2023年你以为你是谁 第一篇:你以为你是谁 你以为你是谁? “靠,你以为你是谁?雪利狠狠的把电话挂上,她都记不清自己是第几次这样发作。 但那个给她来电话的人,雪利是记忆深刻的。因为这个人不是别人就是她的上司吴雨田,说起这男人,雪利的脑海里浮出很久以前的同事的刻画。 二OO四年九月,雪利刚刚高校毕业来到这个外贸公司。凭借应聘时精彩的表现,她被分到总公司的销售部,雪利以满腔的热忱投入到工作当中,报答公司公司的赏识,可她万万没想到.。那天,雪利以标准的白领装扮来到公司,她热忱的和每个人打招呼,但她看到的却是同事们一副拉不出大便的表情。雪利以为自己的装束出了问题。抓紧到洗手间查阅了自己一番,没有任何异样。那他们是为什么呢?带着疑问她赶回到办公室,这时她望见一个男人走出办公室,那一刻雪利以为看到一只乌龟,全身漆黑,原来就黑的一个男人却不合相宜的扑了点粉,功底不好,粉不均匀的撒在脸上各处,个头不高还穿着喇叭裤,本以为是修养不错致胜。可是他好象自认为翩翩的说出一段话来:“你好,欢迎你来到本公司,我是这的主管,我叫吴雨田,以后有什么事情可以向我询问。说完扭身走,结果三步一回头说了一句:“龚小姐,你的装束有点不太好,不太符合我们公司的文化,还有妆太浓了!让我好象望见了夜叉,我说完了,你别介意!还要留意!雪利听到这些话时差点没茬气,但还是以标准的白领淑女的姿态颔首笑着,但雪利清楚那笑跟哭没什么区分。但第一天上班,还是算了吧,或许他是无心的呢。 接下来的日子,好象是快乐的,同事们也慢慢认可了她,于是雪利觉得自己真的很华蜜!离开父母还是一样的快乐,不是谁都能遇到的。雪利无疑是个单纯的女孩,她在热心的做着工作的同时,怕耽误同事的进度,就很努力的讨教于每个同事,盼望自己能快速的驾驭关于出口贸易的事务。她拜了好几个师傅,和那些男师傅女师傅们相处的很快乐,这些职场上的“老人们也被这女孩感动着。可事情发生了,雪利负责跟的那个阿拉伯的单出现了问题,货物发出后一个星期不见回款,公司财务方面发出了警示。这时,同事阿文好心提示,问是不是签单时有陷阱没留意?雪利才想起在合同中有一项付款条件是货到后如在查货过程当中,觉察有瑕疵,货款只付三分之一。按阅历人士的推断,照实行货到付款,这种条件是不能签的,因为按法律上不行逆的条件,这种签定是责任的转嫁。如要签也必需加上保险合同等其他附加才能发货。这时雪利着急的象热锅上的蚂蚁,假如没有到达买家的要求,不是要走人吗? 不巧的是,今日是业务汇报会,雪利只好顶着头皮去开会。当她汇报完后,吴雨田不紧不慢的说:“雪利呀,你到公司的时间也不短了,怎么就知道成天和男同事混在一起,不认真专研业务呢?你以为公司是公关公司吗?要好好工作,别到时候又说自己被性骚扰!雪利气的鼻子冒烟,不知道这家伙怎么这么会火上浇油!“还有啊,别怪我不提示你,假如那笔货款收不到,我是要把你扫地出门的!听到了吗?雪利被这没心没肺的话打击的不知道该说什么了,扭头走出办公室。“还很硬气,有本事别在这横呀!那娘娘腔又冒出一句。 雪利在同事的安抚下,懊丧的回到家,无聊的打开电脑,搜寻假如被老板骂了后怎么办?结果真有方法,据报道称,如今美国企业很流行的方法就是丑画老板形象,听说是画的越难看越解气,那不怕老板望见?没关系,老板也画呢!还有在日本可以砸东西也发泄不满,公司有个隔音室里堆满了椅子,以供员工发泄心情,效果很奇异。雪利权衡一再,觉察砸椅子很奢侈不符合她的条件,画画倒是可以,很适合她,在小学还得过奖呢!于是雪利画出了第一张以吴雨田为原形的猪头象,贴在了卫生间。立即觉察她自己好欢乐,蒙头大睡。其次天,她见谁都打招呼,全无昨日落拓形象。同事们都很新颖她的状态,以为她是受刺激过度,但雪利一想起在自家卫生间挂着的图,就不由自主的笑了出来。精神好时,好消息也来了,阿拉伯汇款过来了,对方还说明说是因为自身周转不灵的缘由,那批货解了急,不关雪利的事情,盼望下次照旧合作!这个消息是吴雨田传达的,他的表情很不自然,忍不住说了句:“别以为每天都有好运气! 雪利此时没功夫理睬他,兴奋的大声说:“下班后,我请喝茶!同事们碍于乌龟在场,只是点了点头。接下去的日子,雪利在同事的关心和自身努力下,业务不断上扬,年终总公司赐予表扬并发了奖金。按理说,工作上没有什么事情好担忧的,可是那个乌龟不知道从什么时候起先宠爱上了教化她。 今日说:“雪利,你的穿着要留意,这是公司!影响他人工作!雪利纳闷了自己是宠爱特性化的东西也张扬了点,可也不至于出现他所说的吧? 明天说:“雪利呀,你不知道女孩要矜持点吗?说话怎么可以没有顾忌呀?雪利觉得这男的八成是到了更年期,不然怎么这么鸡婆? 后天说:“雪利呀,你怎么做销售的?这样行吗?你以为公司的产品是积压货吗?乱打折?雪利不知道这个成天躲在壳里的龟怎么那么多看法?每天自认为我是马克思的状态,他不嫌累的指手划脚。 再过一天说:“雪利呀,你怎么可以这么说话呢?我都还没说什么呢!雪利知道他是在说自己侵他的权利了,可自己对客户说话也要他听一遍吗?这男人象疯狗一样处处咬人! 在这样基本三天一次的骚扰中,雪利一日刷牙时觉察卫生间贴满了那个乌龟的众生相。她暗暗的说假如在第三百天时那个姓吴的还敢说她,她就辞掉这倒霉的工作,才不管这工作难找的社会现实呢! 想起这种种的遭受,雪利知道自己在阅历最终的考验,因为接到电话的这天是第299天,明天就是最终期限。他在电话里,又一次自以为是的说雪利跟的客户,最可怕的是他还干脆去骚扰那个客户,以至于那个客户向雪利投诉,问那个没有阅历的家伙是谁?雪利这才想起这个乌龟一样的家伙从来没跑过单,跑的单都是他老爸给找来的,进公司也是他老爸以关系户的名义让他进去的,雪利纳闷为什么他就这样不知道深浅的宠爱嚷嚷。莫非真是脑袋秀逗?雪利对这个公司的用人方式也感到了前所未有的不满,任人唯贤在这是一句空话。雪利在心中静默的说看明天了!雪利今日上班时候很早,认真的做事,好不简洁熬到快下班了。那个可怕的身影走过来了,雪利有些担忧,可他走过去了。雪利嘘了一口气,可还没缓气,那声音在耳边响起,“雪利呀,你怎么回事呀?你的指甲油也太亮就象个市井俗民,还有啊 “够了!雪利没等他说完就站起身说道,“你以为你是谁?你看看你自己的样子,皮肤就象煤球 一样没有光泽,穿的衣服象出殡,最可气的是你那脸上的粉快掉落了!从我见你的那一刻,我就想吐,你却还能不知进退的指引我? 那乌龟的脑袋一阵绯红,一伸一缩,辩解道:“雪利,我为你感到哀痛,你这样不听劝告是会后悔的! “是吗?感谢,我没时间听你的废话,你的话对于我没有一点意义,却充溢了损害,猫哭老鼠假慈善,把你所谓的好心用在自己身上,象你这种靠父母的人,怎么懂得敬重呢?雪利生气的说道,但好象心脏的跳动变的很有频率,很舒适。 “你怎么可以这么恶毒呢?雪利,我只是说出自己的看法而已。乌龟惊慌的争吵,“是吗?那我也是看法,你不能接受我也没方法。我要走了,不干了,离开你这个不知道冷热的恶魔!雪利大声说完,走出办公室,只听到那个男人婆还在不停的说,但雪利却觉得很解气,因为她知道卫生间的墙壁上有了第一百张猪头象。