被动语态句的翻译*1.Review English Passive Voice Structure*2.Differences Between English&Chinese Passive Voice Sentences*3.Methods Applied in Translating the Passive Voice Sentences Both From E-C and Vice Versa 1.subject(recipient)+be+V ed+by(agent of an action)other varieties such as:2.subject(recipient)+get+V-ed+by(agent of an action)3.subject(recipient)+become+V-ed+by(agent of an action)They become moved by his words and deeds.They were moved by what he said.He got injured in a car accident.We become affected by his thoughts.It is stipulated that 按照规定It is felt that 人们觉得/感到It has been proved that 业已证明It is believed that 人们认为It is understood that 大家明白It must be admitted that 必须承认it is found that 人们发现It cannot be denied that 无可否认Vegetable oil has been known from antiquity.植物油自古以来就为人们所熟悉。She was blamed for everything her sister did.她为妹妹所作的事而受谴责。The lights have been turned on by him.灯给他打开了。The crops were washed away by the flood.庄稼让洪水给冲跑了。Comparison between English&Chinese Passive Voice SentencesComparison between English&Chinese Passive Voice SentencesThe finished products must be carefully inspected before delivery.成品出厂前必须予以仔细检查。He was elected chairman of the Students Union.他被选为学生会主席。Boats are move by oars or by wind.帆船靠桨或风推动。汉语被动语态句使用的三种情形:1.人一般都是动作的发出者,即施事,如果要特别强调作为主语的表示人的名词是动作的受事,把它与作为施事的主语区别开来就要用被动语态句。有一些基于人们的常识,作为受事的主语与谓语动词之间的搭配关系不会造成句义的歧义,即不会有另一种含义的理解,此时,即便是被动的含义也以主动句的形式出现。例:他抓了一个小偷。他被小偷刺伤了。(“他”在这两个句子中都是主语,但却分别是施事、受事。)例:那个小偷抓起来了。那个罪犯枪毙了。(作主语的“小偷”和“罪犯”是受事,句子是被动含义却以主动形式表达。)汉语被动语态句使用的三种情形2.动物一般是动作的对象,即受事。因此表示动物的名词作主语时,即便是被动含义也用主动句来表达,在这样的汉语被动句中不会出现“被”这一虚词。这是与英语被动句所不同的地方。例:鸡杀了吗?鸡杀了。猪喂了吗?猪喂了。以上句中的鸡和猪都是动作的对象,即受事,句子要表达的是被动含义却以主动形式表达。汉语被动语态句使用的三种情形3.表示事件或无生物的名词往往是动作的作用对象,一般来说,他们和动词连用即便是表示被动含义,往往用主动句来表达,即不出现“被”这一虚词。这是与英语被动句所不同的地方。例:货发了。单车修好了。票买好了。药吃了。水喝了。信用证开了。早稻收割了。树栽了。邀请函发出去了。合同签了。以上的2、3种情形是与英语被动句使用最明显的差异,我们在翻译英语的被动句时,首先要看它是以上那种情形,采取汉语的习惯表达方式表达译语。In Chinese,when the collocation of words in the sentence decides there is only one understanding of the meaning,the recipient of the subject and the predicate verb will not cause ambiguity of the meaning of the whole sentence,the word“被”will not appear in the sentence.For Example:Chinese Passive Voice Sentences书已经卖完了。(书很畅销。)鸡杀了。(类似的句子有:猪喂了。田种了。票买了。房退了。菜洗了。订的货已经发送了。订单下了没?)小偷抓住了。病人正在抢救。But if the meaning is ambiguous there should be the preposition“被”in the sentence to indicate the subject is the recipient of the predicate verb:“他被抓走了。”Chinese Passive Voice Sentences Mostly people are the agents(施事)of an action but,when someone is the recipient(受事)of an action,the word“被”appears in the sentence to distinguish it from the agent.There are some situations when people are the recipients of an action,“被”does not appear,because it is unnecessary to use it,people know based on their common sense that the subject is the recipient of the predicate verb as the examples:小偷抓住了;病人正在抢救。Chinese Passive Voice SentencesAnimals can be either the recipient or the agent(施事)of an action.When they are the recipients(受事)of actions,it is unnecessary to use the word“被”for they are often considered as the recipients of actions in reality.As the examples:鸡杀了;猪喂了。But if animals are the recipient,“被”appears in order to make it clear between the recipient and the predicate verb:猫被咬伤了。Chinese Passive Voice SentencesNouns referring to lifeless things or events are often the recipient of actions,generally there is no need to use“被”to indicate the passive meaning we use instead the active sentence:订的货已经发送了;订单下了没?树栽了;那本书出版了;邀请函发出去了;会议通知寄走了;信用证开了;提单收到了。Methods Applied in Translation1.Public relations(PR)is a term that is widely misunderstood and misused to describe anything from selling to hosting,when in fact it is a very specific communication process.2.Four major stages in the product life cycle have been identified:introduction,growth,maturity and decline.33.Sharks are harvested for meat and cartilage,liver oil and,especially,for their fins.Methods Applied in Translation3.The financial information provided by an accounting system is needed by managerial decision makers to help them plan and control the activities of the economic entity.4It is widely accepted that an offer loses its validity at the time of the rejection by the offeree.大家/人们普遍接受发盘在受盘人提出拒绝时失效。/发盘在受盘人提出拒绝而失效是被广泛接受的。Methods Applied in Translation5.Political contest remind us that the candidates are marketed as well as soap;students recruitment by colleges reminds us that higher education is marketed;and fund raising remind us that“causes”are marketed.6.As most countries are vigorously promoting exports and also because of the tremendous growth of multinational corporations,the international market,in most instances,is characterized by intense competition on an extensive scale.Methods Applied in Translation7.Developed to meet the needs of very high output networks,this new socket is characterized first of all by its exceptional performance.8.Marketing is seen as the task of finding and stimulating buyers for the firms output.Methods Applied in Translation9.It is only more recently that it has become increasingly understood that the production of goods is a waste of resources unless those goods can be sold at a fair price within a reasonable time span.10.It is generally agreed that organizations with effective managers will likely be successful,whereas organizations with poor managers will likely fail.(以It做形式主语的被动句一般要译成汉语的习惯用语如“人们”、“有人”、“大家”、或“据悉”“应该说”、“必须指出”、“已经证明”)