先进陶瓷材料课程简介课程英文名Advanced Ceramic Material课程代码05M0064学分2总学时32理论学时32实验/实践学时0先修课程物理化学材料科学基础适用专业材料科学与工程内容简介 (中文)(200字左右,应包含本课程的地位、目标及主要内容,课程内容不要写章节编号) 先进陶瓷材料是材料科学与工程专业的一门选修课。目标是通过学习这门课程, 使学生具备正确选择先陶瓷的成型方法和烧结设备以及表征方法,同时能够发现问 题并提出相应的解决方案。能够对先进陶瓷在工程实践中的可持续性进行评价,能 够正确评价新型的先进陶瓷样品的研发和生产周期对于人类和环境的影响。对所学 的知识和信息能有效的以口头、文稿、图表的形式向同行以及社会公众展示和描述。课程主要内容包括各种先进陶瓷材料的概念、陶瓷制备工艺、烧结设备、粉体 制备和表征;介绍各种先进功能陶瓷的化学组分和显微结构与先进陶瓷对应的特殊 性能和功能(如高强度、高硬度、磁、声、光、电等)之间的联系,先进陶瓷实际 应用情况。内容简介 (英文)Advanced ceramic material is an elective course for materials science and engineering. The goal of this course is to equip students with the correct choice of molding methods, sintering equipment and characterization methods of pre-ceramics, and to identify problems and propose corresponding solutions. It can evaluate the sustainability of advanced ceramics in engineering practice, and correctly evaluate the impact of the research and production cycle of new advanced ceramics samples on human beings and the environment. The knowledge and information learned can be effectively presented and described to peers and the public orally, in the form of manuscripts and charts.The main contents of the course include the concept of various advanced ceramic materials, ceramic preparation process, sintering equipment, powder preparation and characterization. The relation between chemical composition, microstructure and special functionality performance was introduced, such as high strength, high hardness, magnetism, sound, light, electricity, etc. Besides, the application field of advanced ceramics was also introduced.执笔人审定人制定时间年月