BEChighermodule6高级商务英语MODULE 6 Business Topic Purchasing Powercheck-out counterregulatorwieldintegrallaminatetileboilerengineer v.customflooring结账柜台结账柜台管理者管理者行使,行使,运用运用构成整体所必需的构成整体所必需的层压板,复合板板,复合板瓷瓷砖室内地板材料室内地板材料热水器热水器设计,设计,建造建造光顾,光顾,回顾回顾small claims小额索赔小额索赔on offer削价削价销售售supermarketizationcorner shop超市化街街头小店小店6.1 Purchasing powerVOCABULARY:in mint condition完好无损完好无损lead time订货至交货时间订货至交货时间6.the enhancement of employee abilities and improvement in job performance1.fulfilling the customers requirements and expectations;pared with the best3.what customers perceive it to be4.ensuring customer satisfaction by offering qualityproducts and services 5.aim for zero defects by thoroughly measuring output 1.What does quality mean to you?6.1 Purchasing powerOnline trading 2.Peter F.Druckers definition of qualityOnline trading superiority or degree of the goodness customer assessment of the product6.1 Purchasing powerOnline trading e-business:antique jewelleryWhat would be the important factors in making a success?(description;illustration of the goods;delivery;payment;references/feedback;returns policy)How to promote your online store?What are the possible risks?6.1 Purchasing powerOnline trading 6.1 Purchasing powerOnline Trading Ex.4 Online feedback野生榛子野生榛子:差差评评 详详情情 榛子壳很硬,吃完榛子壳很硬,吃完这这一斤,我的牙都快掉了,一斤,我的牙都快掉了,为为了增加重量多收了增加重量多收邮费邮费,还还往箱里塞一往箱里塞一块块破破铁铁。解释解释 你你细细看那看那块铁块铁,中,中间间是否有个螺是否有个螺丝丝,再往下看,是不中,再往下看,是不中间间有条有条缝缝,沿着沿着这这个个缝缝用力分开用力分开-这块这块破破铁铁就是就是给给你你夹夹榛子壳用的特制榛子壳用的特制钳钳子!子!旋旋转转木木马马音音乐乐盒盒:差差评评详详情:我情:我这这人可不是随便就人可不是随便就给给差差评评的,你想想你有什么的,你想想你有什么问题问题吧!吧!解解释释:这这人随便起来就乱人随便起来就乱给给差差评评的,大家想想的,大家想想这这人有什么人有什么问题问题吧?吧?镀镀白金白金项链项链*9元元:中中评评 详详情情我女朋友的我女朋友的评评价是价是“一般一般”解解释释你你给给她她买买个个钻钻戒看看!戒看看!Online feedback:buyers&sellers6.1 Purchasing powerOnline trading Speaking:Do you ever use ebay or a similar online trading place?why or why not?6.1 Purchasing powerOnline trading 6.1 Purchasing powerOnline trading Referenceno commuting or standingno waiting in line to paydelivery to your dooropen 24 hourslower priceForinsufficient,unintelligible,wrong informationcredit card being stolenrisks of wrong buyinginconvennience caused by deliveryAgainst6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers Speaking 1.What does a company consider when chossing a supplier?2.What things can go wrong when supplying a company with materials or goods?supply deliver transport the supply chain order stock a defect faulty lead-time Price,quality,delivery time etc.Late delivery,damaged goods,incorrect items,no stock6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers Supplier management consists of three key elements:-Supplier selection.-Performance measurement.-Supplier relationships.Supplier management:an ongoing process that minimizes the risks associated with purchasing goods,materials and services.6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers Ex.7 Shall we do business?6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers In cost management,efficiency of production is an important aspect to consider.When introducing a production line,it is important to consult an ergonomics expert and see that its user-friendly and will not cause too much physical stress and strain.Meanwhile,workers should get fully-trained to work more efficiently on the line.It is also important to cut down the cost of raw materials,as to a large extent,it helps to determine the product prices.Cost-conscious companies always seek to work with good suppliers who can offer quality raw materials with reasonable prices.Low quality materials from suppliers are actually a waste of money.Measures should also be taken to eliminate waste.On top of that,management should develop good benefits system to boost the morale of the workers.Speaking:Part2 6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers Reading Measures to protect suppliersHow the supermarket are squeezing their suppliers?6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers 6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers 6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers A contract to supplyLISTENINGPrice Availability of the products Delivery timeQuality of the productsFrequency at which new products or product lines are added to the rangePayment