现代分离技术课程简介课程英文名Modern Separation Technology课程代码05M0126学分2总学时32理论学时32实验/实践学时0先修课程分析化学适用专业应用化学内容简介 (中文)现代分离技术是高等工科院校材料科学与工程专业、化学化工专业、环境 工程专业、环境科学专业的一门学科基础课。现代分离技术是伴随高新技术产业 的出现而逐渐发展起来的更优化、更先进的分离技术,在工农业生产、材料科学、 生命科学、环境科学、医药卫生、食品等诸多方面发挥了越来越重要的作用。因此, 作为应用化学专业学生的一门专业基础课,本课程将向学生概括性地介绍近年来发 展较快的分离技术的原理及其应用,通过查阅文献,使学生了解分离科学领域的发 展前沿,丰富其专业知识,培养学生的解决化工过程中的分离问题能力,有效地提 高学生的专业素质。内容简介 (英文)(Modern Separation Technologyis a basic subject of materials science and engineering, chemistry and chemical engineering, environmental engineering, and environmental science in higher engineering colleges. "Modern Separation Technology', is a more optimized and advanced separation technology that has gradually developed with the emergence of high-tech industries. It has played a more important role in industrial and agricultural production, material science, life science, environmental science, medicine and health, food and many other aspects. An increasingly important role. Therefore, as a professional basic course for students majoring in applied chemistry, this course will give students a general introduction to the principles and applications of separation technology that has developed rapidly in recent years. Through literature review, students will understand the frontiers of the field of separation science. Enrich its professional knowledge, cultivate students* ability to solve separation problems in the chemical process, and effectively improve students* professional quality.执笔人审定人制定时间2020年12月