语言学概论课程简介课程英文名Introduction to Linguistics课程代码R0502Y10学分2总学时32理论学时32实验/实践学时0先修课程无适用专业翻译内容简介 (中文)语言学概论是翻译专业学生的基础选修课,着重语言理论的阐述,属于现 代语言学范畴,主要研究语言的性质、结构规律、演变规律以及语言与文字的关系 等方面的问题。学生通过本课程的学习,能比较系统地掌握语言学的基本概念、基 本理论和基础知识,为提高语言理论水平、进一步学习和深入研究其他语言课程奠 定必要的语言理论基础。内容简介 (英文)Introduction to Linguistics, a basic optional course fbr majors in translation, focuses on theoretical exposition, and belongs to the category of modern linguistics. It is targeted at nature of language, structural rules of language, rules governing language changes, relations between language and writing, and so on. Learning this course, students are aimed to have a systematic grasp of basic linguistic concepts, basic linguistic theories and basic linguistic knowledge, so as to lay a necessary theoretical foundation of linguistics fbr their enhancement of theoretical level of linguistics and their further study and research on other courses of language.执笔人审定人制定时间2018年4月