terms6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers A contract to supplyLISTENING6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers A letter of complaintWRITING词汇词汇丰富丰富衔衔接接手段手段句法句法变变化化章法章法布局布局 内容内容完整完整评评分分标标准准6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers A letter of complaintWRITING邀请函邀请函 道歉信道歉信 申请函申请函 投诉信投诉信 6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers A letter of invitation 邀邀请请函函WRITINGQuestion 3Your manager has asked you to contact a local business school,inviting their students to apply for a three-month work placement in your company.Write a letter to the Principal of the business school:introducing your company and the idea of the placementdescribing what work the placement would involveexplaining what skills and qualities the successful applicant should have saying how the placement would benefit the applicant6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers Useful Sentence Patterns我们希望请您出席我们的颁奖典礼We would like to invite you to attend our award ceremony.We would like to invite you to attend our award ceremony.如若光临,我们将非常高兴。We would be pleased/glad/delighted/happy if you could honor us We would be pleased/glad/delighted/happy if you could honor us with your presence.with your presence.我们期待您的光临。We sincerely hope you can attend.We sincerely hope you can attend.6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers 请参加我们的聚会好吗?Would you please do me a favor by joining our party?Would you please do me a favor by joining our party?如果能来的话,请早日告知,何时为宜。Please let me know as soon as possible if you can come and tell me Please let me know as soon as possible if you can come and tell me when you will be able to do so.when you will be able to do so.是否参加,请早日告知。Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.Useful Sentence Patterns6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers A letter of apology 道歉信道歉信 WRITINGYou work for an employment agency.The following is part of a letter you have received from a customer:The temporary administrative assistant you sent us was totally unacceptable.I certainly will not be using your agency again when I need temporary staff.Write a letter to the customer:Write a letter to the customer:apologizing for having sent the unsatisfactory temporary worker apologizing for having sent the unsatisfactory temporary worker giving reasons for what happened giving reasons for what happened explaining why what happened was exceptional explaining why what happened was exceptional offering some sort of compensation to the customer.offering some sort of compensation to the customer.6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers 造成造成诸诸多不便,在此致歉。多不便,在此致歉。Please accept my apology for any inconvenience thismatter has cause you.我就我就实际实际装运与合同不符一事向您道歉。装运与合同不符一事向您道歉。I own you an apology for discrepancies between theshipping contracts and the actual shipment.本公司非常抱歉未能接受更本公司非常抱歉未能接受更换换要求。要求。We very regret that we cannot agree to your request for a replacement pair.Useful Sentence Patterns6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers 由于由于联络联络上的差上的差错错增添了麻增添了麻烦烦,深感抱歉。,深感抱歉。Here is my deepest apology for the inconvenience caused by the lapse in communication.对对此次延此次延误误,谨谨表歉意。表歉意。We offer our sincere apologies for the delay.Useful Sentence PatternsYou have seen the following advertisement and you want to enter your organisation for the award.Write your letter to the competition secretary,Michael James:introducing your organisation and saying what it dose describing improvements your organisation has made in the last year which have affected staff and customerssaying how you would spend the prize money to benefit staff.Most Improved Organisation Award If your organisation has made improvements in the last year affecting employees and customers,write and tell us about them.The most improved organisation will win a silver cup and money to help pay for a further improvement benefiting staff.6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers A letter of apology 申请函申请函 WRITING6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers 今天的今天的报纸报纸刊登了一刊登了一则则你你们们想招聘打字想招聘打字员员的广告。的广告。According to your advertisement in todays paper,you require a typist.