Magic Magic paintbrush paintbrush MaliangMaliang*Maliang was a good boy.He helped people.*The woman didnt have food*I didnt have food,Can you help me?*I paint for you.Then the food was real.*There was a bad man,He didnt helped people.*I took Maliangs magic paintbrush.*I didnt have gold.I Paint gold with magic paintbrush.*But it didnt make a gold,it made a snake.The bad man was angry.*The magic paintbrush didnt help me.It only helped Maliang.*He took Maliang away.*I want a big ship.You paint it at once.*So Maliang painted a ship,Then the ship was real.*Just this time,the seaquake was coming.Soon the ship went down*But the bad man didnt die.After three days,he came back.I come back.ha ha ha*Oh my god,You are still alive.You are a bad man,You will be punished.*The policman is coming.*You are arrested.*THE END*