英语人教版八年级下册Unit 6 Section B reading.pptx
Unit 6Unit 6 An Old Men Tried to Move the Mountains An Old Men Tried to Move the Mountains Section BSection B ReadingReadingZhuangshi School Gu FangzhouA fairy tale(童话)童话)is an old,traditional story.Have you ever heard of these stories?Little Red Riding HoodCinderellaSleeping BeautySnow White1.Themoonwasshiningbrightly,butthewholecountrywasasleepunderaspell(诅咒诅咒)byawickedfairy.2.Assoonasherfatherdied,thestepmothermadeherdoallthechores.3.TheroadleadsthepoorprincesstotheSevenDwarfshouseinthedeepforest.4.Sheissavedbyabravewoodcutterwhokillsthewolf.Which story may the following sentences come from?Guess?Little Red Riding HoodCinderellaSleeping BeautySnow White shine-shone lead-ledDo you know where these stories come from?Grimms Fairy Tales 格林童话格林童话This book is so interesting that children all over the world love it so much.Do you know more fairy tales from this book?collected by The Brothers GrimmWhats the text type?文本类型文本类型a lettera playa short storynews戏剧戏剧adapted(改编)改编)from the fairy tale of the same title(题目)题目)Scenes场景场景dialogue 对话对话play narratage 旁白旁白How many characters are there in the play?Who are they?HanselGretelstepmotherthe whole play charactersthe old woman father(witch 巫婆巫婆)husbandwifebrothersisterRelationships?SCENE ONE:SCENE TWO:SCENE THREE:SCENE FOUR:SCENE FIVE:SCENE SIX:SCENE SEVEN:The children get lost.The children wake up.The children cannot find the pieces of bread.Gretel learns about Hansels plan.The children surprise the parents.Hansel has to change his plan.The children learn that something bad is going to happen.the whole play-scenesABCEFDG2cMatch each description with the correct sceneHanselandGretellivednearaforestwiththeirfatherandstepmother.Oneyear,theweatherwassodrythatnofoodwouldgrow.Thewifetoldherhusbandthatunlessheleftthechildrentodieintheforest,thewholefamilywoulddie.Gretelheardthis,andHanselmadeaplantosavehimselfandhissister.Para 1The stepmother:Plan of killing Why does the wife tell her husband to leave the children in the forest?Unless he leaves the children to die in the forest,the whole family will die because they dont have enough food.Will they die in the forest?Scene 1Scene 3What are the two things Hansel think about?Hansel:Plan of saving coins white stonesmoonlightsunlightHow do Hansel and Gretel find their way home?_ some white _ in the _.The next day,_ the stones _ the way.When the moon is _ bright,they can _ the stones.The stone _ them the way home.Scene 1Scene 3GetstonesmoonlightdropalongshiningseeshowedHansel:Plan of saving Do the brother and sister succeed in saving themselves from getting lost in the forest the first time?Wife:You bad children!What a long time you slept in the forest!Husband:We thought you were never coming back.Wife:Now,go to bed.As soon as you wake up,you must go to the forest with your father.Hansel:What,again?I want to go out to look at the moon.Wife:No.You cant go out now.Scene 4They really surprise the parents!Role-play_ pieces of bread _ _ the stones.Scene 5problem:ways:no more stonesdropinstead ofThe stepmother didnt allow Hansel to go out.This time do they succeed in finding way home?Why did they get lost the second time?Scene 6Scene7Because they cant find any of the pieces of bread they dropped.1.What did they see?A.some birds B.a house made of bread,cake and candy.2.They wanted to live in the house.Scene 6Scene7eatWhat happened when they were trying to eat the house?Gretelheardthattheir_plannedto_herandherbrother.ButHanselhadaplanto_himselfandhissister.Hewenttogetsomewhite_beforehewenttobedthatnight.Thenextday,thewifesentthechildrentothe_.Hansel_thestonesastheywalked.3bComplete the summary of the play.killstepmothersavedroppedforeststonesLaterthatnight,theycouldseethestonesbecauseoftheshining_.Thestonesshowedthemthewayhome.Hanselwantedtogetmorestones,buthisstepmotherdidnotlethimgoout.Thenextmorning,thewifesentthechildrentotheforestagain.Hanselhadnostones,sohedropped_of_.Butthe_atethem,soHanselandGretelwere_intheforest.moonpiecesbreadbirdslostTheywalkeduntiltheysawa_madeoffood.Hanselwantedto_thehouse,butthentheyheardthevoiceofanold_comingfromthehouse.womanhouseeatShow time:Please act out the dialogue:Narrator(旁白)旁白)Father Stepmother Hansel Gretel the old womanLife is like a box of chocolate,you never know what you are gonna get until you open it.1.Finish period four of Unit 6.(必做)必做)2.Read the original fairy tale,find out what happens next,and role-play it.选做)选做)Thank you!