量子力学课程简介课程英文名Quantum Mechanics课程代码J0702Y00学分3总学时48理论学时48实验/实践学时0先修课程普通物理、数学物理方法适用专业应用物理内容简介 (中文)量子力学是描述微观世界物质运动基本规律的一门科学,是近代物理学的重要 基础。本课程是一门重要的学科基础课。通过对本课程的学习,使学生了解微观世 界微观粒子的运动规律,初步掌握量子力学的基本原理和解决问题的基本方法,为 进一步学习与钻研后继专业课程打下必要的基础;同时使学生了解量子力学在近代 物理和当代科学中的广泛应用,培养学生用相关知识解决问题的能力。课程内容主 要有:薛定铐方程、一维定态问题和势垒贯穿、力学量的算符表示、表象理论、微 扰理论和变分法、自旋与全同性原理。内容简介 (英文)Quantum Mechanics, as a science that describes the basic laws of the movement of matter in the microscopic world, is the foundation of most branches of modern physics. Through the study of this course, the students can understand the movement of micro-particles in the microscopic world, and master the basic principles of quantum mechanics and the basic methods of solving problems. At the same time, the students should understand the extensive application of quantum mechanics in modern physics and contemporary science and lay a preliminary foundation for further study. It is expected to help the student to develop the ability to solve problems with relevant knowledge. The course includes Schro dinger equations, one-dimensional stationary problems, operator formula, theory of representation, methods of perturbation and variations, spin statistics and principle of identical particles.执笔人审定人制定时间2022年03月