数据库技术课程设计课程简介课程英文名Database Technology Course Design课程代码J0701Z59学分1总学时1周 理论学时0实验/实践学时 1周先修课程数据库技术适用专业信息与计算科学、数学与应用数学内容简介 (中文)数据库技术课程设计是信息与计算科学专业和数学与应用数学专业集中实践环 节的必修课,是学生学习完数据库技术课程后,进行的一次全面的综合训练, 其目的在于加深对数据库基础理论和基本知识的理解,通过课程设计,培养学生具 有C/S和B/S模式的数据库应用软件系统的设计和开发能力;熟练掌握一种数据库 系统(如Oracle)的使用,熟练掌握一种数据库应用软件开发工具(如Delphi)的使 用;为毕业设计及以后数据库管理系统研发打下坚实的基础。内容简介 (英文)Database technology course design is a required course for the practice of information and computing science and mathematics and applied mathematics, is a comprehensive and comprehensive training for students after completing the u Database Technologycourse. Its purpose is to deepen the understanding of basic database theory and basic knowledge. Students' ability design to design and develop database application software systems with C/S and B/S models can be developed through course. Through the practice of this course design, students can master the use of a database system, such as Oracle System, master the using of a database application development tool, and to lay a solid foundation for the graduation design and subsequent database management system development.执笔人审定人制定时间2018年5月