很好玩! “小样,你以为你穿上马甲,我就不知道你是王八了吗?雪利心里想到。走出办公大楼,外面的风很清爽。 后记:几个月后,义乌市对外贸易界有个名号很响,雪利小姐。 其次篇:你以为你是谁读后感 你以为你是谁读后感 用了一周的时间,读完了陈志强先生所著的职业经理人:你以为你是谁一书。感慨颇深,作为一名职业经理人,首先要摆正自己的位置,工作中要讲究职业道德,逆境中要主动进取,明确目标。 一、摆正自己的位置 一个人要正确相识自己,要专注自己的本职工作,不能“这山望着那山高。只强调客观条件,不从自身入手,难以有所成就。行业之间是迥然不同的,部门也是各有分工,不能说我处的行业开展工作比别的行业难,我的部门开展工作比别的部门难,与其强调客观,不如从自身入手。 二、讲究职业道德 胜利者与非胜利者之间最大的差异就在于胜利者有良好的职业习惯。思想的建立在于启发而不是教条。思想教化有助于习惯的形成。 三、逆境中主动进取 任何工作都不会一帆风顺的,作为一个职业经理人,遇到困难,不能自己首先就起先埋怨、唠叨,即使心中有不满,也不能让自己的团队成员感觉到,更不能口无遮掩的在大家面前表露,因为你是团队的灵魂,假如你都放弃了,那大家更没有信念了。我们面前有困难,但在我们面前没有解决不了的困难。 四、明确目标 只见问题,不看目标是一个易犯错误,假如成天忙于解决各种问题,扮演救火队的角色,会使我们遗忘真刚要做的目标,久而久之会丢失创建力。这就需要我们有效率地利用时间,设计框架,制定“玩耍规则,努力发挥创建力。这才是最重要的。 感谢总经理给了我这个平台,让我能在正源这个大舞台上,展示自己,创建价值,实现人生的志向和目标。我会时刻提示自己是正源的主子,同时也是正源的“店小二,努力工作,主动进取。 第三篇:你是谁 你是谁 别问我别说你也不知道 这么简洁的问题 你是谁 你不说 那也算了 终归我还不算相识你 你是谁 有点像 电影里的影像 只是你碰错了对象 假如可以 能不能让我轻轻地吻你 让我温和你那冰冷的双手 让我让你不再一个人 让我可以陪你渡过每个夜 假如可以 能不能让我牵牵你的手 让我为挡住吹向你的风雨 让我把快乐装饰给你 让我在孤寂的时候抱着你 第四篇:你是谁 你是谁 你是谁,静默踏进我的圈层。没有招手,略去彩排的痕迹,就这样,无声无息。 缘来了,情却尽了,邂逅了,心却冷了,你无声,我缄默。你转身,我亦不停留。 风儿说应挽留,我却会意摇头。雨儿说应流泪,我却笑而不愁。 不懂多少分钟的停留,不知多少次的重逢。只瞥见背影邂逅,转角路口,照旧生疏。到最终,是快乐还是忧愁? 你是谁? 我不懂,你的心,我猜不透,只晓得,你照旧那么生疏。 你是谁,我不想懂。 我坦然,我心幽。 最终,只留下,你是谁? 第五篇:你是谁演讲稿范文 0:12 What an intriguing group of individuals you are.to a psychologist.0:17(Laughter)0:19 I've had the opportunity over the last couple of daysof listening in on some of your conversationsand watching you interact with each other.And I think it's fair to say, already,that there are 47 people in this audience,at this moment,displaying psychological symptoms I would like to discuss today.0:42(Laughter)0:43 And I thought you might like to know who you are.0:46(Laughter)0:48 But instead of pointing at you,which would be gratuitous and intrusive,I thought I would tell you a few facts and stories,in which you may catch a glimpse of yourself.1:01 I'm in the field of research known as personality psychology,which is part of a larger personality sciencewhich spans the full spectrum, from neurons to narratives.And what we try to do,in our own way,is to make sense of how each of us each of you is, in certain respects,like all other people,like some other peopleand like no other person.1:33 Now, already you may be saying of yourself,“I'm not intriguing.I am the 46th most boring person in the Western Hemisphere.Or you may say of yourself,“I am intriguing,even if I am regarded by most people as a great, thundering twit. 1:56(Laughter)1:57 But it is your self-diagnosed boringness and your inherent “twitinessthat makes me, as a psychologist, really fascinated by you.So let me explain why this is so.2:11 One of the most influential approaches in personality scienceis known as trait psychology,and it aligns you along five dimensions which are normally distributed,and that describe universally held aspects of difference between people.They spell out the acronym OCEAN.So, “O stands for “open to experience,versus those who are more closed.