想塞加褥顺竟风翌吸床铜捡苯校征炕苗涎妇泡竞籽毙瞳打死幼瓦面浴椭议Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Talent MagnetsSession 1:What is the issue?Nicole Sexton21 August 2001Todays Business Environment The Impact on HR楔问掷仁撂型堕杏裴鸳工亏矮蔽坑噪来帖徒店悍陨魏你阅陇赎抨损榴棘掺Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理1William M.Mercer,IncorporatedIs Talent an Issue?“We spend all our time on people.The day we screw up the people thing,this company is over”.Jack Welch,General Electric“Take our 20 best people away and I can tell you that Microsoft would become an unimportant company”Bill Gates,Microsoft“”The next big killer application for the Internet is going to be in education”John Chambers,Cisco Systems术凋歧球夜啤锻狭掣残杖徐假炳损宾浆卑砰溜洋呐巡劲郑闷嘉阜忱泣素发Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理11William M.Mercer,IncorporatedAgendanTodays business environmentWhats happening globally?Whats happening in China?nImpact on HRThe“War for Talent”Employer of ChoiceCommitmentnWhat does it mean?牛产瘪戏怒旋蝶跺染脾丑窜戍乎壹庐发渝刚师谴糜滓叔虽哈皮羞匀猾酋靖Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理12想塞加褥顺竟风翌吸床铜捡苯校征炕苗涎妇泡竞籽毙瞳打死幼瓦面浴椭议Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Todays Business Environment矣惑爸寻凡殃甘薪讨驯咐员烧改恭抱仅绵那磁累纪遁抓环墅卧妊全固咎宅Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理1William M.Mercer,IncorporatedDoes this Seem Familiar?孵檀娠凳膨沙春帘巨对泳倒厘牵柔拇墟归苞溺莽萤眶称吹迎录打翁绪邯酗Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理14William M.Mercer,IncorporatedThe Changing World-Labour Competition will be Intensified-Supply of talent is declining globallyUS Census Bureau皋胜邻峡械圣匀脂工鞭据邱造泊柑倒诵冻目橇巩谦携洁渴瓦埔勺岔篡曝戳Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理15William M.Mercer,IncorporatedWhat is happening in the Current Business Environment?4Globalisation-1 world,1 market-the“global village”4Increased and fiercer competition4Time to market and first entry replace cost as the primary driver of business success4Rapid growth is essential4Focus on quarterly results4Increased importance of stock price蔬汐成磨氏馏控诗辉腐餐钱傅鸯涸骡迅泳卧筛覆涧萨痪尾绚识繁侈玉肉溪Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理16William M.Mercer,IncorporatedWhat is happening in the Current Business Environment(Cont.)?4Technology-the“Information Age”4e-business&e-knowledge the growth areas4Value Chain crucial for business competitiveness&HR Services4Profitability equals costs and revenue growth4Changing business models板碑塘惧狱镇笛偶招暴躺摆扁躬孰裳蓝濒迎热血碘焕敝促元殊控躺场锤唱Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理17William M.Mercer,IncorporatedWhat is happening in the Current Business Environment(Cont.)?4Attracting,retaining and measuring competence and Intellectual Capital is the key to business success4Talent has replaced capital and ideas as the most critical success factor(Survey of VCs)4Talent is the biggest limiting factor to corporate growth and the funding of start-up ideas另灶蹿序缠钮泣凹麦圾雾擎枚杂泰长光欲赤蚕粒瞪苦判赦挪闯糙共紧斯洱Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理18William M.Mercer,IncorporatedWhat is happening in the Current Business Environment(Cont.)?4Declining workforce-baby boomers leaving 20034Velocity of job changes/lateral moves doubles every 3 years4Employers and individuals-new paradigm臼磕鞭肚等差沥倚杀郧忻脱让罢第媚攻旺你舅餐哎菇铃羌酣非剥蓑梧寿阂Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理19William M.Mercer,IncorporatedShifting Paradigm on Employers of ChoiceEmployee InvestorWage Earner Profit SharerLoyalty to the Firm Loyalty to the WorkIndividual Learning Social Forms of LearningRigid Work Conditions Flexible Work ConditionsImposed Performance Self-ManagedReviews Development肉磨志栖鸭芥爆汀鞠娇榔蛇竞孙负种哩桑椿皇追哥傣枝变栖拭训拆酸孺乐Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理110William M.Mercer,IncorporatedShifting Paradigm on Employers of ChoicePaid for Time Reward for ResultsInformation Controlled Open Access to InformationSuccess Based on Success based on TeamIndividual Performance Interdependencies and Communities of Practice 蔗婆荐谤刑玖踞豢院竹角凤版很蔗兴肝从庭泪焕轰侧伞鞘文汕费缅咀赡篆Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理111William M.Mercer,IncorporatedWhat is Happening in China?nSemi-conductor and IT companies are moving operations to Shanghai nTaiwanese companies are investing heavily in the Suzhou/Shanghai corridor1000 Taiwanese companies have invested$10 billion in Kunshan in the last 10 years (Newsweek July 2001)n50%of Japanese major manufacturers are planning to move their manufacturing operations from Japan to Asia within the next 3 years 70%to China (Nikkei Newspaper Article 9 August 2001)蛾良脂辖滤钨笆剥漂除困浑见才遁苞顺计封朝谅目稀帽捶哟菌泰棉座睬淀Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理112William M.Mercer,IncorporatedWhat is Happening in China Cont.?nThe Mercer Relocation Survey 2001 says.26.7%of companies surveyed in Hong Kong said that they had moved a function/Department from Hong Kong elsewhere20%said they had moved that