演讲与辩论课程简介课程英文名English speaking and debating课程代码R0502Y50学分2总学时32理论学时0实验/实践学时32先修课程英语口译,交替传译适用专业翻译内容简介 (中文)本课程旨在提高学生的口语交际能力,拓宽学生思维,能对社会各热点问题发 表观点并能了解各种不同的声音。课程要让学生了解英语演讲的注意事项,通过观 摩,模仿,小组练习和全班练习能让学生根据不同主题和风格进行演讲大纲的准备 并能上台进行自信演说。同时该课程还涉及到如何写演讲稿,课程后半段还要求学 生能用英语进行简单的辩论,阐明观点并驳斥对方。内容简介 (英文)This course aims at improving students, oral communicative ability, expanding students' thinking so that they can air opinions to all kinds of hot spots issues of society and know different opinions concerning the same issue. During this course, students need to understand how to prepare for English speaking through video watching; imitation, group practice and class practice so that they can deliver speeches confidently of different topics and styles. This course also involves the writing of speech draft and how to prepare English debating. Students can do simple debate concerning certain topics, illustrate a point and reject other points.执笔人审定人制定时间2018年4月