材料科技与人类文明课程简介课程英文名Materials Technology and Human Civilization课程代码学分1总学时16理论学时16实验/实践学时0先修课程适用专业全校本科生内容简介 (中文)课程内容包括:材料发展史、关键材料大解析、新材料新生活。课程将紧扣材 料科学在国计民生中的重要地位,以关键材料的诞生背景、团队研发过程、运用前 景、社会效益为主线展开。本课程面向全校各专业大学生的通识教育课程。本课程目标为:培养学生站在 国际前沿的高度来认识材料在人类文明中的支柱作用,从而激发学生为中华民族崛 起而学习的自豪感;培养学生运用科学技术的意识和能力,培养学生创新设计的思 维和方法,激发学生获取科学创新灵感的思路;提高学生沟通交流的能力,培养团 队合作和工匠精神。内容简介 (英文)In this course standardization science is combined with materials science and engineering, and the principles, methods, concepts, practices of standardization are discussed, especially in the field of materials science and engineering. Students are trained to know standard types , standardization organization and formulate procedures, to make up material standard system, to prepare and revise material standards, to solve the problems and intellectual property rights disputes related to material standard preparation, to firmly establish the awareness of standardization and use standardization in the practice of material selection, material manufacturing engineering, material analysis and testing, to establish good behavior of standards, and use standard thinking to promote innovation and guidance.执笔人审定人制定时间2020年12月