function to the PRC6.7%said they had moved that function to Guangzhou13.3%said they planned to move another function from Hong Kong elsewhere饺脉罗快于痕豢间蔬抓釉毅宜短壁甲挨倔迎惩釜伐羚慌茨绞海戈歧并鸣渭Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理113想塞加褥顺竟风翌吸床铜捡苯校征炕苗涎妇泡竞籽毙瞳打死幼瓦面浴椭议Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Lets Link this to HR蜒序偿鸽须缅睡巾饲英契裕苫汪桨媳盈囚疫蕾面究汤诈乙坊井历请鬼伎螺Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理1William M.Mercer,IncorporatedThe War For TalentnThe vast majority of employers are finding it increasingly difficult to attract and retain staff,creating a“war for talent”amongst employersnMost key professional employment areas are candidate short at the senior and operational ends of the marketnCompanies are competing for the same talentnThe war attract the right pool of talent and retain existing skilled employees翱延扑郑凹蓬呢冀据膘中湘蛙沪临话哄寄门那瓢哗蓉馈馒锣晦氏奴续鄂瞧Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理115William M.Mercer,IncorporatedThe War For Talent Cont.nEmployees are now more aware of their relative worth in the marketplace and focused on developing their career path in a far more strategic manner than beforenIts important for managers to knowwhat strategies are available to attract the best candidates retain the staff they can least afford to looseHow to be a magnet for talent沙簇碱细丧尝暑迅爆窗涌力瓢印漫叉侍瞅磋数涎搅予霜趴傣迭凭桅碑针陷Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理116William M.Mercer,IncorporatedWhat Other Organisations are Facing?n75%companies say they dont have enough talentnOnly 10%companies manage their talent pool wellnThe demand for talent is increasingnThe supply is decreasingnMobility is increasingnIt costs up to 10 times pay to replace Top TalentnA global“feeding frenzy”is already happening卓敬望岛颅久砖峨瞄庐赢轻娱触脱薄歪菊劳局佛立瘸歼佣拾架勿瓦见要批Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理117William M.Mercer,IncorporatedLeadership Skill Development Todays Leadership Pool is Inadequate祷窜径刊砚次臻壕遮鸵漾息除岁痢炎阀吴麻琳甩土鸽滑崭闲盛脸茅琶炮田Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理118William M.Mercer,IncorporatedWhat Makes an Employer of Choice?The survey says that employees want.(TMP Worldwide 2000)1CommitmentPurchasing resources to support projectsAn organisational“core”valueDemonstrated by staffLong term commitment from the company in terms of corporate commitment to direction and the employees personal developmentCompany must create a growth environment that allows recruits to grow organically懊齐葫宣窜鬼搞淡富窍第于差夷秦灌企撤臂陀葱呸硫侯总腆吉号鸣褪呈疽Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理119William M.Mercer,IncorporatedWhat Makes an Employer of Choice Cont?2Company with Vision and a plan for the futureThe ability to communicate this to staff3Organisational Flexibility To meet the challenges of a new eraCandidates are assured their careers will not stagnateRemuneration,interesting projects,motivating environment4The Benefits Package offered to staff( image of the organisation in the marketplace空沽若匙纽枯捕凡皮亏幽咎肉为蛹玲耽后萨珐骗礁疼脊卧鹰彼省逢跳叠谈Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理120William M.Mercer,IncorporatedWhat Comprises Commitment?nI am treated fairly by my employer(58%)nMy employer shows genuine care and concern for my wellbeing(50%)nI am trusted in my job(48%)nOverall reputation is excellent(67%)nMy job provides a sense of achievement for me(45%)(AIM Survey 2000-China Results)陈山唾俊栗郑俗斥滤断殷霜孕戌镀抬枷崭脾约艳稳舒栋勤那榨炒视慷宪癣Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理121想塞加褥顺竟风翌吸床铜捡苯校征炕苗涎妇泡竞籽毙瞳打死幼瓦面浴椭议Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理1So What Does All This Mean?Especially for Guangzhou?胀害怒肤厨碑责劝茧胆兄鹏媚厨屋伙崩澎茎胆诅凿驳近胸吸奎温悦钳惫凳Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理1William M.Mercer,IncorporatedSo What Does All This Mean?nIts a competitive world out there!nThere is a“War for Talent”being wagednCompetitive advantage will come from:capturing key talent so your competitors dontretaining your key talentMotivating your key talentDeveloping the leadership of your management team(current and future)秽裙质延蒲殃届邯蛾具后件凶辑敞赘仅舞丹吝彭溢飞凌满意仟比沮撩点孪Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理123William M.Mercer,IncorporatedSo What Does All This Mean Cont.?nAttraction and retention of top talent is imperativenLeadership skill development is essentialnSuccession planning is keynAn excellent employment brand is a must疥见娩萤个警肤铺架衔汤驭谷止融蟹演览渠凭型伶搬北坏魁狰摇腋艇诬秘Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理124William M.Mercer,Incorporated4 Ways to become a Talent MagnetStaff Attraction&RetentionSchemesEmployment BrandingSuccessionPlanningTalent ManagementFocus of our next presentation抛潦毖脂结此爸心翟尸讣朔永坑千棚灸肛座铁板仅子狸惜缸崩欢源沏慈呕Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理125William M.Mercer,IncorporatedAny Questions?倡接露揖参史颖痹筷酌割货锨铝合瞥纂肾拘胎鲸蕴痕瘁覆她嫂竟猩艇窝弊Mercer美世经典-人才管理1Mercer美世经典-人才管理126