精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit two· 1 你方1994年9月2日来函收到。我们很高兴告诉你,你所要的商品属于我公司的经营范围。· Your letter of September 2, 1994 has been received. We are glad to inform you that the articles required by you fall within the scope of our business activities.· 2 你地中国银行函告,你们是纺织品的进口商。我们专营纺织品出口业务,愿与贵公司建立业务关系。· The Bank of China in your city has informed us that you are importers of textiles. We specialize in the export of textiles and are willing to enter into business relations with you. · 3 遵照你方要求,我们正寄上一套布匹剪样。希望这些样品能及时到达,并使你满意· In compliance with your request, we are sending you a range of cut samples of our cotton piece goods. We hope they will arrive in time and be found to your satisfaction. · 4 你方9月4号来函收到。承告你们对肉类罐头有兴趣,并考虑试定。· We have received your letter of September 4 informing us that you find our canned meat satisfactory and that you consider placing a trial order with us. · 5 按照你方要求,我们附上一套小册子(说明书)连同价格单,供考虑。若你对所列商品感兴趣,请告具体需要。一俟收到询价,我们立即寄送报价单。· As requested, we enclose a range of pamphlets together with our price lists for your reference. If any of the items listed meets your interest, please inform us of your specific requirements. On receipt of you enquiry, we shall forward you quotations without delay. · 6 贵国驻中国大使馆已把贵行作为中国罐头食品的买户介绍给我们。我们专营这一业务。希望在平等互利的基础上与你方建立业务关系· Your firm has been recommended to us by your Embassy in China as a buyer of Chinese canned goods. We wish to inform you that we specialize in this line and hope to enter into trade relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.· 7 为了使你对我们经营的产品有一个概念,兹附上一整套注有规格和包装的活页说明书。· To give you a general idea of the products we handle, we enclose a complete set of leaflets showing specifications and means of packing.· 8 货物在装运前将由上海商品检验局检验。所装货物的品质,数量将由该局提供必要的证明。· Prior to shipment, our goods will be tested and inspected by the Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau, who will provide the necessary certificates in regard to the quality and quantity of the shipment.· Dear Sir,· We learned from the Commercial Counsellors Office of Chinese Embassy in your country that you are a big buyer of table-cloth, we have been in this line for many years and we take liberty to write you , in the hope of entering into business relationship with you.· Chinese table-clothes are well known in the world for their excellent quality, fine workmanship and attractive designs. They enjoy high popularity in European market. We trust that through our close cooperation, the business prospect is very good.· In order to give you a general idea of our table-cloth, we send you herewith a latest catalog for your reference. We welcome your enquiries.Unit three· 1 我们将与之进行业务往来的那家商行要我们向贵行了解有关他们的商业地位与信誉。· The firm with whom we intended to deal has referred us to you for particulars respecting their business standing and trustworthiness. · 2 你若能对上述公司的财务状况和可靠性提出意见,我们当不胜感激。· We should be most grateful if you would furnish us with your opinion on the financial standing and trustworthiness of the above-mentioned company.· 3 就我们所知,他们的财务状况良好。· As far as we know, their financial standing is sound.· 4 你们所问讯的那家商号是我地区一家最可靠的进口商。多年来在同行中享有良好声誉。· The firm you inquire about is one of the most reliable importers in our district and has enjoyed a good reputation among the fellow traders for many years.· 5 你地XX银行将给你提供有关我们的信誉和经营作风等方面的资料。· The Bank of your city will give you any information you may inquire concerning our credit standing as well as our manner of doing business.· 6 对你提供的任何资料,我们都予以保密。· Any information you may be able to pass on to us will be treated as confidential(in confidence).· 7 我们劝你方与该商行进行业务往来时务必谨慎。· We advice you to proceed with every possible caution in dealing with the firm in question.· 8 该公司声誉好,资金储备雄厚。· They are a firm of good reputation and have large financial reserves.· P38 QVII· Dear Sirs· We are so surprised that the firm mentioned in your enquiry of May 15 listed our firm as their reference.· As far as we know, they are a firm of high reputation, but we have little knowledge of their financial status. Indeed, in the past two years, they have placed orders with us for many times, but the sums involved were smaller than that you mentioned in your letter. Even though the sums were small, they could hardly meet their commitments on time.· We think that you should treat this matter with caution. Therefore we suggest that youd better refer to a trust company for further enquiry. We highly appreciate your assurance to keep the information we provide you in absolute confidence.Unit four· commodities of high quality at moderate prices品质优良价格公道的商品· 1 从纽约A.B.C.公司获悉,你公司出口尼龙床单和枕套。对上述品质优良价格公道的商品,本地区常有需求。· We learn from A.B.C. Co. of New York that you are exporting Nylon bed-sheets and pillow-cases. There is a steady demand here for the above-mentioned commodities of high quality at moderate prices.