光学课程简介课程英文名Optics课程代码J0712Z03学分4总学时64理论学时64实验/实践学时0先修课程力学,高等数学适用专业应用物理学、声学内容简介 (中文)振动和波动是横跨物理学不同领域的一种非常普遍而重要的运动形式,是声学, 光学,电工学,无线电技术的理论基础。光学是普通物理学的一个重要组成部分, 是研究光的本性、光的传播和光与物质相互作用的基础学科。光学是近代物理学的 生长点,例如量子力学就起源于光学。在物理专业中,它和原子物理、电动力学、 量子力学等后继课有密切的关系。本课程主要内容包括:简谐振动的表示和合成,机械波的形成和描述,波动理 论在光学中的应用(波动光学部分,包括光的干涉、衍射和偏振),几何光学及光的 量子性。本课程采用双语教学。内容简介 (英文)Oscillation and Waves are the most universal and important form of motion in physics. It is the fundamental theory on acoustics, optics, electrotechnics and radio technologies. Optics, as the important part of general physics, is the study on the nature of light, the propagation of light and the interaction between the light and the matter. Optics is also the growing point of modern physics. For example, early development of quantum mechanics was all predicated on optics. It also has the strong connection with some subsequent course in physics, such as atomic physics, electrodynamics, and quantum mechanics.This course includes: the description and combination of simple harmonic motion, the description and propagation of waves, the wave theory of light (interference, diffraction and polarization), the principles of geometrical optics, and quantum properties of light. The course will be taught bilingually.执笔人审定人制定时间2019年03月