在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确GlobalWarming在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确1.What is global warmingGlobalwarmingisthegradualriseintheEarthstemperaturecausedbyhighlevelsofcarbondioxideandothergasesintheatmosphere.在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确2.What caused global warmingl lNaturalcausesGreenhouseeffectGreenhouseeffectl lHumanreasonsHumanactivities-emissionHumanactivities-emission在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确Greenhouse effectThe so-called greenhouse effect is short waveThe so-called greenhouse effect is short wavesolar radiation through the atmosphere intosolar radiation through the atmosphere intothe ground,and warming the ground afterthe ground,and warming the ground afterthe length of radiation being released in thethe length of radiation being released in theatmosphere by absorbing carbon dioxide and atmosphere by absorbing carbon dioxide and other substances,thereby creating the effect other substances,thereby creating the effect of atmospheric warming.of atmospheric warming.在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确Greenhouse effect在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确 Humanactivities-emissionBurning natural gas,coal,and oil Electricity generationDeforestation Many factories produce long-lasting industrial gases Population growth在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确3.Whatre the effects of global warmingEffects on HumansEffects on Wildlife在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确n nGlobal warming is a danger to a humans health.Its affect on climate can adversely affect humans.n nPlagues have been attributed to global warming.An increase in temperature can result in a longer life cycle for diseases.n nGlobal warming can affect our future ability to obtain food.As climates change,plants and animals will change,leading to a change in the eating patterns of humans.Effects on HumansEffects on Humans在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确Effects on Wildlife n nnPolar BearsPolar Bears Require pack ice to liveRequire pack ice to liveRequire pack ice to live Might eventually go extinct in the wildMight eventually go extinct in the wildMight eventually go extinct in the wildn nnSea turtlesSea turtles Breed on the same islands asBreed on the same islands asBreed on the same islands astheir birththeir birththeir birth Could go extinct on some islandsCould go extinct on some islandsCould go extinct on some islandsas beaches are floodedas beaches are floodedas beaches are floodedn nnOther species may go extinct as rainfall Other species may go extinct as rainfall patterns change throughout the worldpatterns change throughout the world在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确So we must take effective measures to solve this problemWhat should we do?在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确4.What should do1.Individual efforts 2.National efforts在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确n nFirst,we should use more clean energy and less coal and oil.n nSecond,we should go to work on foot or by bus instead of driving a car if possible.n nThird,we should plant more trees,because plants can turn CO2 into oxygen.n nMore importantly,we should form the habit of saving energy in our daily life.在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确What should governments do?在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确n nFirst,governments can support research.For example,they should encourage companies to develop vehicles that cause less pollution.They should also support alternative sources of electricity from wind and water rather than from oil and coal.在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确n nSecondly,they should make laws that limit the amount of greenhouse gases that companies can emit.Private companies should be rewarded for following these laws.They should also be punished for creating pollution.在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确The earth is our home,we have the responsibility to protect it.We must take measures to prevent global warming as eraly as possible.在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学生带着问题来学习,而问题的设置具有一定的梯度,由浅入深,所提出的问题也很明确Thats all,thanks!