哲学与人生课程简介课程英文名Philosophy and Life课程代码Q0501Z00学分2总学时32理论学时32实验/实践学时0先修课程无适用专业汉语言文学内容简介 (中文)(一)课程地位哲学与人生是一门面向汉语言文学专业的人文选修课程。哲学是一门以追 求智慧为目标的学问。认识世界和认识自己构成了哲学的主要内容。人正是通过对 世界和自我的认识,使人生获得了存在的意义。本课程以问题为核心,通过专题讲 授与课程讨论相结合的方式,引导学生对人生问题进行积极地、独立地思考,从而 能够明确人生的意义所在。另外,通过本课程的讲授,拓展学生的专业视野,完善 知识结构,最终提升学生的综合素养与文化创新能力。(二)课程目标1 .引导学生深入了解儒家传统文化,自觉地进行道德引导。2 .引导学生对人生问题进行积极地、独立地思考,从而能够明确人生的意义所 在。(三)课程内容了解哲学的基本理论与概念,掌握哲学与人生的内在逻辑关系。掌握中国传统 人生哲学中的人性论、天人观、理欲观、情爱观、义利观、生死观等思想。内容简介 (英文)1 .positionPhilosophy and life is a humanities courses for Chinese language and literature major Philosophy is a wisdom as the goal of learning To know the world and know themselves constitutes the main content of philosophy It is through the understanding of the world and the self, to make your life to get the meaning of existence This course problem as the core, through special combination of teaching and curriculum discussion, guide students to actively think independently, the problems of the life so that they can clear the meaning of life In addition, through the teaching of this course, develop students* professional view, perfect knowledge structure, to enhance students' comprehensive qualities and cultural innovation ability .2.objectiveA.guide the student to understand the Confucian traditional culture consciously moral guidance.B. guide the student to the life issues to think independently, to be able to clear the meaning of life .3. contentunderstand the basic theory and concept of philosophy, master thephilosophy and the internal logic relations of life To master the theory of human nature of Chinese traditional philosophy nature view LiYuGuan love view Combination view thought, etc.执笔人审定人制定时间2018年3月