“C stands for “conscientiousness,in contrast to those with a more lackadaisical approach to life.“E “extroversion, in contrast to more introverted people.“A “agreeable individuals,in contrast to those decidedly not agreeable.And “N “neurotic individuals,in contrast to those who are more stable.3:03 All of these dimensions have implications for our well-being,for how our life goes.And so we know that, for example,openness and conscientiousness are very good predictors of life success,but the open people achieve that success through being audaciousand, occasionally, odd.The conscientious people achieve it through sticking to deadlines,to persevering, as well as having some passion.Extroversion and agreeableness are both conduciveto working well with people.Extroverts, for example, I find intriguing.With my classes, I sometimes give them a basic factthat might be revealing with respect to their personality:I tell them that it is virtually impossible for adultsto lick the outside of their own elbow.4:00(Laughter)4:01 Did you know that?Already, some of you have tried to lick the outside of your own elbow.But extroverts amongst youare probably those who have not only tried,but they have successfully licked the elbowof the person sitting next to them.4:17(Laughter)4:18 Those are the extroverts.4:20 Let me deal in a bit more detail with extroversion,because it's consequential and it's intriguing,and it helps us understand what I call our three natures.First, our biogenic nature our neurophysiology.Second, our sociogenic or second nature,which has to do with the cultural and social aspects of our lives.And third, what makes you individually you idiosyncratic what I call your “idiogenic nature.4:52 Let me explain.One of the things that characterizes extroverts is they need stimulation.And that stimulation can be achieved by finding things that are exciting:loud noises, parties and social events here at TED you see the extroverts forming a magnetic core.They all gather together.And I've seen you.The introverts are more likely to spend time in the quiet spacesup on the second floor,where they are able to reduce stimulation and may be misconstrued as being antisocial,but you're not necessarily antisocial.It may be that you simply realize that you do betterwhen you have a chance to lower that level of stimulation.5:41 Sometimes it's an internal stimulant, from your body.Caffeine, for example, works much better with extroverts than it does introverts.When extroverts come into the office at nine o'clock in the morningand say, “I really need a cup of coffee,they're not kidding they really do.Introverts do not do as well,particularly if the tasks they're engaged in and they've had some coffee if those tasks are speeded,and if they're quantitative,introverts may give the appearance of not being particularly quantitative.But it's a misconstrual.6:18 