计量文化史课程简介课程英文名History of Metrological Culture课程代码学分2总学时32理论学时32实验/实践学时先修课程适用专业汉语国际教育专业内容简介 (中文)计量文化史是带有鲜明我校特色的专业选修课程,对计量概念和价值的研 讨将有助于提升学生的集体荣誉感。以计量的历史发展为线索,审视科技与文化的 互动,将有助于扩展文化视野,加深对科技与人文关系的理解。同时,对人类各主 要文明国家的发展和文化交流历史加以了解,在此广阔历史视野下探讨世界计量的 历史,也将有助于国际视野和跨文化背景能力的培养。本课程也将援引一些计量史 上的著名科研案例,还原历史现场,引导学生感受理性探索的精神,培育科学的世 界观和学术创新素质。内容简介 (英文)"History of Metrological Culture" is a professional elective course with distinctive features of our school. Research on the concepts and values of Jiliang(metrology) will help improve students' collective sense of honor. Taking the historical development of metrology as a clue, examining the interaction between science and technology and culture will help expand the cultural horizon and deepen the understanding of the relationship between science and technology and humanities. At (he same lime, understanding the history of human development in m<yor civilized countries and the history of cultural exchanges, and exploring the history of world metrology in this broad historical perspective will also contribute to the development of international perspectives and cross-cultural backgrounds capability. This course will also cite some famous scientific research cases in the history of metrology, restore the historical scene, guide students to experience the spirit of rational exploration, and cultivate scientific world outlook and academic innovation quality.执笔人审定人制定时间2018年5月