现代汉语2课程简介课程英文名Modern Chinese 2课程代码R0501Z41学分2总学时32理论学时32实验/实践学时0先修课程现代汉语1适用专业汉语国际教育内容简介 (中文)本课程对现代汉语的词汇、语法(上)方面的知识加以系统的描写。它以国家 的语言文字政策为依据,系统讲授现代汉民族共同语的基本理论和基本知识,加强 基本技能的训练,培养提高理解、分析和运用现代汉语的能力,以适应现在及将来 学习、生活、工作的需要。主要目标是:1 .了解现代汉语词汇含义、语素构成词的方法和类型、词义、词汇的构成、词 汇的变化和词汇规范化等问题,掌握词汇学基本知识,能够正确地辩析和解释词义, 提高用词的能力;2 .熟悉现代汉语的词类划分原则、各类词的用法等内容,掌握现代汉语语法体 系和用词造名的规律,具有辩别词性的能力。内容简介 (英文)This course will systematically describe vocabulary and grammar (one) of modern Chinese. Based on the national language policy, it systematically teaches the basic theories and basic knowledge of modern Han national common language, strengthens training of basic skills, and develops an ability to understand, analyze, and apply modern Chinese in order to adapt to current and future learning, life and work needs. The main goals are:l.To understand the meaning of modern Chinese vocabulary and various lexical units, the methods and types of morpheme's constituent words, the meaning of words, the composition of vocabulary, changes in vocabulary and vocabulary normalization. Meanwhile, to improve the ability to utilize vocabulary.2. To become familiar with principles of word division in modern Chinese, the utilization of various vocabulary, etc. Also, be able to master the grammar system of modern Chinese and the rules of using words to name as well as to have the ability to discern words.执笔人审定人制定时间2022年3月