· both excellent in quality and very reasonable in price 品质优良、价格合理· 2 我们另邮寄样品一批,深信一旦你们有机会查看样品之后,定会承认该货品质优良,价格合理。· Under separate cover, we are sending you a range of samples and when you have a chance to examine them, we feel confident that you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and very reasonable in price.· 3 收到你公司5月14号询价,得悉你对我们手工制人造革手套感兴趣。现将你所需的详细资料,具有插图的目录和价格单附寄给你。· We have received your enquiry of 14th May and learn of your interest in our handmade artificial leather gloves. We are enclosing our illustrated catalogue and price list giving the details you ask for.· 4 所附价格单和图解目录将给你提供有关你方最感兴趣的型号的具体情况。· The enclosed price list and illustrated catalogue will give you details of the model in which you are especially interested.Unit five· 1 形式发票是为了手续起见而寄给国外客户的一种发票。该发票通常是给客户申请必要的进口许可证之用。· A proforma invoice is an invoice sent to buyers abroad for forms sake. It is usually used to enable buyers to apply for a necessary import licence.· 2 形式发票有时可作为正式报价单或价格单之用,其中所列价格,除非另有说明,一般以卖方的最后确认为准。· Sometimes a proforma invoice serves as a formal quotation or a price list, and the prices mentioned therein are usually subject to the final confirmation of the sellers, unless otherwise stated.· 3 兹附上我方第3419号形式发票一式两份500辆永久牌自行车,19XX年10月交货。我们想说明一下,该形式发票有效期至19XX年9月1日止。· Enclosed is our Proforma Invoice No.3419 in duplicate covering 500 Forever Brand Bicycles for shipment during October, 19We wish to state that the proforma invoice is valid till September 1, 19· 4 按照你方要求,随函附上我方罐头水果形式发票一式四份,供你申请进口许可证之用。· According to your request, a proforma invoice in quadruplicate for our Canned Fruit is enclosed for your applying for an import licence.· 5 收到你方第312号形式发票,谢谢。我们正在申请许可证,一俟获准,当即函告。· Thank you for your proforma invoice No.312 。 We are now applying for the import licence. As soon as it is approved, we shall write to you.· 6 信内附上5万码府绸第1002号形式发票一式两份。请注意,所报价格以你方于19XX年10月30日前接受为准,因其他客户对我方供应之货也有兴趣。· Attached to this letter is our Proforma Invoice No. 1002 in duplicate covering 50,000 yards poplin. We wish to draw your attention to the fact that the price quotated by us is subject to your acceptance before October 30, 19, the reason being that many other buyers are also interested in our supplies.· 7 为了你方申请必需的进口许可证,兹寄上形式发票第234号一式三份,其中价格和交货期如有变动,我们将通知你方。· In order to enable you to apply for the necessary import licence, we are sending you proforma Invoice No.234 in triplicate. Please note that if there is any change in price or delivery, we shall keep you informed.· P60 QIV· Your letter of August 11 has been received. As regards our quotation for poplin shirts, we wish to state that we are prepared to allow you a special discout of 5% for this present order in consideration of our long business connection. However, it is to be understood that this concession should not be regarded as a precedent and that for subsequent orders our original price of US 60 per dozen shall be applied.· From the attached Proforma Invoice No.248, you will find that the price indicated therein is CIF Lagos, inclusive of 5% discount. Please apply promptly for the necessary import licence and keep us informed of the licensing position. Should we fail to hear from you facourably before September 15, we shall not be able to reserve the goods for you.· We expect to receive your order soon.Unit seven· 1 我们确认已向你方电报下列商品实盘,以9月20日前复到有效。· We confirm having cabled you a firm offer for the following goods, subject to your reply reaching us by September 20.· 2 获悉你地市场对核桃有很大需求,兹附上第6868号报价单供参考。· We have learnt that there is a good demand for walnuts in your market, and take this opportunity of enclosing our Quotation Sheet No.6868 for your consideration.· 3 你方6月3日来电要求我们报第33号毯子。现确认我方于6月6日电报向你方报盘如下,该盘不受约束。· In reply to your cable of 3rd June, which asked us to make an offer for our Blanket No.33, we wish to confirm our cable despatched on June 6 offering you without engagement the following:· no possibility of business 无法成交· 4 你方7月9日来函收悉,谢谢。很遗憾,你方价格偏高,无法成交。· Thank you for your letter of July 9, we find it very regrettable to point out that your prices appear to be on the high side and that there is no possibility of business.· P119 QVI· Dear Sirs· We thank you for your enquiry of Oct. 15 and enclose a catalogue and a price list for bed-sheets. We are confident that these will give you all the details your required.· Our cotton bed-sheets are popular in the world market, and they sell quite well in your neighboring districts. We are confident that there is a ready market in your area. · We hope that you lose no time considering an order to start business with us. In order to have a close cooperation with you, we are ready to give you some discount for large quantities, say 20% discount for the quantity exceeding 100 pieces per item.· Our payment terms are by L/C at sight.