To comprehensively understand the generation, development and achievements of Chinese culture, to grasp in depth characteristics of various major cultural phenomena, and to improve the ability of comprehensively analyzing cultural phenomena;3. To cultivate students* main consciousness of comparative studies on Chinese and foreign cultures, to lay a good foundation for students9 future work in teaching Chinese as a second language, as well as providing services for building a new socialism culture.执笔人审定人制定时间2022年3月