我从中介所得知,您的公关部主任即将退休,很快会我从中介所得知,您的公关部主任即将退休,很快会有空位。有空位。I learn from agency that your current director of public relations is on the verge of retirement,and that position may be open shortly.Useful Sentence Patterns6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers 正如您从本人所附履正如您从本人所附履历历表上得知,我在人民日表上得知,我在人民日报报工作已有四年了。工作已有四年了。As you will see from the enclosed C.V.,I have had 4 years experience with China Daily.如果能如果能给给予我面予我面试试的机会,我将不的机会,我将不胜胜感激。感激。I shall be much obliged if you will accord me an opportunity for interview.Useful Sentence PatternsQuestion 3Your company has recently been taken over by another company,and your department has been restructured.This has resulted in a number of problems which you want to make the new owners aware of.Write a letter to the Managing Director of the new owners:outlining what the situation in your apartment was before the takeover explaining what problems have arisen and why suggesting how these problems could be resolved warning what might happen if these problems are not resolved.6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers A letter of application投诉信投诉信WRITING6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers 开头:开头:With reference to your letter ofThank you for your letter of I am writing to advise/confirm/apply forAs requested by the manager,I am writing to outline结尾尾Should you have any further questions,please contact me on the above number.In the mean time,if you require any further information,please do not hesitate to contact me.Useful Sentence Patterns6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers 1.经检验经检验,我,我们发现们发现所有的所有的货货物都已受潮。物都已受潮。2.On examination,we found all the goods were wetted.3.我我们检查们检查了部分了部分产产品,品,发现发现它它们们已已严严重受重受损损。4.We checked some of the items and found they were in damaged condition.5.这这批批货货物与我物与我们订购们订购的的货货物不符。物不符。6.It contained articles different from what we have ordered.Useful Sentence Patterns6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers 4.我我们们6月月6日日订购订购的的货货物至今仍未到达。物至今仍未到达。5.The goods we ordered from you on June 6 havent arrived yet.6.这这批批货货物的物的质质量量远远远远低于低于标标准,我准,我们们无法使用。无法使用。7.The quality of this lot of goods is so far below the standard that we cannot use them for our purpose.8.我我们遗们遗憾的憾的发现发现所运所运货货物与物与样样品不符。品不符。9.We are disappointed to find that the items delivered dont match the samples.Useful Sentence Patterns6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers 7.你你们们的的错误给错误给我我们带们带来了巨大的麻来了巨大的麻烦烦。Your incorrect delivery has caused a great deal of trouble to us.8.3月月3日日订购订购的的货货物的交付物的交付时间现时间现已逾期甚久。已逾期甚久。Delivery of the goods ordered on March 3 is now considerably overdue.9.货货物没有达到物没有达到标标准。准。The goods are not up to the standard.Useful Sentence Patterns4.请请立即立即对对此事此事进进行行调查调查,尽早通知我,尽早通知我们们延延迟迟的原因。的原因。5.Please look into this matter at once and let use know the reasons for the delay.6.希望希望货货物即刻物即刻发发送。送。7.We hope that the goods will be sent immediately.6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers Useful Sentence Patterns6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers A letter of application投诉信投诉信WRITING6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers (case study)Qualities of Suppliers:Companies who supply quality goods and services used by Motorola are eligible to become suppliers to Motorola.Successful candidates to become suppliers to Motorola will demonstrate the following qualities:Qualities of Suppliers:Financial viability(survivability/creditability)High ethics Competitive in priceQuality procedures and processes,ISO or other appropriate to the industry Cost reduction program 6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers (case study)Qualities of Suppliers:Cycle time reduction program Programs of continuous improvement Offers a technological or service advantage over other competitors Innovative in delivery of goods or services utilizing e-commerce,EDI(Electronic Data Interchange 电子电子数据交换数据交换,无纸贸易无纸贸易),etc.6.1 Purchasing powerManaging Suppliers (case study)6.2 TelephoningListeningTelephone expressions6.2 TelephoningspeakingProblems with orders6.3 Exam spotlightwritingLetter writing conventionsA letter of complaint6.2 Exam spotlightwritingThank You此此课件下件下载可自行可自行编辑修改,修改,仅供参考!供参考!感感谢您的支持,我您的支持,我们努力做得更好!努力做得更好!谢谢!