高级英语1课程简介课程英文名Advanced English 1课程代码R0502Z08学分4总学时64理论学时64实验/实践学时0先修课程综合英语1-4适用专业翻译内容简介 (中文)高级英语1的教学对象是翻译专业三年级本科生。本课程的组织形式是以课堂教学为主,所有环节包括:背景知识介绍一讲解 课文一后续讨论与写作一借助网络教学平台进行拓展学习一多样化的评价体系。本课程以教材为依托,通过对课文的讲解与剖析以及各项教学活动,使学生在 听、说、读、写、译等方面得到全面的训练和提高;进一步拓展语言学习的深度和 广度,使其具有更强的思辨能力和沟通能力,并具有一定的文学鉴赏和文化交流的 能力,为今后的专业学习和研究打下坚实的基础。内容简介 (英文)Advanced English 1 is a course arranged for the third year undergraduate English majors.This course is mainly based on classroom teaching, consisting of other forms: background information, text analysis, subsequent discussions and writing, extended learning with the aid of network teaching platform, diverse evaluation system.Based on the teaching materials, and through text analysis and various teaching activities, students can be fully trained and improved in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating as well as interpretation. The depth and breadth of language learning will be further developed to attain a good mastery of reasoning, literary appreciation and communicative ability. In this way, a solid foundation for professional learning and research is to be laid.执笔人审定人制定时间2022年4月