So here are the consequences that are really quite intriguing:we're not always what seem to be,and that takes me to my next point.I should say, before getting to this,something about sexual intercourse,although I may not have time.And so, if you would like me to yes, you would?OK.6:39(Laughter)6:40 There are studies doneon the frequency with which individuals engage in the conjugal act,as broken down by male, female;introvert, extrovert.So I ask you:How many times per minute oh, I'm sorry, that was a rat study 6:58(Laughter)7:01 How many times per monthdo introverted men engage in the act?3.0.Extroverted men?More or less?Yes, more.5.5 almost twice as much.Introverted women: 3.1.Extroverted women?Frankly, speaking as an introverted male,which I will explain later they are heroic.7.5.They not only handle all the male extroverts,they pick up a few introverts as well.7:39(Laughter)7:41(Applause)7:47 We communicate differently, extroverts and introverts.Extroverts, when they interact,want to have lots of social encounter punctuated by closeness.They'd like to stand close for comfortable communication.They like to have a lot of eye contact,or mutual gaze.We found in some researchthat they use more diminutive terms when they meet somebody.So when an extrovert meets a Charles,it rapidly becomes “Charlie, and then “Chuck,and then “Chuckles Baby. 8:20(Laughter)8:22 Whereas for introverts,it remains “Charles, until he's given a pass to be more intimateby the person he's talking to.We speak differently.Extroverts prefer black-and-white, concrete, simple language.Introverts prefer and I must again tell youthat I am as extreme an introvert as you could possibly imagine we speak differently.We prefer contextually complex,contingent,weasel-word sentences 9:01(Laughter)9:02 More or less.9:04(Laughter)9:05 As it were.9:07(Laughter)9:08 Not to put too fine a point upon it like that.9:12 When we talk,we sometimes talk past each other.I had a consulting contract I shared with a colleaguewho's as different from me as two people can possibly be.First, his name is Tom.Mine isn't.9:26(Laughter)9:28 Secondly, he's six foot five.I have a tendency not to be.9:31(Laughter)9:33 And thirdly, he's as extroverted a person as you could find.I am seriously introverted.I overload so much,I can't even have a cup of coffee after three in the afternoonand expect to sleep in the evening.9:49 We had seconded to this project a fellow called Michael.And Michael almost brought the project to a crashing halt.So the person who seconded him asked Tom and me,“What do you make of Michael?Well, I'll tell you what Tom said in a minute.He spoke in classic “extrovert-ese.And here is how extroverted ears heard what I said,which is actually pretty accurate.I said, “Well Michael does have a tendency at timesof behaving in a way that some of us might seeas perhaps more assertive than is normally called for. 10:29(Laughter)10:32 Tom rolled his eyes and he said,“Brian, that's what I said:he's an asshole! 