沃顿商学院 市场营销 讲义(11).pdf
!#$#%&(%)*+%(,%-+%./%!01#%)#231442#%What is Marketing?Sellers MarketSellers Market BuyersMarket Production:Focus on Company Marketing:Focus on Customer and Competition Experience:Focus deeper on customer experiential value Connected Community Economic Uncertainty(Madoff)Trust:Focus on genuine customer valueRESET,Discipline,flexibility Production Orientation Marketing Orientation Persuade customer to want what firm has Persuade firm offer what the customer wants Generic Differentiated Experiential Genuine Product Product/Service Value Value Lowest Cost Quality&Service Experiences Trust Customer Knowledge Transformation;Customer as co-creator of value Market Share Customer Share Buzz Discipline Customer Loyalty W-o-m,Referrals Experience Orientation Managecustomersentire experience with the firm Competitive Advantage:Profitability Drivers:Trust Orientation Prioritize building a relationship based on trust&discipline Principle of Customer Value Principle of Differentiation Principle of Segmentation,Targeting,and Positioning Product Place Promotion Price