第三章 翻译的过程Step 1:阅读并分析原文Step 2:将原文转换成译入语Step 3:对译文进行修改Step 1:阅读并分析原文1,把握原文的意图:原文的意图指原作者对有关题材或内容的立场或态度。作者可能会慷慨激昂,淋漓尽致地倾诉自己的立场观点,也可能采取比较隐晦的手段,在字里行间透出某种微妙的信息。1.1 语法结构阐释原文的意图例:a.Police Shoot Rioting Blacks b.Rioting Blacks Shot by Police c.Rioting Blacks Shot1.2 形式对意义的表达在诗歌中的作用 40-LOVE Roger McGough Middle aged couple playing ten-nis when the game ends and they go home the net will still be be-tween them 四十岁的爱情 中 年 夫 妇 打 网 球 打 完 后 回 家 走 球 网 依 旧 把 人 分 左 右 1.2原文的语言特点:形式、意义、风格1,语义分析(semantic analysis):即说明处在一定语境中,按照一定次序排列的词项或句项之间的语义关系,探索词项、句项的意义。“我们所翻译的不是某些言词,而是看不见、听不到的东西,即意义本身。”-William Hans“The Theory of Translation”首先,分析词的概念意义(conceptual meaning)和关联意义(associative meaning)例:seat oneself in a wooden chair accept a university chair chair the board meeting condemned to the chair其次,把握意义关系,注意同反义、褒贬义、多歧义关系George made great progress at school.Let us be great friendsHe has the reputation of being a blood-sucker.She has made a reputation for herself through hard work.Good fortune lieth within bad,bad fortune lurketh within good.第三 文化特征、历史演变、社会发展、科技进步对语言的影响例:1,“Greek and Latin are all English to me”said Oscar Wilde.(it is Greek to me)3,There are cattle in the fields,but we sit down to beef.4,小犬将于下月结婚。第四了解语言的随意性和约定俗成性例:1,milk the cow 2,milk the bull 3,sleeping beauty 4,sleeping spy 5,You said that it is out of question,but it seems to me that it is out of the question.第五注意词语的搭配关系、逻辑关系和山下文关系例:1,He wrote his 12th novel at the ripe age of 85.2,1990 was a bad year for the Soviet economy.It ended with a balance of trade.3,-“Well,old boy,”said the visitor,“its nice to see you up and about.”-“Up,yes,”the patient said,“but about,no at least not much”.2,语境分析(analysis of the context)语境包含:语言内部的上下文关系;话语与经验世界的关系。I,上下文分析(contextual analysis/linguistic context):1,一个词与周围词的关系Today a politician without elbows is as lost as a politician without principles.2,短语是否是语义整体-I dont know what you do with your brass.-I spend it on you,always a good table,you must have.Never anything short.3,一个句子是否是一个独立的语义单位The face is the index of the mind.Far from eye,far from heart.Mr.Lear is trying to oil the judges palm.He has stolen a march on me.Today in the New York Stock Exchange,all the brothers are tails up.II,语言与经验世界的关系(non-linguistic context)所谓非语言环境,指话语及其组成部分与文化和自然环境的相互关系。例:Did he receive a warm welcome from the first lady of the house?1,话语发生时环境:Its freezing cold here.,身体语言(body language)“You think we can”he glanced at the couple ahead of them-“like themyou and I?”She shook her head.3,语用分析(pragmatic analysis)语用分析即通过对语言的交际意义的综合分析,了解和确定说话人和话语间的关系,常常表现为说话人的感情、态度、情绪、意念等。