10:39(Laughter)10:41(Applause)10:44 Now, as an introvert,I might gently allude to certain “assholic qualitiesin this man's behavior,but I'm not going to lunge for the a-word.10:55(Laughter)10:58 But the extrovert says,“If he walks like one, if he talks like one, I call him one.And we go past each other.11:04 Now is this something that we should be heedful of?Of course.It's important that we know this.Is that all we are?Are we just a bunch of traits?No, we're not.Remember, you're like some other peopleand like no other person.How about that idiosyncratic you?As Elizabeth or as George,you may share your extroversion or your neuroticism.But are there some distinctively Elizabethan features of your behavior,or Georgian of yours,that make us understand you better than just a bunch of traits?That make us love you?Not just because you're a certain type of person.11:54 I'm uncomfortable putting people in pigeonholes.I don't even think pigeons belong in pigeonholes.So what is it that makes us different?It's the doings that we have in our life the personal projects.You have a personal project right now,but nobody may know it here.It relates to your kid you've been back three times to the hospital,and they still don't know what's wrong.Or it could be your mom.And you'd been acting out of character.These are free traits.You're very agreeable, but you act disagreeablyin order to break down those barriers of administrative torporin the hospital,to get something for your mom or your child.12:44 What are these free traits?They're where we enact a scriptin order to advance a core project in our lives.And they are what matters.Don't ask people what type you are;ask them, “What are your core projects in your life?And we enact those free traits.I'm an introvert,but I have a core project, which is to profess.I'm a professor.And I adore my students,and I adore my field.And I can't wait to tell them about what's new, what's exciting,what I can't wait to tell them about.And so I act in an extroverted way,because at eight in the morning,the students need a little bit of humor,a little bit of engagement to keep them goingin arduous days of study.13:35 But we need to be very carefulwhen we act protractedly out of character.Sometimes we may find that we don't take care of ourselves.I find, for example, after a period of pseudo-extroverted behavior,I need to repair somewhere on my own.As Susan Cain said in her “Quiet book,in a chapter that featured the strange Canadian professorwho was teaching at the time at Harvard,I sometimes go to the men's roomto escape the slings and arrows of outrageous extroverts.14:12(Laughter)14:13 I remember one particular day when I was retired to a cubicle,trying to avoid overstimulation.And a real extrovert came in beside me not right in my cubicle,but in the next