· Time of delivery will be within 30 days after receipt of your L/C.· We look forward to the pleasure of receiving an order from you. Unit eight · 1 我们另由航空寄上新品种的样品供你参考。该新品种价格公道,品质极好,我们认为及早推销对你们有利。· Under separate cover, we have airmailed samples of our new articles for your reference. These new articles are moderate in price and excellent in quality. We think it will be to your advantage to push sales of them at an early date.· 2 由于所需的品种目前无货供应,我们想推荐下列库存产品,可以即装,我们这一推荐是照顾到双方利益的。· Since the required articles are not available, we would like to recommend the undermentioned products that are available from stock for prompt shipment. This recommendation is made in the interest of both parties.· 3 你11月15日来信收到,谢谢。货号2112电扇 我们歉难推销,因为你方价格太高,买方无意还盘。· While thanking you for your letter of Nov. 15 concerning electric fan Art.2112, we regret being unable to promote sales as your price is too high to interest buyers to make a counter-offer.· 4 关于申请参加广州交易会一事,我们正与有关当局联系。一旦申请获准,当即通知你方。· With regard to your application for attending the Guangzhou Fair, we are contacting the relevant authorities and shall inform you as soon as the application is approved.· 5 为了支持你们推销,我们特地准备了一些府绸样品连同价格单随函附上,供你参考。我们的府绸品质优良,价格公道,深受大多数欧洲国家欢迎,销售很快。我们认为我们的府绸在你市场销售是有利的。· With a view to supporting your sales, we have specially prepared some samples of our poplin together with a price list, which are enclosed for your consideration. Owing to its superior quality and reasonable price, our poplin has met with a warm reception and quick sale in most European countries. We think it is to your advantage to buy this item for sale in your market.· P130 QIV· Dear Sirs· We thank you for your letter of June 18 and have pleasure to inform you that the catalogue you asked for has been airmailed under separate cover.· With ragard to the safes you enquired for, we think No.4 as stated in our catalogue is most suitable for your requirement. Its exact size is 30”X24”X24” in outside measurement, and 26”X20”X20” in inside measurement.Its price, including all fittings but excluding stand, is 20 CIF5% Alexandria. If stands are required, an extra charge of 3 for each is to be added. The usual commission we allow is 3%, but in your case, it has been specially raised to 5% so as to cover the adverstising expenses you may incur in sales promotion.· From the above quotation, you will no doubt notice that our price is lower than that of other manufacturers. As to the quality of our safes, we can assure you that we always maintain the highest standard. Practical tests, which our safes have undergone in some conflagrations abroad, are sufficient evidence of their superiority. We can safely claim that documents and valuables once locked up in them are absolutely secure against theft and fire. With these outstanding features coupled with your efforts, the sales of our safe will undoubtedly be a success in your market.· If you are in need of any office appliances other than safes, please contact us and we shall at all times be pleased to cooperate with you.Unit nine· P147 QIV · 1 你公司19XX年9月20日来函内附一千台缝纫机订单一纸已收到。兹附寄第346号销售确认书一式二份,请签回一份以便存档。· We have received your letter of September 20, 19 together with an order for 1,000 Sewing Machines. Enclose is our Sales Confirmation No.346 in duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return to us for our file.· 2 我已接受你方85号订单订购货号1002号印花布十万码。请告颜色搭配并按合同规定的条款开立以我方为抬头的有关信用证。· Your Order No. 85 for 100,000 yards of Cotton Prints Art. No. 1002 has been booked. Please let us know the colour assortment at once and open the covering L/C in our favour according to the terms contracted.· 3 我们得悉上述货物的有关信用证即将开出。请放心,一收到你方信用证,我方将尽早安排第一艘可以订得舱位的轮船装运。· We learn that an L/C covering the above-mentioned goods will be established immediately. You may rest assured that we will arrange for despatch by the first available steamer with the least possible delay upon receipt of your L/C.· 4 请你方注意,信用证的条款必须与我方售货确认书的条款完全相符,以免日后修改。· Please note that the stipulations in the relevant credit should fully conform with the terms as stated in our S/C in order to avoid subsequent amendments.· P147 QIV· Dear Sirs· We thank you for your order of September 10 for brown serge, but regret being unable to entertain it because since we offered you on August 15, the price has risen considerably. We ourselves even could hardly replenish our stock at the price quoted you previously. It is hoped that you will understand the position we are facing.· May we inform you that the ruling price for the article on your order is now at US1.05 per yard FOB Shanghai. However, in order to finalize this first transaction between us, we are prepared to allow you a 2% discount on the above rate.· We sincerely recommend you to accept our proposal as our stocks are getting lower day by day, and we are afraid we shall be unable to meet your requirements if you fa