I,讲话者的情感参与1,请求:Would you mind lending me 10 yuan?2,许诺:I shall return the book tomorrow.3,警告:Say that again and Ill part with you once and for all.4,褒贬:You are stubborn.He is pig-headed.I am strong-willed.II,准确表达说话人的意图1,确认but,even,and,before等词的语用意义Harry is a professor,but cant spell.Even Max fell into love with her.And you talked to him this way after all hed done for you.It will be a couple of years before we meet again.2,确认潜台词“A down-to-earth man would have succeeded.”father scolded me.Step 2将原文转换成译入语如何忠实地表达原文的意思,按照英国翻译理论家纽马克(Newmark)的观点,在表达的过程中,译者必须在四个层次上对原文和译文负责,即:文本层次(textual level)所指层次(referential level)粘着层次(cohesive level)自然层次(level of naturalness)1,文本层次(textual level)文本层次指原文的字面意义。译者对原文负责,就是对原文的字面意义负责。例:1)You flatter me.原译:你拍我马屁。该译:你过奖了。2)He is lying on his back.3)在斯坦福大学的迎新晚会上,玛丽问他“你是个中国留学生吗?”In the evening party to welcome new arrivals in Stanford University,Mary asked him,“”4)画上是几个中国美女。原译:There are some Chinese beautiful girls on the picture.改译:2,所指层次指译者对原文所指意义的把握。原文中晦涩、隐含的弦外之音,需要译者透过文字的迷雾看清楚真实的内涵。例:1)A:You alone here?B:Im saving myself for you.原译:A:你一个人?B:我在为你救我自己。2)The old man stood from the chair.3)唐长安城 划分为108坊和东市、西市两个商业区。原译:It was divided into one hundred and eight workshops and two commercial districtsthe East City and the West City.4)1911年,在一个小县城里边,我生在一个小地主家里。原译:In the year of 1911,I was born in the home of a petty landlord in a small country town.5)泱泱神州,巍巍泰山,悠悠五千年的历史文化,中华民族精神的摇篮。多少帝王来此封禅朝拜,多少文人在泰山留下了美妙的诗篇。-2005年10月30泰山文化国际大会开幕词 译文:Our magnificent China has brought up splendid culture in its five thousand years;our towering Mount Tai has been a birthplace of Chinese national spirit.The emperors of the past dynasties had come here to hold sacrificial rites for the god of Mount Tai,the scholars of the past days had written literary works about Mount Tai.The cloudless air seems to broaden the azure sky,the clear autumn displays the pure nature”3,粘着层次3,粘着层次指语篇中句子的衔接。语言的衔接方式反映了本族语说者的独特的思维方式。例:The English arrived in North America with hopes of duplicating the exploits of the Spanish in South America,where explores had discovered immense fortunes in gold and silver.Although Spain and English shared a pronounced lust for wealth,differences between the two cultures were profound.原译:英国人抱着和西班牙人开拓南美洲一样的动机来到北美洲,西班牙的探险者在南美洲发现了大批金银财宝。虽然西班牙和英国都同样明显地贪图财富,但是两国的文化却存在着很大的差异。碧霞是位美丽、善良、又有些顽皮的少女,是玉皇大帝和王母娘娘的女儿。在与哥哥碧涛争当泰山主神的较量中,屡屡化险为夷,为民造福,充分展示了她聪明才智和百折不挠,甘愿流血的牺牲精神,从而登上了泰山主神的宝座,被玉皇大帝封为碧霞元君。-2005年10月30泰山文化国际大会开幕词 Azure Cloud,a daughter of the Jade Emperor and the Lady Queen Mother,was lovely,virtuous and somewhat impish.Vying with Azure Wave,her brother,for the chief God of Mount Tai,she headed off the dangers,benefited the civilian,at last ascended the throne of Mount Tai by force of her ability,wisdom and courage.She was honored“Goddess of Azure Cloud”by Jade Emperor.4,自然层次自然层次是对译文行文的基本标准。即自然流畅,符合译入语的习惯。过度拘泥于原文,不敢越“雷池”半步,译文就会不自然,不流畅。A,选词用字照抄字典,忽视上下文。Babies were satisfactorily born.Sorry,I cant help you.She was dancing gracefully in the room.我们姐弟和几个小丫头听了都很喜欢。原译:My sister,brother,I and the maidservants all very much when we heard it.B,过度拘泥于原文的结构。It takes ten minutes to get there on foot.原译:需要10分钟才能步行到哪儿。他于1960年生于上海。原译:He was born in 1960 in Shanghai.