网络优化(双语)课程简介课程英文名Network Optimization课程代码J0806Y03学分2.5总学时40理论学时32实验/实践学时8先修课程运筹与优化适用专业信息与计算科学、数学与应用数学内容简介 (中文)本课程是信息与计算科学的专业选修课。网络优化广泛应用于空间科学、军事 科学、系统识别、通讯、工程设计、自动控制、经济管理等各个领域,是信息与计 算科学专业学生与工程技术人员的一门重要课程。通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握 网络优化的基本理论与一般分析方法,掌握基本的英文专业术语与表达,提高分析 网络模型实际问题的思维能力与计算能力,为学习后续课程奠定必要的基础。本课 程主要内容包括最小树问题、运输问题、最短路问题、最小费用流问题及匹配问题 等经典优化问题的算法与应用。内容简介 (英文)This course is a professional elective course in information and computing science. Network optimization is widely used in various fields, such as space science, military science, system identification, communication, engineering design, automatic control, economic management and so on. It is an important course for the students of information and computing science and engineering technicians. Through the study of this course, students can grasp the basic theory and general analysis methods of network optimization, master the basic English professional terms and expressions, improve the thinking ability and calculation ability of the actual problems of the network model, and lay the necessary foundation for the follow-up course. The main contents of this course include the algorithms and applications of the classical optimization problems, such as the minimum tree problem, the transportation problem, the shortest path problem, the minimum cost flow problem and the matching problem.执笔人审定人制定时间2018年5月